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Welcome to the Department of Earth Sciences at IIT Kanpur. We are one of the youngest department in the country, established in 2014, with a vision to carry out interdisciplinary Earth Science teaching and research of contemporary relevance....
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-Prof. Debajyoti Paul
Head, Department of Earth Sciences
Santanu Misra, Professor
PhD, Jadavpur University, India, 2007
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+91 512 259 6812 | Homepage
Room 201, Old SAC Building
- Structural Geology & Tectonics
- Experimental Rock Deformation & Rock Physics
- Rheology, Microstructure & Texture Analysis
- Dynamics of subduction interface: from earthquakes to partial melting.
(Swarnajayanti Fellowship, DST, 2017-2021)
This project aims to provide a new insight of the complex and transient rheological phenomena, that facilitates the rheological-transition, and to recognize the critical geological factors that control the catastrophic rupture dynamics, fluid flow and resultant physical properties. The hypothesis to be tested is “the plate-interface slip-mechanisms are functions of several parameters, which are multiply-connected, naturally-tuned and operate in micro-scale.
- Enhanced CBM recovery and CO2 sequestration
(Pan IIT-ONGC Research Grant, 2017-2020)
This proposal is designed to explore and quantify the enhanced CH4 (Unconventional Energy Resource, UER) recovery from Indian coal-basins and gas-rich-shale and tight-sediment reservoirs by studying the stress induced micro-mechanisms to maximize the gas flow under complex Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical environment coupled with CO2 injection.
- Seismic-aseismic transitions of active faults in Himalaya
(Early Career Research Award, DST, 2017-2020)
The Himalaya, being one of the most dynamic regions on the Earth, display several geological features including variety of faults. Most the faults in Himalaya, exposed at various sections along the strike of the orogeny, are predicted to be active and have potential in generating earthquakes M > 4 or represent signature of past earthquakes. This project with consider three sets of faults exposed in Himalaya, from west to east, with an aim to develop a data set for frictional sliding and explore the strain response to the release of stress in the context of rate-and-state friction laws.
- Tectono- metamorphic evolution of Naga-Hill Ophiolite sequence
(Initiation Grant, IIT Kanpur, 2016-2018)
This research proposal aims to study the mechanical and thermal evolution of the Indo-Burma ophiolite bearing suture zone, a geological feature that preserves the history of the colliding Indian plate with Eurasia. The ophiolites exposed in this region are transported as nappe over the Paleogene flyschoid sediments and represent a significant shear displacement. The study area will cover mostly Nagaland, Manipur and Andaman Islands. The key questions in this proposal are mostly related to the sequence of thermo-mechanical conditions during and after the collision with a special focus on grain scale localization processes.
- Bal, A., and MISRA, S. [2024]. Laboratory Observation of Fluid Flow in Depleted Shale Gas Reservoir: Coupling Effect of Sorbing and Non-Sorbing Gas on Stress, Slippage, Flow Regime in Anisotropic and Fractured Shales. Accepted for publication in Energy & Fuels.
- Bal, A., MISRA, S. and Sen, D. [2024]. Nanopore Heterogeneity and Accessibility in Oil and Gas Bearing Cretaceous KG (Raghampuram) Shale, KG Basin, India: An Advanced Multi-Analytical Study. Natural Resources Research 33. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11053-024-10319-3.
- Todkar, T., *Saha, P. and MISRA, S. [2024]. Understanding the Mud Crack Patterns: How Layer Thickness, Grain Size, and Secondary Layers Affect Their Formation - A Laboratory Study. Accepted for publication in Journal of Earth System Sciences.
- Massiot, C., Adam, A., Boyd, E.S., Cary, C.S., Colman, D.R., Cox, A., Hughes, E., Kilgour, G., Lelli, M., Liotta, D., Lloyd, K.G., Marr, T., McNamara, D.D., Milicich, S.D., Miller, C.A., MISRA, S., Nichols, A.R.L., . . . . Pilar Villamor, Pujun Wang Wang, and Sadiq Zarrouk. [2024]. CALDERA: a scientific drilling concept to unravel Connections Among Life, geo-Dynamics and Eruptions in a Rifting Arc caldera, Okataina Volcanic Centre, Aotearoa New Zealand. Scientific Drilling 33. https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-33-67-2024.
- Mukherjee, M. and MISRA, S. [2024]. Insights into the micromechanics of dehydration-induced Gypsum to γ-Anhydrite phase transition from instrumented microindentation experiments. Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 129. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JB027098.
- Paul, K., Bhattacharya, P. and MISRA, S. [2024]. Frictional control on accelerating creep during the slow-to-fast transition of rainfall-induced catastrophic landslides. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface 129. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JF007213.
- Baruah, A., Roy, M.K., Mandal, N. and MISRA, S. [2023]. Reaction-diffusion modelling of petrological mixing mechanisms in the evolution of continental crusts. Frontiers in Earth Sciences - Solid Earth Geophysics, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1115103.
- Sikdar, A., Dutta, D., MISRA, S. [2023]. Superplastic deformation inside the knife-sharp shear bands in mid-crustal granites. Journal of Structural Geology 177. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2023.104980.
- Nanda, K., Mufti, S., Das, A. and MISRA, S. [2023]. A numerical investigation of fluid flow path evolution during cataclastic flow in reservoir rocks. Journal of Earth System Sciences 133. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-023-02224-9.
- Bal, A., MISRA, S., Mukherjee, M., Dutta, T.K., Sen, D., Patra, A and Raja, E. [2023]. Concurrent influence of geological parameters on the integrated nano-pore structure and discretized pore families of the petroliferous Cambay shale assessed through multivariate dependence measure. Frontiers in Earth Sciences - Solid Earth Geophysics 11; https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1157122.
- Mukherjee, R. and MISRA, S. [2023]. Nano-mechanics of minerals: understandings and developments through instrumented nanoindentation techniques. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 50; https://doi.org/10.1007/s00269-023-01235-8.
- Dutta, D., MISRA, S. and Karmakar, S., [2022]. Deformation mechanisms and characteristics of the meta-BIFs from an early Proterozoic shear system of the Southern Granulite Terrane (SGT), India. Journal of Structural Geology 156; 104534. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2022.104534.
