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Welcome to the Department of Earth Sciences at IIT Kanpur. We are one of the youngest department in the country, established in 2014, with a vision to carry out interdisciplinary Earth Science teaching and research of contemporary relevance....
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-Prof. Debajyoti Paul
Head, Department of Earth Sciences
Indra Sekhar Sen, Associate Professor
PhD, Florida International University, USA, 2010
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+91 512 679 6440 | Homepage
FB 329, Faculty Building
- Application of isotope geochemistry in various geological environments to understand the earth system processes
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Impact of climate change on high altitude glacier
** Post-doc, *PhD student supervision, ‡ MTech student supervision
- Shukla, T.,**, Sundriyal, S., Sen, I.S., Contemporary inorganic carbon fluxes from rapidly changing glacierized watersheds of the Himalaya, under revision, Journal of Hydrology, 2020
- Nizam, S.,*, Sen, I.S., Vinoj, V., Galy, V., Selby, D., Azam, M.F., Pandey, S.K., Creaser, R.A., Agarwal, A.K., Singh, A.P., Bizimis, M. Biomass derived local organic carbon key to western Himalayan glacier melt, under revision, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020
- Shukla, T.,**, Boral, S.,*Sundriyal, S., Singh, R., and Sen, I.S., Testing the conservative behavior and temperature compensation of electrical conductivity for hydrograph separation studies in a glacial catchment, under review, Journal of Glaciology, 2020
- Boral, S.,* Sen, I.S., Tracing ‘Third Pole’ ice meltwater contribution to the Himalayan rivers using isotopes, under revision, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2020
- Boral, S.,* Sen, I.S., Ghoshal, D., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Hemingway, J. Stable water isotope modeling reveals spatio-temporal variability of glacier meltwater contributions to Ganges River headwaters. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 577, 123983
- Gupta, S., S. H. Karumanchi, S. K. Dash, S. Adla, S. Tripathi, R. Sinha, D. Paul, and I. S. Sen (2019), Monitoring ecosystem health in India's food basket, Eos, 100, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019EO117683. Published on 20 March 2019.
- Wu, Fei., Owens, Jeremy D., Huang, Tianyi ., Sarafian, Adam., Huang, Kuo-Fang., Sen, I. S, Horner, Tristan J., Blusztajn, Jurek, Morton, Peter, and Nielsen, Sune G., Vanadium Isotope Composition of Seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2019, 244, 403-415
- (13)
- Hemingway, J. D,. Spencer, R. G. M., Podgorski, D. C., Zito, P., Sen, I. S., Galy,V. Glacier meltwater and monsoon precipitation drive Upper Ganges Basin dissolved organic matter composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019, 244, 216-228
- Nizam, S. ‡ and Sen, I. S., Effect of Southwest Monsoon Withdrawal on Airborne Particles Over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: Aerosol Loading and Heavy Metal Concentrations. Atmospheric Environment, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2018, 2 (4), 347-355
- Sen, I.S., Boral, S., * Ranjan, S., ‡ Tandon, S.K., Small But Important –The Role of Small Floodplain Tributaries to River Nutrient Budget, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2018, 2, 64-71
- Mitra, A.* and Sen, I. S., 2017. Earth’s Anthrobiogeochemical Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium Cycles: An Emerging Environmental Contamination. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017, 417-432
- Sen, G, Hames, W.E., Paul, D.K., Biswas, S.K., Ray, A., Sen, I.S. Pre-Deccan and Deccan Magmatism in Kutch, India: Implications of New 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Intrusions. Journal of Geological Society of India, 2016, 6
- Sen, I. S., Mitra, A.,* Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Rothenberg, S., Tripathi, S.N.,. Bizimis, M., 2016. Emerging airborne contaminants in India: Platinum Group Elements from catalytic converters in motor vehicles. Applied Geochemistry, 2016, 75, 100-106
- Sen, I. S., Bizimis, M.Tripathi, S.N., Paul, D., 2016. Lead isotope fingerprinting of aerosols to characterize the sources of atmospheric lead in an industrial city of India. Atmospheric Environment 129, 27-33
- Sen, I. S. & Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. Rapid determination of osmium concentrations and 187Os/188Os of crude oils and source rocks by coupling high pressure, high temperature digestion with sparging OsO4 into a multi-collector ICPMS. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 2982-2988
