
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Types of Seminars

Departmental Seminars: This includes seminars by visiting professors from other departments at IIT Kanpur and professors visiting IIT Kanpur from other institutes. These seminars are typically held in FB 426 at 4:30 pm, or at any other convenient time. The list of department seminars can be viewed at the link Click here.

PhD Open Seminar: This is an integral part of the PhD programme. Typically, every PhD student has to give an open seminar detailing his/her work a few months before submittiing their theses. These seminars are typically held in FB 426 at 4:30 pm or at any other convenient time. The list of department open seminars can be viewed at the link Click here.

Graduate Seminars: This is a seminar that every PhD student has to give to the department at the beginning of their PhD work. The list of department open seminars can be viewed at the link Click here.

Special Seminars: Every year, the Chemistry department organizes some special seminars under the Distinguished lecture series. More details of this series can be found at the link here.

Ph. D Defence Click here.


Message From Head

The Department of Chemistry at IIT Kanpur reiterates its commitment to excellence in contemporary research and teaching. Some courses initiated by my former and present colleagues in this department have become beacons for chemical education in India. We also have one of the strongest Industry-Academia connections. As its newly appointed head, I invite you to explore our department and witness the impactful research and educational initiatives Read More..

- Prof. Gurunath Ramanathan
Head, Department of Chemistry
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur- 208016