- Mathur, G.K., *Maji, V, MISRA, S. and Tiwari, G. [2022]. Effect of displacement rates on the mechanical integrity of soft-porous rock analogue containing non-persistent joints/cracks of variable lengths. Journal of Earth System Sciences 131; https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-022-01862-9.
- Shekhar, S., Sharma, N.K. Sahu, S. and MISRA. S., [2022]. Electron Backscatter Diffraction Technique: Fundamentals and Applications. Directions (Springer) 6; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5101-4_4
- Dutta, D., Maji, V., *Abdullah, S. and MISRA, S., [2022]. Application of Electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) method in Earth Sciences. Directions (Springer) 6; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-5101-4_5
- Dutta, D., MISRA. S., Mainprice, D. [2021]. Syn-shearing deformation mechanisms of minerals in partially molten metapelites. Journal of Geophysical Research 48; https://doi.org/10.1029/2021GL094667
- Mukherjee, Bal, A. and MISRA. S., [2021]. The role of pore size distribution in coals to govern the Klinkenberg coefficient and intrinsic permeability. Energy and Fuels 35; https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c00480
- Mukherjee, M. MISRA. S. and Gupta, A., [2021]. Control of pore-size distribution on CO2 adsorption volume and kinetics in Gondwana coals: implications for shallow-depth CO2 sequestration potential. Accepted for publication in Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 89; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2021.103901
- Jacob, B.J., MISRA, S., Venkitanarayanan P. and Mandal, N. [2020]. Control of planar fabrics on the development of tensile damage zones under high-speed deformation: an experimental study with granite and gneiss. Journal of Structural Geology 140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104148.
- Abdullah, S., MISRA, S., Sarvesha, R. and Ghosh, B. [2020] Resurfacing of deeply buried oceanic crust in Naga Hills Ophiolite, North-East India: Petrofabric, Microstructure and Seismic properties. Journal of Structural Geology 139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104141.
- D Mauryal, MK Gohil, U Sonawane, D Kumar, A Awasthi, AK Prajapati, K Kishnani, J Srivastava, A Age, R Pol, MISRA, S., DR Sarin, PK Dube, V Dwivedi, A Thakur, R Srivastava, V Shukla, R Ranjan, R Tiwari, AS Patil, P Agrawal, A Sinha, M Dubey, R Mittal and AK Agarwal [2020]. Development of Autonomous Advanced Disinfection Tunnel to Tackle External Surface Disinfection of COVID-19 Virus in Public Places. Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering 5. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41403-020-00141-7.
- Mukherjee, M., MISRA. S. and Raja, E. [2020]. Determination of dynamic elastic properties of dry, wet and partially CO2 saturated coals from laboratory scale ultrasonic response. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 96; 10.1016/j.ijggc.2020.103000
- Maiti, G., Mandal, N. and MISRA. S. [2020]. Insights into the dynamics of an orogenic wedge from lubrication theory: Implications for the Himalayan tectonics. Tectonophysics. 776; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228335
- Nanda, K., Vaishakh, TK., Das, A. and MISRA. S. [2020]. Hydro-mechanical response in porous rocks during localized deformation: A finite element analysis. Journal of Structural Geology . 130;https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2019.103909
- Mukhopadhyay, M., Biswas, U., Mandal, N. and MISRA. S. [2019]. On the development of shear surface roughness. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 124; https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JB016677
- Hunter, N. J., Weinberg, R. F., Wilson, C. J. L., Luzin, V and MISRA, S. [2019]. Quartz deformation across interlayered monomineralic and polymineralic rocks: A comparative analysis. Journal of Structural Geology 119; 118-134.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2018.12.005
- Abdullah, S., MISRA, S. and Ghosh, B. [2018]. Melt-rock interaction and fractional crystallization in the Moho Transition Zone: Evidence from the Cretaceous Naga Hills Ophiolite, North-East India. LITHOS 322; 197-211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2018.10.012
- Mukherjee, M. and MISRA, S. [2018]. A review of experimental research on Enhanced Coal Bed Methane (ECBM) recovery via CO2 sequestration. Earth-Science Reviews 179; 392-410 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.02.018
- Hunter, N.J.R., Weinberg, R.F., Wilson, C.J.L. and MISRA, S. [2018]. The anatomy of a 'hot-on-cold' shear zone: insights from quartzites of the Main Central Thrust in the Alaknanda region (Garhwal Himalaya). Geological Society of America Bulletin. 130; 1519-1539. https://doi.org/10.1130/B31797.1
- Ghosh, B., MISRA, S. and Morishita, T. [2016]. Plastic deformation and post-deformation annealing in chromite: mechanisms and implications. American Mineralogists. 102; 216-226. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2017-5709
- MISRA, S. ,Mandal, N. and Dasgupta, S. [2015]. Role of pressure and temperature in inclusion-induced shear localization: an analogue experimental approach. Journal of Structural Geology 81; 78-88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2015.10.004
- Almqvist, B.S.G., Biedermann, A.R., Klonowska, I. and MISRA, S. [2015]. Petrofrabric development during experimental partial melting and recrystallization of a mica-schist analogue. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16; https://doi.org/10.1002/2015GC005962
- MISRA, S., Ellis, S. and Mandal, N. [2015]. Fault damage zones in mechanically layered rocks: the effects of planar anisotropy. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 120; https://doi.org/10.1002/2014JB011780
- Almqvist, B.S.G., MISRA, S. and Mainprice, D. [2015]. Ultrasonic velocity drops and anisotropy reduction in mica-schist analogues due to melting with implications for seismic imaging of continental crust; Earth and Planetary Science Letters 425; 24-33; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2015.05.039
- Kushnir, A., Kennedy, L., MISRA, S. , Benson, P., and White, J.C. [2015]. Carbonates in thrust faults: High temperature investigations into deformation processes in calcite-dolomite systems; Journal of Structural Geology 70; 200- 216. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2014.12.006
- Ghosh, S., Baruah, A., MISRA, S. and Mandal, N. [2015]. Effect of bedrock anisotropy on hill-slope failure in the Darjeeling-Sikkim Himalaya: an insight from physical and numerical models; Landslide 12; 927-941, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10346-014-0513-x