- Sen, I. S. Platinum Group Element Pollution is a Growing Concern in Countries with Developing Economy. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 13903-13904
- Sen, I. S., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. & Geboy, N. Complex Anthropogenic Sources of Platinum Group Elements in Aerosols on Cape Cod, USA. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 10188-10196
- Sen, I. S. & Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. Anthropogenic Disturbance of Element Cycles at the Earth’s Surface. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 47, 10188-10196 [Cover Photo]
- Sen, I. S., Bizimis, M., Sen, G. & Huang, S. A radiogenic Os component in the oceanic lithosphere? Constraints from Hawaiian pyroxenite xenoliths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2011, 75, 4899-4916
- Sen, I. S., Bizimis, M. & Sen, G. Geochemistry of sulfides in Hawaiian garnet pyroxenite xenoliths: Implications for highly siderophile elements in the oceanic mantle. Chemical Geology 2010, 273, 180-192
Projects (Ongoing):
- 2018-2021: Dust or soot? Tracing the primary drivers of increased glacial melt of the Himalayan glaciers, PI, DST, Govt. of India
- 2018-2021: Improved description of the water-cycle in the Upper-Ganga Catchment using isotopic, geochemical data and model simulations, PI, MoES, Govt. of India
- 2018-2022: Design and Development of Aquatic Autonomous Observatory (Niracara Svayamsasita VedhShala - NSVS) for In situ Monitoring, Real Time Data Transmission and Web based Visualization, co-PI, Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)
- 2016-2019: An organometallic fingerprinting proxy to locate shale oil pool. Co-PI, ONGC
- 2016-2019: Integration of air mass trajectory models and 187Os/188Os isotope data to trace the long-range transport of atmospheric dust in India. Co-PI, SERB, Government of India.
Projects (Completed):
- 2015-2018: Establishing a Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in the Ganga Basin. Focus on water balance, water quality, and hydro-meteorological information system. co-PI , MoES, Government of India.
- 2014-2017: Effects of climate change on cryosphere-river linkages: Insights from seasonal and inter-annual variation of glacial melt discharge in the headwaters of the Ganges River, PI , National Academy of Sciences USA,
- 2014-16: Isotope technique to evaluate the seasonal and inter-annual variation of glacial melt and snowmelt discharge at Gomukh and Mana, PI, MoES Scoping Project
- 2014-16: Development of a low particulate metal free clean laboratory to support isotope analysis of water samples, PI, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Ishwar Kumar C, Assistant Professor
PhD, Indian Institute of Science, 2015
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+91 512 259 6952 | Homepage
Room No. 207, ESB-3 Building
- Petrology, Tectonics and Crustal evolution
- Paleogeography and Continental reconstruction
- Remote sensing and GIS applications
- Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (ES315A)
- Economic Geology (ES450A)
- Field Geology-I (ES312A)
- Geological Remote sensing and GIS (ES415A)
- Advanced Metamorphic Petrology (ES662A)
- Instrumentation in Earth Sciences (ES648A)
My research interests include:
- Tectonics and crustal evolution of various shear /suture zones and crustal blocks.
- Archean tectonics and TTG genesis, petrogenesis and metamorphic history of various crustal domains.
- Interaction between Earth crustal and surface processes.
- Paleogeography of Eastern Gondwana, focusing on Madagascar-India-Sri Lanka-Antarctica correlation.
My current study areas include:
- Southern granulite terrain, India
- Dharwar craton, southern India.
- Himalaya, northern India
- Madagascar and Sri Lanka
My research includes multidisciplinary approach:
- Image based studies (mapping, remote sensing and GIS),
- Field studies (structural, lithological information and field relations, sample collection)
- Laboratory studies (petrological, mineral chemical, geochemical, geochronological and isotopic studies).
- Integration of other studies with my results (e.g. geophysical and sedimentological results).
Evolution of the Palghat-Cauvery Shear Zone in southern India: Implications on the Tectonics and Paleogeography of eastern Gondwana
(Initiation Grant, IIT Kanpur, 2018-2020)
Palghat-Cauvery Shear Zone in southern India is considered as a major terrane boundary. However several controversies exists regarding the position, origin, evolution, age and extension of this shear zone. The project aims to address these topics by using a multidisciplinary approach involving integration of remote sensing, field, petrological and geochronological methods.