- MISRA, S. , Burg, J.-P., Mainprice, D. and Vigneresse, J.-L. [2014]. Rheological transition during large strain deformation of melting and crystallizing metapelites. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 119; https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JB010777
- MISRA, S. , Boutareaud, S. and Burg, J.-P. [2014]. Rheology of talc sheared at high pressure and temperature: a case study for hot subduction zones. Tectonophysics 610; 51-52. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2013.10.009
- Van Dissen, R.J., McSaveney, M.J., ….. and MISRA, S. [2013]. Landslides and liquefaction generated by the Cook Strait and Lake Grassmere earthquakes: a reconnaissance report. Bulletin of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering 46(4); 196-200. http://www.nzsee.org.nz/db/Bulletin/Archive/46(4)0196.pdf
- G. Hancox, G. Archibald, N. Perrin, J. Cousins and MISRA, S. (2013); Report on landslide reconnaissance and liquefaction ground damage survey following the ML 6.5 Cook Strait Earthquake of 21 July 2013. GNS Science Technical Report 2013/42. https://shop.gns.cri.nz/sr_2013-042-pdf/
- MISRA, S. and Burg, J.- P. [2012]. Mechanics of kink-bands during torsion deformation of muscovite aggregates. Tectonophysics 548-549; 22-33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2012.04.014
- MISRA, S. [2011]; Deformation localization at the tips of shear fractures: ananalytical approach; Tectonophysics 503; 182-187. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2010.09.030
- Tumarkina, E., MISRA, S. , Burlini, L. and Connolly, J.A.D. [2011]. An experimental study of the role of shear deformation on partial melting of a synthetic metapelite; Tectonophysics 503; 92-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2010.12.004
- MISRA, S. , Burg, J.-P. and Mainprice, D. [2011]. Effect of finite deformation and deformation rate on partial melting and crystallization in metapelites; Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth 116, B02205, https://doi.org/10.1029/2010JB007865
- MISRA, S. [2010]. Domino-type faults in the Chottanagpur Gneissic Complex, India (POM); Journal of Structural Geology 32, 877. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2008.10.016
- MISRA, S. , Burlini, L. and Burg, J.-P. [2009]. Strain localization and melt segregation in deforming metapelites; Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors 177; 173 -179. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pepi.2009.08.011
- Tumarkina, E., MISRA, S. , Burlini, L. and Connolly, J.A.D. [2009]. Mineral reactions and melt generation in metapelites: Insights from torsion experiments and thermodynamical modeling. Geochimica et cosmochimicaacta 73; Issue 13, A1352.
- MISRA, S. , Mandal, N. and Chakraborty, C. [2009]. Formation of Riedel shear fractures in granular materials: findings from analogue shear experiments and theoretical analyses; Tectonophysics 471; 253-259. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2009.02.017
- MISRA, S. , Mandal, N., Dhar, R. and Chakraborty, C. [2009]. Mechanisms of deformation localization at the tips of shear fractures: Findings from analogue experiments and field evidence, Journal of Geophysical Research – Solid Earth 114; https://doi.org/10.1029/2006JB004328
- MISRA, S. and Mandal, N. [2007]. Localization of plastic zones in rocks around rigid inclusions: Insights from experimental and theoretical models; Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 112, https://doi.org/10.1029/2006JB004328
- Mandal, N., Dhar, R., MISRA, S. and Chakraborty, C. [2007]. Use of boudinaged rigid objects as a strain gauge: Insights from analogue and numerical models; Journal of Structural Geology 29; 759-77. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2007.02.007
- Mandal, N., Mitra, A., MISRA, S. , and Chakraborty, C. [2006]. Is the outcrop topology of dolerite dikes of the Singhbhum Archean craton fractal in nature? Journal of Earth System Science 115; 643-660. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-006-0002-2
- Mandal, N., MISRA, S. and Samanta, S.K. [2005]. Rotation of single rigid inclusions embedded in an anisotropic matrix: a theoretical study; Journal of Structural Geology 27; 731-74. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2004.12.005
- Mandal, N., MISRA, S. and Samanta, S.K. [2004]. Role of weak flaws in nucleation of shear zones: an experimental and theoretical study; Journal of Structural Geology 26; 1391-1400. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2004.01.001
- Mandal, N., MISRA, S. and Samanta, S.K. [2004]. Role of weak flaws in nucleation of shear zones: an experimental and theoretical study; The Experimental Earth 2; Issue 4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2004.01.001
Deepak Dhingra, Associate Professor
PhD, Brown University, USA, 2014
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+91 512 679 7497 | Homepage
Room No. 218, ESB-3 Building
- Geological Studies of the Lunar Crust
- Characterization of Enceladus' Plume
- Impact Cratering
- Sodha G.and D. Dhingra (2025) Novel geological framework to understand the origin and diversity of orthopyroxene, olivine, spinel (OOS) lithologies on the Moon, Scientific Reports, 15, 2426, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-025-86248-9
- Luna J., W. Iqbal, H. Bernhardt, H. El Bilali, S. Krasilnikov, A. Krasilnikov, C. van der Bogert, M. Pondrelli, A. Frigeri, M. Massironi, Mikhail Ivanov, A. Basilevsky, P. Senthil Kumar, D. Dhingra, T. Ruj, L. Xiao, J. Ji, O. Aharonson, D. Rothery, H. Hiesinger, J. Skinner, Jr., J. Head, Richard Ernst and Gordon Osinski (2024) Planetary Geologic Maps: Essential Tools for Scientific Inquiry and Space Exploration, AGU Commentary, JGR Planets, https://doi.org/10.1029/2024JE008442
- Ghosh S., I. Sharma and D. Dhingra (2024) Modelling granular size-segregation on small bodies due to impact-induced seismic shaking. Proc. Royal Society A, 48020230715, http://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2023.0715
- Ruj T., G. Komatsu, K. Kawai, H. Okuda, Z. Xiao and D. Dhingra (2022) Recent boulder falls within the Finsen crater on the lunar far side: An assessment of the possible triggering rationale, Icarus, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2022.114904
- Bhuva K., P. Patadiya, H. Julsana, S. Purohit, M. Bhatt, D. Dhingra and U. Mall (2021) A machine learning framework for data filtering: A case study on Chandrayaan-1 SIR-2 Data, 2021 IEEE International India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS), 2021, pp. 483-487, doi: 10.1109/InGARSS51564.2021.9792117.