International Journals (Peer reviewed, ISI journals)
- Basu, P., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Choudhary, S., Chakrabarti, R., Satish-Kumar, M., Sajeev, K., 2022. Major, trace element, and Nd isotopic compositions of banded iron formation and shales from the Sirsi Shelf, Dharwar Craton, India: Implications for paleo-seawater chemistry, post-depositional alteration, and provenance. Precambrian Research, 382, 106882. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2022.106882.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Sajeev, K., Satish-Kumar, M., Williams, I.S., Wilde, S.A., Hokada, T., Windley, B. F., 2022. Paleo- to Mesoarchean crustal growth in the Karwar block, southern India: Constraints on TTG genesis and Archean tectonics. American Journal of Science, 322 (2), 108-163. DOI: 10.2475/02.2022.02.
- Harlov, D.E., Dunkley, D.J., Hansen, E.C., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Samuel, V., Hokada, T., 2022. Zircon as a Recorder of Trace Element Changes during High-Grade Metamorphism of Neoarchean Lower Crust, Shevaroy Block, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India. Journal of Petrology, V. 63 (5), egac036. DOI: 10.1093/petrology/egac036.
- Thanooja, P.V., Santosh, M., Li, Shan-Shan, Nandakumar, V., Ishwar-Kumar, C., 2021. Neoarchaean crustal evolution along the eastern flank of Nallamalai Shear Zone, southern India. International Geology Review, 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/00206814.2021.2012717.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Rajesh, V.J., Windley, B.F., Razakamanana, T., Itaya, T., Babu, E.V.S.S.K., Sajeev, K., 2018. Chromite chemistry as an indicator of tectonic setting: The Ranomena ultramafic complex, NE Madagascar. Geological Magazine, 155 (1), 109-118. DOI: 10.1017/S0016756816000972.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Rajesh, V.J., Windley, B.F., Razakamanana, T., Itaya, T., Babu, E.V.S.S.K., Sajeev, K., 2016. Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the Bondla mafic-ultramafic complex, western India: Inferences from chromian spinel chemistry. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, V. 130, 192-205. DOI: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2016.07.004.
- Ratheesh-Kumar, R.T., Santosh, M., Yang, Q., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Chen, N., Sajeev, K., 2016. Crustal evolution and Meso-to Neoarchean tectonics of the Biligiri Rangan Block, southern India. Precambrian Research, V. 275, 406-428. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2016.01.022.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Santosh, M., Wilde, S.A., Tsunogae, T., Itaya, T., Windley, B.F., Sajeev, K., 2016. Mesoproterozoic suturing of Archean crustal blocks in western peninsular India: Implications for India-Madagascar correlations. Lithos, V. 263, 143-160. DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2016.01.016.
- Shazia, J.R., Harlov, D.E., Suzuki, K., Kim, S.W., Girish-Kumar, M., Hayasaka, Y., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Windley, B.F., Sajeev, K., 2015.Linking monazite geochronology with fluid infiltration and metamorphic histories: nature and experiment. Lithos, 236-237, 1-15. DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2015.08.008.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Sajeev, K., Windley, B.F., Kusky, T.M., Feng, P., Ratheesh-Kumar, R.T., Huang, Y., Zhang, Y., Jiang, X., Razakamanana, T., Yagi, K., Itaya, T., 2015. Evolution of high-pressure mafic granulites and pelitic gneisses from NE Madagascar: Tectonic implications. Tectonophysics, 662, 219-242. DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.07.019.
- Ratheesh-Kumar R.T., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Windley, B.F., Razakamanana, T., Nair, R., Sajeev, K., 2015. India-Madagascar paleo-fit based on the flextural isostasy of their rifted margins. Gondwana Research, V. 28, 581-600. DOI: 10.1016/j.gr.2014.06.008.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Windley, B.F., Horie, K., Kato, T., Hokada, T., Itaya, T., Yagi, K., Gouzu, C., Sajeev, K., 2013. A Rodinian suture in western India: New insights on India-Madagascar correlations. Precambrian Research, 236, 227-251. DOI: 10.1016/j.precamres.2013.07.023.
(Third most downloaded article in Precambrian Research, Elsevier, July-September, 2013).
International conference abstracts
- Harlov, D.E., Dunkley, D.J., Hansen, E.C., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Samuel, V., Hokada, T., 2021. Zircon as a recorder of chemical change during metamorphism of Neoarchean lower crust, Shevaroy Block, Eastern Dharwar Craton, southern India. Goldschmidt 2021, Virtual, 4-9
- Basu, P., Ishwar Kumar, C., Sajeev, K, Chakrabarti, R., 2021. Negative Ce Anomaly in the Banded Iron Formation and Associated Clastic Rocks of the Sirsi Shelf Region, Southern India: Inferences on the Fluid-Rock Alteration Event during the Pan-African Orogeny. AGU Fall Meeting.
- Vishal A.V.S.*, Handique, T.**, Ishwar-Kumar C., Chromite chemistry as a petrogenetic indicator: The good and bad. Goldschmidt conference abstract. (*MTech and **PhD students).
- K., Ishwar-Kumar, C., 2015. Evolution of Mesoproterozoic Kumta and Mercara Suture Zones in Western India: Constraints on India-Madagascar Correlations. XII International Conference on Antarctic Earth Sciences, 13th-17th July, 2015, Goa, India. A:115-116.
- Harlov, D.E., Dunkley, D.J., Hansen, E., Ishwar-Kumar, C., 2015. Zircon trace element chemistry as a function of metamorphic grade along a traverse of lower Archean crust, Shevaroy Block, southern India. Golschmidt conference, 16th -25th August, 2015. Abstract ID- 4474.
- Sajeev, K., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Ratheesh-Kumar, R.T., Satish-Kumar, M., October 2014. Geological correlations between India and Madagascar in a Gondwanan Earth History of Asia- II 31st October - 3rd November, Niigata, Japan.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Sajeev, K., Windley, B.F., Satish-Kumar, M., Hokada, T., Horie, K., Itaya, T., April 2014. Evolution of Karwar and Coorg blocks, southern India. Japan Geoscience Union Meeting, Yokohama, Tokyo, Japan.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Sajeev, K., Windley, B.F., January 2014. Kumta suture in western India and constraints on the paleogeography of Gondwana. Sedimentary Processes and Metallogeny through Time-2014, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Ratheesh-Kumar, R.T., Windley, B.F., Horie, K., Kato, T., Hokada, T., Itaya, T., Yagi, K., Gouzu, C., Razakamanana, T., Sajeev, K., November 2013. A precise India-Madagascar palaeo-fit. National Institute for Polar Research Symposium, Tokyo, Japan.
- Sajeev, K., Ishwar-Kumar, C., Windley, B.F., January 2013. High-pressure granulites from the Betsimisaraka suture zone: implications on India-Madagascar correlation. Granulites and Granulites-2013, A52. Hyderabad, India.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., George, P.M., Adachi, T., Nakano, N., Osanai, Y., Itaya, T., Sajeev, K., January 2013. Evolution of mafic and calc granulites from Coorg, southern India. Granulites and Granulites-2013, A34. Hyderabad, India.
- Ishwar-Kumar, C., Bharadwaj, A., Arun-Kumar, S.L., November 2008. Crime Cartography for Seventeen Police Stations of Bangalore City using Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS Techniques. Collaborative Mapping and Space Technology-2008, INCA, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India.
Tajdarul Hassan Syed, Professor
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, USA, 2007
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+91 512 259 2193 (O) | Homepage
Room No. 217, ESB-3 Building
Hydrology and Remote Sensing
Ph.D., Earth System Science University of California, Irvine, USA |
2007 |
M.S., Earth System Science University of California, Irvine, USA |
2004 |
M.S., Geological Sciences University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA |
2002 |
M.Sc., Geology University of Calcutta, India |
2000 |
B.Sc., Geology University of Calcutta, India |
1998 |
My research primarily focuses on improving the fundamental understanding of terrestrial hydrologic cycle using remote sensing techniques. Research activities in my group include analysis of hydrologic states and fluxes over a range of space and time scales, drought monitoring and investigations on the quality and stores of groundwater. Current research activities also involve remote sensing of glaciers and coal mine fire.
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Department of Earth Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. |
2020 - Present |
ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Department of Applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad. |
2011 – 2020 |
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Department of Applied Geology, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad. |
2008 – 2011 |
- National Geoscience Award (2018), administered by the Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India
- Professor Nirmal Nath Chatterjee Medal (2008), administered by The Asiatic Society of India.
- NASA Earth and Space Science (NESSF) Fellowship (2005), administered by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S.A..
- Prof. N. N. Chatterjee Memorial Award (2001), administered by the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Society of India.