- Ghosh S., I. Sharma and D. Dhingra (2021) Granular segregation on the rubble-pile asteroid Itokawa, Powders and Grains 2021, EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 03042, https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202124903042
- Dhingra D. (2018) The New Moon: Major Advances in Lunar Science enabled by compositional remote sensing from recent missions (Invited Review), Geosciences, 8(12), 498; https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8120498.
- Hedman M. M., D. Dhingra, P. D. Nicholson, C. J. Hansen, G. Portyankina, S. Ye and Y. Dong (2018) Spatial variations in the dust to gas ratio of Enceladus Plume, Icarus, 305, 123-138
- Bhatt M., Wohler C., D. Dhingra, G. Thangjam, D. Rommel, U. Mall, A. Bhardwaj and A. Grumpe (2018) Compositional studies of Mare Moscoviense: New perspectives from Chandrayaan-1 VIS-NIR data, Icarus, 303, 149-165
- Dhingra D., Matthew M. Hedman, Roger N. Clark. Phillip D. Nicholson (2017) Spatially resolved near-infrared observations of Enceladus' tiger stripe eruptions from Cassini VIMS, Icarus, 292, 1-12
- Dhingra D., J. W. Head and C.M. Pieters (2017) Geological mapping of impact melt deposits at lunar complex craters: New insights into morphological diversity, distribution and the cratering process, Icarus, 283, 268-281, DOI: 10.1016/j.icarus.2016.05.004
- Dhingra D., C. M. Pieters and J.W. Head (2015) Multiple origins of olivine at Copernicus crater, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 420, 95-101
- Pieters C.M. K.D. Hanna, L. Cheek, D. Dhingra, T. Prissel, C. Jackson, D. Moriarty, S. Parman and L.A. Taylor (2014) The distribution of Mg-Spinel across the Moon and constraints on crustal origin, American Mineralogist, 99, 1893–1910
- Prissel T.C., S.W. Parman, C.R.M. Jackson, M.J. Rutherford, P.C. Hess, J.W. Head, L. Cheek, D. Dhingra, and C.M. Pieters (2014) Pink Moon: The petrogenesis of pink spinel anorthosites and implications concerning Mg-suite magmatism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 403, 144-156
- Dhingra D., C.M. Pieters, J.W. Head, P.J. Isaacson (2013) Large mineralogically-distinct Impact melt feature at crater Copernicus: Evidence for retention of compositional heterogeneity, Geophys. Res. Lett., 40, 1-6, doi: 10.1002/grl.50255
- Dhingra D., C.M. Pieters, J.W. Boardman, J.W. Head, P.J. Isaccson and L.A. Taylor (2011) Compositional diversity at Theophilus crater: Understanding the geological context of Mg-Spinel bearing central peaks, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L11201, doi: 10.1029/2011GL047314
- Kramer G.Y., S. Besse, D. Dhingra and 10 others (2011) M3 spectral analysis of lunar Swirls and the link between optical maturation & surface hydroxyl formation at magnetic anomalies, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G18, doi: 10.1029/2010JE003729
- Pieters, C. M., S. Besse , J. Boardman , B. Buratti, L. Cheek , R.N. Clark , J. P. Combe, D. Dhingra and 19 others (2011) Mg-spinel lithology: A new rock type on the lunar farside, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G08, doi:10.1029/2010JE003727
- Nettles, J. W., M. Staid, S. Besse, J. Boardman, R. N. Clark, D. Dhingra, P. Isaacson, R. Klima, G. Kramer, C. M. Pieters, and L. A.Taylor (2011) Optical maturity variation in lunar spectra as measured by Moon Mineralogy Mapper data, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G17, doi:10.1029/2010JE003748
- Staid, M. I., C. M. Pieters, S. Besse, J. Boardman, D. Dhingra, R. O. Green, J. W. Head, P. Isaacson, R. Klima, G. Y. Kramer, J. F. Mustard, C. Runyon, J. M. Sunshine, and L. A. Taylor (2011) The mineralogy of late stage lunar volcanism as observed by the Moon Mineralogy Mapper on Chandrayaan-1, J. Geophys. Res., 116, E00G10, doi:10.1029/2010JE003735
- Green, R. O., C. M. Pieters, P. Mouroulis, M. Eastwood, J. W. Boardman, T. Glavich, P. J. Isaacson, M. Annadurai, S. Besse, D. C .Barr, B. J. Buratti, D. Cate, A. Chatterjee, R. N. Clark, L. C. Cheek, J. P. Combe, D. Dhingra and 37 others (2011) The Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) imaging spectrometer for lunar science: Instrument description, calibration, on-orbit measurements, science data calibration and on-orbit validation, J. Geophys. Res., 116, doi: 10.1029/2011JE003797.
- Dhingra D. (2008) Exploring links between crater floor mineralogy and layered lunar crust, Adv. in Space Res., 42, 275 – 280
- Dhingra D., N. Bhandari, P.N. Shukla, S. V. S. Murty, R. R. Mahajan, G. M. Ballabh (2004) Spectacular fall of the Kendrapara H5 chondrite, Meteor. & Planet. Sci., 39(8), Supplement, A121-A132
- Bhandari N., V. Adimurthy, D. Banerjee, N. Srivastava and D. Dhingra (2004) Chandrayaan-1 Lunar polar orbiter: Science goals and payloads, Proc. International Lunar Conference 2003 / ILEWG 5, Hawaii, 33-42
- Dhingra D. and G.J. Chakrapani (2004) Estimation of silicate weathering in the upper Ganga river basin in the Himalayas, India, Himalayan Geology, 25 (2), 139-144.
Dibakar Ghosal, Associate Professor
PhD, IPGP, France, 2013
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+91 512 679 6909 | Homepage
Room No. 411, ESB-3 Building
- Controlled Source (Exploration) Seismology
- Tomography, Full waveform inversion (FWI)
- Joint inversion of MCS and OBS data
- Joint interpretation of Seismic and Gravity data
- Effective medium modeling
- Development of Algorithms for Advanced Seismic Data Processing, attribute analysis and interpretation
- Poroelasticity and Frequency-dependent AVO studies
- Tectonic studies on (Himalayas, Sumatra and Andaman, KG basin, Ridge Plume Interaction, St-Paul island)
- Gas Hydrate studies
- Jacob J., Ghosal D., Dessa M., P. Dewangan (Co-PI) (2024-2027). Anatomy of Northern 85°E Ridge Using Geophysical Investigation, funded by MoES, ~7.35 crore (recommended)
- Ghosal D., Sinha R. (PI) (2024-2027), Investigation of cross-strike ridges beneath the Himalayan foreland using an integrated geophysical and geomorphological approach, funded by DST-CRG, ~55 lakhs (on going)
- Sen I., Ghosal D. (Co-PI), Roy S. (2021-2024). Himalayan metamorphic CO2 fluxes to the atmosphere: Solving the mystery behind a long-standing problem, funded by DST-SUPRA, ~152 lakhs, (on going)
- Ghosal D. (PI), Roy S. (2017-2021). Modeling of Gas hydrate reservoir using integrated techniques, funded by ONGC, ~66 lakhs, (completed)
- Ghosal D. (PI), Chakraborty P. (2017-2021). Estimation of poroelastic properties of hydrocarbon reservoirs using frequency dependent amplitude variation with offset (AVO) analysis, funded by ONGC, ~44 lakhs, (completed)
- Ghosal D. (PI), (2017-2021). Delineation of shallow subsurface morphotectonics below the central seismic gap-Himalaya using an integration of passive and controlled source seismology, funded by SERB, ~53 lakhs, (completed)
- Ghosal D. (PI), (2016-2018). Shallow subsurface seismic imaging of NE Himalayan foothills near Shillong plateau, funded by IIT Kanpur, 25 lakhs, (completed)
- Yelisetti S., Ghosal D, Perkins LD., Hyndman R (2024). Mapping of fluid venting and attenuation of hydrate bearing sediments from offshore Oregon, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1139/cjes-2024-0053
- Vikas, Roy S., Ghosal D. (2024). ShaVi-1.0: An interface enabled open source 2D acoustic full
waveform inversion package, Computers and Geosciences, 187, 105592, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cageo.2024.105592
- Srivastava H., Ghosal D. (2023). Investigating Narcondam offshore using high- resolution seismic reflection data, Geo Marine Letters, 43:18
- Kumar P., Singha P., Ghosal D., Jacob J., Gupta S. (2023). Lithospheric architecture beneath the Amsterdam- seismological study St. Paul plateau, Southern Indian Ocean using the integrated gravity, magnetic and seismological study, Tectonophysics, 229989
- Singha P., Dewangan P., Ghosal D., Kamesh Raju K.A., Aswini K.K., Yatheesh V., Mukhopadhyay R., Mandal S. (2023). Crustal structure beneath the Alcock Seamount in the Andaman Sea, Tectonophysics, 229979
- Pant A., Ghosal D., Puryear C., Verma SN., (2023). Algorithms for Time-Frequency Imaging and Analysis: Introduction to Mixed-Model Spectral Decomposition, Acta Geophysica, 1-17
- Verma SN., Ghosal D., Vats V., Gupta A., (2023). Shallow subsurface imaging across the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) analysing ambient noise data from a riverine source, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 104943
- Pant A., Ghosal D., Puryear C., (2022). Imaging of a possible isolated carbonate build‐up (ICB) in Penobscot Bay at anomalous low frequencies, Marine Geophysical Research, 43
- Tiwari S., Ghosal D., Singh RK., Yelisetti S., (2022). Mapping of hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs using frequency-dependent amplitude vs. offset (FAVO), Jour. Earth Syst. Sci., 131 (43)
- Ghosal D., Mukti MM. , Singh SC. , Carton H., Deighton I., (2021). Fore-arc high and basin evolution offshore northern Sumatra using high-resolution marine geophysical datasets, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 104814
- Jacob J., Dyment J., Ghosal D., Dewangan P., (2021). Strike-slip seismicity at the Andaman-Sumatra Subduction Zone: Role of the fracture zones and age of the subducting lithosphere, Tectonophysics, 228862
- Ghosal D., Singh SC., (2021). A reliable velocity estimation in a complex deep-water environment using downward continued long offset multi-channel seismic (MCS) data, Journal of Earth System Science, 130
- Jain V., Ghosal D., Verma S., (2020). Enhancement of a thumper source far offset refracted phases using super virtual interferometry (SVI), Journal of Earth System Science,129 (136).
- Boral S., Sen I S., Ghosal D., Peucker-Ehrenbrinkb B., Hemingway J. D., (2019). Stable water isotope modeling reveals spatio-temporal variability of glacier meltwater contributions to Ganges River headwaters, Journal of Hydrology, 577 (2019) 123983.
- Hananto N., A Boudarine, H Carton, SC Singh, P Avianto, J Dyment, Y Qin, D Ghosal,R Zuraida, P E Tapponnier, C Deplus, K Sieh, (2018). Evidence of pervasive trans-tensional deformation in the northwestern Wharton Basin in the 2012 earthquakes rupture area, Earth and Planetary Science Letters,502, 174-186.
- GhosalD., Ganguli SS , Singh RN, Sain K, (2018). Simulating the gas hydrate behavior at equilibrium dissociation: A study from Mahanadi basin of eastern offshore, India, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 98, 802-814.
- Ghosal D., C Juhlin, (2018).Estimation of dispersion attributes at seismic frequency—a case study from the Frigg-Delta reservoir, North sea, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering,15 (5), 1799.