- Chandanpurkar, H. A., J. T. Reager, J. S. Famiglietti, R. S. Nerem, D. P. Chambers, M-H. Lo, B. D. Hamlington and T. H. Syed (2021): The seasonality of global land and ocean mass and the changing water cycle, Geophysical Research Letters (SCI Impact Factor: 4.50), Accepted, doi:10.1029/2020GL091248
- Soni, A. and T. H. Syed* (2021): Analysis of variations and controls of evapotranspiration over major Indian river basins (1982-2014), Science of the Total Environment (SCI Impact Factor: 6.551), 754, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141892.
- Remya, S.N., A. V. Kulkarni, T. H. Syed and H. Nainwal (2020): Glacier mass loss in the Alaknanda Basin, Garhwal Himalaya on a decadal scale, Geocarto International (SCI Impact Factor: 3.789), doi:10.1080/10106049.2020.1844309.
- Ray, R. K., T. H. Syed*, D. Saha and B. C. Sarkar (2020): Modeling the impact of rainfall variations and management interventions on the groundwater regime of a hard-rock terrain in central India, Hydrogeology Journal (SCI Impact Factor: 2.641), 28:1209-1227, doi:10.1007/s10040-020-02132-y. [2]
- Sinha, D., T. H. Syed* and J. T. Reager (2019): Utilizing combined deviations of precipitation and GRACE-based terrestrial water storage as a metric for drought characterization: A case study over major Indian river basins, Journal of Hydrology (SCI Impact Factor: 4.50), 572, 294-307, doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.02.053. [12]
- Syed, T. H. *, M. J. Riyas and C. Kuenzer (2018): Remote sensing of coal fires in India: A review, Earth-Science Reviews (SCI Impact Factor: 9.724), 187, 338-355, doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.10.009. [10]
- Singh, R., A. S. Venkatesh, T. H. Syed, L. Surinaidu, S. Pasupuleti, S. P. Rai and M. Kumar (2018): Stable isotope systematics and geochemical signatures constraining groundwater hydraulics in the mining environment of the Korba Coalfield, Central India, Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI Impact Factor: 2.180), 77:548, doi:10.1007/s12665-018-7725-7 [8]
- Bhushan, S., T. H. Syed*, A. Arendt, A. V. Kulkarni, and D. Sinha (2018): Assessing controls on mass budget and surface velocity variations of glaciers in Western Himalaya, Nature Scientific Reports (SCI Impact Factor: 3.998), 8(1), 8885, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-27014-y [6]
- Bhushan, S., H. Syed*, A. V. Kulkarni, P. Gantayat and V. Agarwal (2017): Quantifying changes in the Gangotri Glacier of Central Himalaya: Evidence for increasing mass loss and decreasing velocity, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (SCI Impact Factor: 3.827), 10(12), 5296-5307, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2771215 [10]
- Singh, R., A. S. Venkatesh, H. Syed, A. G. S. Reddy, M. Kumar, R. M. Kurakalva (2017): Assessment of potentially toxic trace elements contamination in groundwater resources of the coal mining area of the Korba Coalfield, Central India, Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI Impact Factor: 2.180), 76(16):566, doi:10.1007/s12665-017-6899-8 [22]
- Chandanpurkar, H. A., J. T. Reager, James S. Famiglietti and H. Syed (2017): Satellite- and reanalysis-based mass balance estimates of global continental discharge (1993-2015), Journal of Climate (SCI Impact Factor: 5.707), 30(21), 8481-8495, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-16-0708.1 [5]
- Singh, R, H. Syed*, S. Kumar, M. Kumar and A. S. Venkatesh (2017): Hydrogeochemical assessment of surface and groundwater resources of Korba coalfield, Central India: environmental implications, Arabian Journal of Geosciences (SCI Impact Factor: 1.327), 10:318, doi:10.1007/s12517-017-3098-6 [11]
- Ray, R. K., H. Syed*, D. Saha, B. C. Sarkar and A. K. Patre (2017): Assessment of village-wise groundwater draft for irrigation: a field-based study in hard-rock aquifers of central India, Hydrogeology Journal (SCI Impact Factor: 2.672), 25:2513-2525, doi:10.1007/s10040-017-1625-x [5]
- Ray, R. K., H. Syed*, D. Saha, B. C. Sarkar and D. V. Reddy (2017): Recharge mechanism and processes controlling groundwater chemistry in a Precambrian sedimentary terrain: A case study from Central India, Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI Impact Factor: 2.180), 76:136, doi:10.1007/s12665-017-6435-x [4]
- Sethy, S. N., H. Syed*, A. Kumar (2017): Evaluation of groundwater quality in parts of the Southern Gangetic plain using water quality indices, Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI Impact Factor: 2.180), 76:116, doi:10.1007/s12665-017-6434-y [12]
- Sinha, D., H. Syed*, J. S. Famiglietti, J. T. Reager and A. Thomas (2017): Characterizing hydrological droughts in India using GRACE-based observations of terrestrial water storage deficit, Journal of Hydrometeorology (SCI Impact Factor: 3.891), 18, 381-396, doi: 10.1175/JHM-D-16-0047.1 [35]
- Agarwal, V., T. Bolch, H. Syed*, T. Pieczonka, T. Strozzi and R. Nagaich (2017): Area and mass changes of Siachen Glacier (East Karakoram), Journal of Glaciology (SCI Impact Factor: 3.034), 63(237), 148-163, doi:10.1017/jog.2016.127 [23]
- Sethy, S. N., H. Syed*, A. Kumar and D. Sinha (2016): Hydrogeochemical characterization of groundwater in parts of Southern Gangetic plain, Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI Impact Factor: 2.180), 75:232, doi:10.1007/s12665-015-5049-4 [13]
- Soni, A. and H. Syed* (2015): Diagnosing land water storage variations in major Indian river basins using GRACE observations, Global and Planetary Change (SCI Impact Factor: 4.448), 113, 263-271, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.09.007 [24]
- Satapathy, I and H. Syed* (2015): Characterization of groundwater potential and artificial recharge sites in Bokaro District, Jharkhand (India), using remote sensing and GIS-Based techniques, Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI Impact Factor: 2.180), 74(5), 4215-4232, doi:10.1007/s12665-015-4474-8 [13]
- Syed, H. *, P. J. Webster and J. S. Famiglietti (2014): Assessing variability of evapotranspiration over the ganga river basin using water balance computations, Water Resources Research, (SCI Impact Factor: 4.31), 50(3), 2551-2565, doi:10.1002/2013WR013518 [25]
- Saraswat, P., H. Syed*, J. S. Famiglietti, E. J. Fielding, R. Cripen and N. Gupta (2013): Recent changes in the snout position and surface velocity of Gangotri glacier observed from space, International Journal of Remote Sensing (SCI Impact Factor: 2.976), 34(24), 8653-8668, doi:10.1080/01431161.2013.845923 [16]
- Gupta, N., H. Syed* and A. Athiphro (2013): Monitoring subsurface coal fires in Jharia coalfield using observations of land subsidence from differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR), Journal of Earth System Science (SCI Impact Factor: 1.423), 122(5), 1249-1258, doi:10.1007/s12040-013-0355-2 [10]
- Sophiya, M. S. and H. Syed* (2013): Assessment of vulnerability to seawater intrusion and potential remedial measures for coastal aquifers: A case study from eastern India, Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI Impact Factor: 1.871), 70(3), 1197-1209, doi:10.1007/s12665-012-2206-x [37]
- Famiglietti, J. S., M. Lo, J. Bethune, K. J. Anderson, H. Syed, S. C. Swenson, C. R. de Linage and M. Rodell (2011): Satellite measure recent rates of groundwater depletion in California’s Central Valley, Geophysical Research Letters (SCI Impact Factor: 4.50), 38, L03403, doi:10.1029/2010GL046442 [455]
- Syed, T. H., J. S. Famiglietti, D. P. Chambers, J. K. Willis and K. Hilburn (2010): Satellite-based global-ocean mass balance estimates of interannual variability and emerging trends in continental freshwater discharge, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. (SCI Impact Factor: 9.412), 107(42), 17916-17921, doi:10.1073/pnas.1003292107 [88]
- Lo, M-H, J. S. Famiglietti, P, J-F, Yeh and H. Syed (2010): Improving parameter estimation and water depth simulation in a land surface model using GRACE water storage and estimated baseflow data, Water Resources Research (SCI Impact Factor: 4.31), 46(5), W05517, doi:10.1029/2009WR007855 [85]
- Seo, K.-W, D. Waliser, B. Tian, J. S. Famiglietti and H. Syed (2009): Evaluation of global land-to-ocean freshwater discharge and evapotranspiration using space-based observations, Journal of Hydrology (SCI Impact Factor: 4.5), 373, 508-515, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.05.014 [14]
- Syed, H., J. S. Famiglietti, and D. P. Chambers (2009): GRACE-based estimates of terrestrial freshwater discharge from basin to continental scales, Journal of Hydrometeorology (SCI Impact Factor: 3.891), 10(1), 22-40, doi: 10.1175/2008JHM993.1 [111]
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Rabiul Haque Biswas, Assistant Professor
PhD, PRL Ahmedabad, India, 2012
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Room No. 201, ESB-3 Building
- Trapped charge (TL, OSL, ESR) dating
- Geo- and thermo- chronology
- Quantification of exhumation, exposure and erosion of rock
- Surface Paleothermometry
- Inverse Modelling
My research is focused on quantitative understanding of various geological processes in the Quaternary period, using different experimental techniques, mainly luminescence, and numerical (inverse) modelling. Presently, I am interested in low temperature thermochronology to understand the exhumation/erosion of rock in orogenic belt, rock surface exposure and erosion to understand glacier dynamics and climatic implication, surface palaeothermometry to understand past climate, dating of sediments and cobbles to understand the dates and rates of palaeoflood deposits, extreme events, tectonically developed river terraces, and evolution of paleochannels.