Before 2018
- Ghosal D., Singh S.C, Martin J, (2014). Shallow subsurface morphotectonics of the NW Sumatra subduction system using an integrated seismic imaging technique, Geophysical Jour. Int.,198, 1818-1831.
- Ghosal D., Singh S.C., Chauhan A.P.S, Hananto N.D., (2012). New insights on the offshore extension of the Great Sumatran fault, NW Sumatra, from marine geophysical studies,Geochem. Geophys. Geosys., 13, 11, doi: 10.1029/2012GC004122.
- Singh. S.C, Chauhan A.P.S, Calvert A. J., Hananto N.D., Ghosal D., Rai A.,Carton H., (2012). Seismic evidence of bending and unbending of subducting oceanic crust and the presence of mantle megathrust, Earth and Planetary science letters, 301, 166-176.
- Vikas, Ghosal D, Roy S (2024). Integrating Particle Swarm Optimization in a Hybrid Approach to Address FWI Non-linearity, 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, (poster)
- Jaiswal G, Ghosal D (2024). Advancing Seismic Facies Classification: A comparative Deep Learning Approach, 85th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, (oral)
- Srivastav H, Ghosal D, Kumar P (2024). Evidence of Paleo ANF and crustal architecture beneath the Narcondam: Insights from High-Resolution Reflection Seismic Data and Gravity modeling, EGU24
- Kundu A, Devaraju B, Ghosal D (2023). Investigating the Northern Extent of Delhi Haridwar Ridge (DHR) and its Contribution in Himalayan Seismicity, AGU23 (withdrawn)
- Vats V, Ghosal D, Roy S (2023). Dealing Nonlinearity in Objective Function of Full Waveform Inversion Algorithm Using a Hybrid Technique, AGU23 (poster)
- Pant A., Ghosal D., Puryear C., Akaba PA., Quansah AD (2023). Wavelet Assisted Constrained Least Squares Spectral Analysis Algorithm for Time-Frequency Analysis: Hybrid/Mixed-Model Wavelet-Fourier basis approach, 84th EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, (poster)
- Sen A., Ghosal D., Chakraborty P., Singh R., (2022). Estimation of Formation Water Saturation Using Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) in Poroelastic Media, 83rd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, (1), 1-5
- Verma S., Ghosal D., (2022). Shallow crustal architecture of the foreland Kumaon Himalaya analysing high-resolution seismic data, EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-9287
- Vats V., Ghosal D., Kumar S., (2022). Implications of Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion on high-resolution Andaman datasets, EGU22
- Srivastav HK., Ghosal D., Kumar AS., (2022). Evidence of Fluid at Narcondam offshore using high-resolution reflection seismic data, OCEANS-Chennai, 1-4
- Sen A., Chakraborty P., Ghosal D. (2021). Single parameter Full Waveform Inversion in Poroelastic media using damped inertia coefficient PSO, Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering
- Kumar P. and Ghosal D. (2021). Comparative study of stochastic Nature Inspired Optimization Algorithms to estimate Shear wave velocity using Ground rolls, EAGE extended abstract
- Verma S. and Ghosal D. (2021). High-resolution velocity structure across HFT, Kumaon Himalaya using controlled source seismic datasets, SEG extended abstract
- Kumar P., Anand P., Ghosal D., Singha P., (2021). Crustal architecture of Amsterdam-St. Paul Island from an integrated geophysical approach, EGU21
- Kumar P., Ghosal D., Delineation of S-wave velocity profiles across the Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) using metaheuristic approaches, EGU21
- Verma S., Ghosal D., Vikas, Pandey S., Anand P., Srivastava H., (2021). Crustal structure across Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) using high-resolution seismic datasets, EGU21
- Shukla A., Ghosal D., Singh S.K., (2020). Neotectonism and its effect on gas migrating features in offshore KG basin India, EAGE extended abstract, 1449, (oral).
- Pant A., Ghosal D., Puryar C., (2020). Comparative study of Wavelet-based recent spectral decomposition algorithms for seismic signals, EAGE extended abstract, 1743, (oral).
- Pandey S., Chakroborty P., Ghosal D., (2020). Seismic wavefield simulation using Finite Element Method in a visco Poroleastic medium, SPG, (accepted).
- Ghosal D., Singh S, Chauhan A., (2020). Joint inversion of MCS and OBS datasets for superior modelling: a case study from offshore NW Sumatra', SPG, (accepted).
- 27.Yelisetti S., Ghosal D., Sanchez V., (2020). Seismic structure and gas hydrate study on the southern Cascadia margin using multichannel seismic data, AGU Fall Meeting (poster)
- Verma S., Ghosal D., (2020). Delineation of the subsurface geomorphology across the Main Frontal Thrust (MFT), near Pawalgarh, using controlled source seismic survey, Indian Geological Congress, (accepted for E. Poster).
- Vats V., Ghosal D., Roy S., (2020). 2D/3D acoustic modelling of a gas hydrate reservoir using graphics processing unit (GPU), Indian Geological Congress, (accepted for oral).
- Ghosal D., Trivedi A,. (2020). Discovery of a trace of BSR, offshore N-W Sumatra, using high resolution marine seismic datasets, Indian Geological Congress, (accepted for oral).
- Vikas and Ghosal D., (2019). Generation of synthetic seismogram using 2D acoustic modelling, Indian Geophy. Union, (poster).
- Verma S.N. and Ghosal D., (2019). Velocity-depth modelling across Himalayan frontal thrust near Pawalgarh using high frequency ambient noise tomography, Indian Geophy. Union, (poster).
- Ghosal D., Jain V., (2019). Improvement of the wide angle refracted phases using super virtual interferometry (SVI), Indian Geophy. Union, (oral).
- Pant A., Ghosal D., Puryar C., (2019). Highlighting Reservoirs Through RGB Blended Frequency Imaging using Constrained Least Squares Spectral Analysis (CLSSA)-A Case Study from Penobscot Bay, Offshore Nova Scotia, American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), (poster).