2006-2012 Ph.D. (Physics), Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, India.
2004-2006 M.Sc. (Physics), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, Mumbai, India.
2001-2004 B.Sc. (Physics), Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India.
2024 (Mar to May): Visiting Researcher at University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2021-Present: Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India.
2017-2020: Premier Research Assistant at University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2015-2017: FNS Senior Researcher at University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
2013-2015: JSPS Post-doctoral Fellow at Okayama University of Science, Okayama, Japan.
2011-2013: Post-doctoral Fellow at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India.
- Outstanding teacher recognition for the course ES651A (Mathematics for Earth Sciences) by the Academic Senate and appreciation letter from the Chairman, Academic Senate, IIT Kanpur, 2022.
- Awarded Ramanujan Fellowship by DST-SERB in 2020 (Declined)
- Awarded JSPS Post-doctoral Fellowship, 2013-2015.
- Geodynamics (PG Elective course)
- Mathematics for Earth Sciences (PG compulsory)
- Crystallography and Mineralogy (UG compulsory), Partly
- Fundamentals of Geophysics (UG compulsory), Partly
- Thermodynamics (UG Institute level course), Tutor
- R.H. Biswas, A.N. Pathan, J.N. Malik. General order kinetics model for OSL rock surface exposure dating, 2023. Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43538-023-00172-y.
- N.F. Stalder, R.H. Biswas, F. Herman. Maximized erosion at the last glacial maximum revealed by thermoluminescence thermochronometry, 2022. Quaternary Geochronology, 73, 101405.
- G.E. King, F. Ahadi, S. Sueoka, F. Herman, L. Anderson, C. Gautheron, S. Tsukamoto, N. Stalder, R.H. Biswas, Matthew Fox, Guillaume Delpech, Stéphane Schwarz, Takahiro Tagami. Eustatic change modulates exhumation in the Japanese Alps, 2022. Geology, https://doi.org/10.1130/G50599.1
- R. Yang, F. Herman, T. Liu, R.H. Biswas, M.G. Fellin, Y. Tian, J. Gong, R. Jiao, C. Maden, H. Chen., 2021. Enhanced Quaternary exhumation in the Namche Barwa syntaxis, eastern Himalaya, Geology, 49, 958-962.
- R.H. Biswas, F. Herman, G.E. King, B. Lehmann, A.K. Singhvi, 2020. Surface paleothermometry using low temperature thermoluminescence of feldspar, Climate of the Past, 16, 2075-2093.
- G.E. King, S. Tsukamoto, F. Herman, R.H. Biswas, S. Sueoka, T. Tagami, 2020. ESR-thermochronometry of the Hida range of the Japanese Alps: Validation and future potential, Geochronology, 2, 1-15.
- B. Lehmann, F. Herman, P.G. Valla, G.E. King, R.H. Biswas, S. Ivy-Ochs, O. Steinemann, M. Christl, 2020. Postglacial erosion of bedrock surfaces and deglaciation timing: New insights from the Mont Blanc massif (western Alps), Geology, 48, 139-144.
- R. Ott, S.F. Gallen, K.W. Wegmann, R.H Biswas, F. Herman, S.D. Willett, 2019. Pleistocene terrace formation, Quaternary rock uplift rates and geodynamics of the Hellenic Subduction Zone revealed from dating of paleoshorelines on Crete, Greece, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 525, 115757.
- B. Lehmann, F. Herman, P.G. Valla, G.E. King, R.H. Biswas, 2019. Evaluating post-glacial bedrock erosion and surface exposure duration by coupling in-situ OSL and 10Be dating, Earth Surface Dynamics, 7, 633-662.