- Verma S N., Gupta A., Ghosal D., (2019). Velocity-depth modeling across the main frontal thrust (MFT), in the central seismic gap Himalaya, using ambient noise tomography, SEG extended abstract, (poster).
- Pant A., Ghosal D., Puryar C., (2019). Improved reservoir delineation in complex geological settings using CLSSA: a case study from offshore Nova Scotia, EAGE extended abstract, 1778, (poster).
- Verma S. N., Gupta A., Ghosal D., (2019). Subsurface imaging of a segment of the Main Frontal Thrust - Himalayas, using Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) to overcome the challenges in conventional active seismic surveys, Joint workshop in Challenges in imaging, ONGC Dehradun, (poster).
- Dhingra D., Patidar S., Ghosal D., (2019). Near surface expression of linear gravity anomalies (LGAs): Potential Clues and implications for emplacement, 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, (LPI Contrib. No. 2132), (poster).
- Nayak A., Ghosal D., (2018). Tectonics and hazards assessment in the Andaman region of North-Eastern Indian Ocean, SCOR-InterRidge Workshop, NIO, Goa (poster).
- Lenora Diane Perkins, Yelisetti S., Ghosal D., (2018). Fluid Flow and BSR Distribution off Oregon, AGU fall meeting,OS51F-1370, (poster).
- Trivedi A., Ghosal D., (2018). Identification of Bottom Simulating Reflector at offshore NW Sumatra, extended abstract at ISM Dhanbad, (oral).
Before 2018:
- Yelisetti S., Ghosal D., (2017). Shallow subsurface imaging of northern Cascadia margin using downward continued short streamer data, AGU fall meeting (poster).
- Ghosal D., Singh S. C., (2017). Accurate velocity-depth estimation in a complex deep-water setting using refracted arrivals from wide-angle seismic datasets, SPG extended abstract (poster).
- Tripathi A., Ghosal D., (2017). Characterization and identification of fluid migration across the N-W offshore Sumatra, SPG extended abstract (poster).
- Gislason G., Ghosal D., Juhlin C., (2017). Effect of petrophysical parameters on dispersion from Frigg-Delta reservoir, North Sea, SEG extended abstract (poster).
- Ghosal D., Juhlin C., (2017). Eavluation of poroelastic properties at seismic frequency range from Frigg-Delta reservoir, North sea, SEG extended abstract (Oral).
- Boral S, Sen I, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B and Ghosal D., (2016). Hydrological Dependence of Ganges River on Himalayan Cryosphere, Goldschmidt at Yokohoma, 332,15e (poster).
- Wang, H., Singh S.C., Ghosal D., (2012). A combined full wave equation tomography-full waveform inversion and its application to 12 km long streamer data from offshore western Sumatra, AGU Fall meeting, 1, 08 (poster)
- Ghosal D., Singh S.C., Chauhan A.P.S, Carton H, Hananto N.D., (2012). State of the art seismic processing and structure of the Sumatra margin, Penrose conference, Il ciacco, Italy (poster).
- Ghosal D., Singh S.C., Chauhan A.P.S, Hananto N.D., (2011). Shallow subsurface morphotectonics at the Northern offshore Sumatra subduction system using high resolution reflection and refraction seismic, Amer. Geophy. Union, San Francisco, USA (oral).
- Ghosal D., Singh S.C., Chauhan A.P.S, Hananto N.D., (2011). High resolution tomography and seismic image of the Northern Sumatra subduction system, British Geophy. Assoc. London, UK (poster).
- Mukti M.M., Singh S.C., Hananto N., Ghosal D., Deighton I., (2011), Structural style and evolution of the Sumatran forearc basins, Indonesian Petroleum Association (poster).
- Ghosal D., Singh S.C., Chauhan A.P.S, Hananto N.D (2009)., New insights on the Great Sumatra fault, NW offshore Sumatra, from marine data, Amer. Geophy. Union, San Francisco (poster- T33B-1917).
Animesh Mandal, Associate Professor
PhD, IIT Kharagpur, India, 2013
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+91 512 259 6811 | Homepage
Room No. 318, ESB-3 Building
- Exploration Geophysics/Integrated geophysical research
- Geophysical data processing/enhancement
- Modelling and inversion
Integrated geophysical study in the east geothermal province, Eastern Ghats Belt, Odisha, India: an insight into the geothermal system and tectonic setup.
Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India, 2015-2020.Brief Outline: The proposed integrated geophysical study will provide a better understanding of the subsurface configuration of hot springs region in Odisha. It will help to decipher the probable heat source, fluid flow path, depth and lateral extension. Beside delineation of geothermal prospect of the proposed region, this geophysical investigation will also give better understanding of the basement configuration and tectonic setting of the region. This will ultimately provide significant input towards the knowledge of growth and evolution of this region.
Integrated geophysical study for delineating detail subsurface structures and possible mineral deposits around Madawara region, Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India, 2016-2020.Brief Outline: This study provides a better understanding of the tectonic evolution and geological history of the proposed region besides delineating the probable depth and dimension of the target PGE/base metal/chromite mineralization zones. Thus, the present work may open up new prospective areas for PGE/base metal/chromite exploration in the country.
Innovative methods for geophysical data analysis, modelling and application to field data.
IIT Kanpur (Initiation Grant), 2015-2017.Brief Outline: In this work, a hybrid approach based on wavelet filtering and bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition (BEMD) has been proposed for effective regional-residual separation of potential field data. Another aspect of this work is the development of a low frequency impedance reconstruction method from band limited seismic reflection data and first principles. This reconstructed low frequency impedance model can act as an initial model for more refined modelling schemes.
- Mandal, A., C. Athul, A.K. Basantaray, U. Mishra, (Accepted), Delineation of shallow structures in Madawara igneous complex, Bundelkhand Craton, India using gravity-magnetic data: Implication to tectonic evolution and mineralization: Journal of Earth System Science (IF: 1.104, 2018)
- Mandal,A., and S. K. Ghosh, 2020, Estimating broad trend of acoustic impedance profile from observed seismic reflection data using first principle only: The Journal of Geophysics and Engineering (IF: 1.411, 2018)
- Franck Eitel, K.G., R. Tenzer, S. Nguiya, A. Mandal, R. Nouayou, 2020, Crustal thickness beneath Atlas region from gravity, topographic, sediment and seismic data: Geodesy and Geodynamics, 11(1), 18-30.(IF:NA)
- Franck Eitel, K. G., N. Severin,A. Mandal,F. E. A. Nyam, R. Tenzer, A. P. T. Kamga, R. Nouayou, 2020, Cameroon's crustal configuration from global gravity and topographic models and seismic data: Journal of African Earth Sciences, 161.(IF: 1.633, 2018)
- Mishra, U., C. Athul, A.K. Basantaray, S. Chel,A. Mandal, 2019, Assessing Chromite ore processing residue (COPR) waste dump site using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT): A case study from Umaran, Kanpur, India: Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191:504. (IF: 1.959, 2018)
- Kumar, C. P., K. Sain, and A. Mandal,2019, Delineation of a buried volcanic system in Kora prospect off New Zealand using artificial neural networks and its implications: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 161, 56–75. (IF: 1.646, 2017)
- Mandal, A.,A.K. Basantaray, C. Athul, U. Mishra, 2019, Integrated geophysical investigation to map shallow surface alteration/fracture zones of Atri and Tarabalo hot springs, Odisha, India: Geothermics, 77, 24–33. (IF: 3.470, 2018)
- Mandal, A.,and S. Niyogi, 2018, Filter assisted bi-dimensional empirical mode decomposition: a hybrid approach for regional-residual separation of gravity anomaly: Journal of Applied Geophysics, 159C, 218–227.((IF: 1.646, 2017)
- Mandal, A., and E. Srivastava, 2018, Enhanced structural interpretation from 3D seismic data using hybrid attributes: New insights into fault visualization and displacement in Cretaceous formations of the Scotian basin, offshore Nova Scotia: Marine and Petroleum Geology, 89, part 2, 464–478. (IF: 3.538, 2018)
- Kumar, C. P., and A. Mandal, 2017, Enhancement of fault interpretation using multi-attribute analysis and artificial neural network (ANN) approach: a case study from Taranaki Basin, New Zealand: Exploration Geophysics, 49 (3), 409–424.(IF: 0.950, 2017)
- Ghosh, S. K., andA. Mandal., 2016, Feasibility of approximate broadband estimation of acoustic impedance profile from first principles and band-limited reflection data: Geophysics, 81(3), R57–R74. (IF: 2.793, 2018)
- Mandal, A., W. K. Mohanty, S. P. Sharma, and S. Gupta, 2015, Laterite covered mafic-ultramafic potential target for chromite exploration – A case study from southern part of Tangarparha, Odisha, India: Journal of the Geological Society of India,86519–529. (IF: 0.994, 2018)
- Mandal, A., S. Gupta, W.K. Mohanty, S. Misra, 2015, Sub-surface structure of a craton-mobile belt interface: evidence from geological and gravity studies across the Rengali Province - Eastern Ghats Belt boundary, eastern India: Tectonophysics, 662, 140–152,doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2015.01.016. (IF: 2.764, 2018)
- Mandal, A, W.K. Mohanty, S.P. Sharma, 2015, Integrated gravity-magnetic study for delineation of structural guided uranium mineralization zones at Kutni, Purulia, West Bengal, India: Journal of the Geological Society of India, 85(3), 299–304. ((IF: 0.994, 2018)
- Mandal, A, W. K. Mohanty, S. P. Sharma, A. Biswas, J. Sen, and A. K. Bhatt, 2015, Geophysical signatures of uranium mineralization and its subsurface validation at Beldih, Purulia District, West Bengal, India: a case study: Geophysical Prospecting, 63(3), 713–726. doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12205. (IF: 1.621, 2018)
- Biswas, A.,A. Mandal, S. P. Sharma, W. K. Mohanty, 2014, Delineation of subsurface structures using Self-Potential, Gravity and Resistivity surveys from South Purulia Shear Zone, India: Implication to uranium mineralization: Interpretation, 2(2), T103–T110. (IF: 1.172, 2018)
- Biswas, A.,A. Mandal, S. P. Sharma, and W. K. Mohanty, 2014, Integrating apparent conductance in resistivity sounding to constrain 2-D gravity modeling for subsurface structure associated with uranium mineralization across South Purulia Shear Zone, West Bengal, India: International Journal of Geophysics, 2014, 1–8. doi: 10.1155/2014/691521. (IF: NA)
- Gupta, S., W. K. Mohanty,A. Mandal, and S. Misra, 2014, Ancient terrane boundaries as probable seismic hazards: A case study from the northern boundary of the Eastern Ghats Belt, India: Geoscience Frontiers, 5(1),17–24. (IF: 4.160, 2018)
- Mandal, A., A. Biswas, S. Mittal, W. K. Mohanty, S. P. Sharma, D. Sengupta, J. Sen, and A. K. Bhatt, 2013, Geophysical anomalies associated with uranium mineralization from Beldih mine, South Purulia Shear Zone, India: Journal of the Geological Society of India,, 82, 601–606. (IF: 0.994, 2018)
- Biswas A., A. Jana, and A. Mandal., 2013, Application of Remote Sensing, GIS and MIF technique for elucidation of groundwater potential zones from a part of Orissa coastal tract, Eastern India: Research Journal of Recent Sciences,, 2(11), 42–49. (IF: NA)
- Mandal, A., W. K. Mohanty, S. P. Sharma, 2013, Gravity-magnetic studies for uranium exploration over Manbazar-Kutni area of South Purulia Shear Zone (SPSZ), West Bengal, India using hydro-uranium anomalies as guidance: GSTF Journal of Geological Sciences,, 1, no. 1, 83–87. (http://dl6.globalstf.org/index.php/jgs/article/view/1615) (IF: NA)
- Mohanty, W. K., A. Mandal., S. P. Sharma, S. Gupta, and S. Misra, 2011, Integrated geological and geophysical studies for delineation of chromite deposits A case study from Tangarparha, Orissa, India: Geophysics,, 76, no. 5, B173–B185. (IF: 2.793, 2018)