- P. Morthekai, R.H. Biswas, A.K. Singhvi, 2019. Charge transport in band-tail states of irradiated alkali feldspar I: Super-Arrhenius kinetics, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 561, 103-110.
- R. Normand, G. Simpson, F. Herman, R.H. Biswas, A. Bahroudi, 2019. Holocene Sedimentary Record and Coastal Evolution in the Makran Subduction Zone (Iran), Quaternary, 2, 1-21.
- R. Normand, G. Simpson, F. Herman, R.H. Biswas, A. Bahroudi, B. Schneider, 2019. Dating and morphostratigraphy of uplifted marine terraces in the Makran subduction zone (Iran), Earth surface Dynamics, 7, 321-344.
- R.H. Biswas, F. Herman, G.E. King, J. Braun, 2018. Thermoluminescence of feldspar as a multi- thermochronometer to constrain the temporal variation of rock exhumation in the recent past, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 495, 56-88.
- E.G. Yukihara, A.C. Coleman, R.H. Biswas, R. Lambert, F. Herman, G.E. King, 2018. Thermoluminescence Analysis for Particle Temperature Sensing and Thermochronometry: Principles and Fundamental Challenges, Radiation Measurements, 120, 274-280.
- D. Bhattacharjee, V. Jain, A. Chattopadhyay, R.H. Biswas, A.K. Singhvi, 2016. Deciphering polyphase neotectonic activity in a shield area through analysis of surface processes: a case study from Gavilgarh Fault Zone, central India, Tectonophysics, 677, 199-217.
- R.H. Biswas, S. Toyoda, M. Takada, Y. Shitaoka, 2015. Multiple luminescence and ESR dating approaches to date Japanese marker tephra, Quaternary Geochronology, 30, Part B, 350-356
- J.K. Mundupuzhakal, R.H. Biswas, S. Chauhan, V. Varma, Y.B. Acharya, B.S. Chakrabarty, 2014. Effect of thermal annealing on Nano-calcium Fluoride towards its thermoluminescence properties: implication to dosimetry, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 167, 419-424.
- R.H. Biswas, B.C. Bhatt, A.K. Singhvi, 2013. Effect of optical bleaching on the dosimetric TL peak in Al2O3:C for blue and UV emissions, Radiation Measurements, 59, 37-43.
- V. Varma, R.H. Biswas, A.K. Singhvi, 2013. Aspects of Infrared Radioluminescence dosimetry in K-feldspar, Geochronometria, 37, 266-273.
- R.H. Biswas, A.K. Singhvi, 2013. Anomalous fading and crystalline structure: studies on individual chondrules from the same parent body, Geochronometria, 40, 250-257.
- S. Nawaz Ali, R.H. Biswas, A.D. Shukla, N. Juyal, 2013. Chronology and climatic implications of Late Quaternary glaciations in the Goriganga valley, central Himalaya, India, Quaternary Science Review, 73, 59-76.
- R.H. Biswas, M.A.J. Williams, Rachna Raj, N. Juyal, A.K. Singhvi, 2013. Methodological studies on luminescence dating of volcanic ashes, Quaternary Geochronology, 17, 14-25.
- R.H. Biswas, P. Morthekai, R.K. Gartia, S. Chawla, A.K. Singhvi, 2011. Thermoluminescence of the meteorite interior: A possible tool for the estimation of cosmic ray exposure ages, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 304, 36-44.
- H.K. Kundu, M.G. Thakkar, R.H. Biswas, A.K. Singhvi, 2010. Optical dating of sediments in Khari river basin and slip rate along the Katrol Hill Fault (KHF), Kachchh, India, Geochronometria, 37, 21-28.
- A.K. Singhvi, N. Chauhan, R.H. Biswas, 2010. A survey of some new approaches in extending the maximum age limit and accuracy of luminescence application to archeological chronometry, Mediterranean Archaeology & Archaeometry, 10(4), 9-15.
- R.H. Biswas, M.K. Murari, A.K. Singhvi, 2009. Dose-dependent change in the optically stimulated luminescence decay of Al2O3:C, Radiation Measurements, 44, 543-547.
Biswas, R.H. [2014]. Development and Application of Luminescence to Earth and Planetary Sciences: Some Landmarks, in Luminescence: Basic Concepts, Applications and Instrumentation, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Trans Tech Publication,https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.357.217