Space, Planetary & Astronomical Sciences & Engineering (SPASE)

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Amitesh Omar, Head of the department
Ph.D., Raman Research Institute, Bangalore
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Research Interests: Galaxy astrophysics, Radio & Optical astronomy instrumentation

Ishan Sharma
Ph.D., Cornell University (2004)
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Research Interests: Planetary science , Granular Mechanics , Contact Mechanics , Applied Mechanics

Kunal P. Mooley
Ph.D., Caltech, NRAO (2015)
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Research Interests: "Astrophysical transients, jets, compact objects, Galactic Center, Life in the Universe"

Pankaj Jain
Ph.D., Syracuse University (1998)
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  0512-259-7663 (O)

Research Interests: Cosmology, Astrophysics, Cosmic Rays, X-ray Astronomy, Nuclear Fusion at low energies

Prashant Pathak
Ph.D., SOKENDAI University
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Research Interests: Characterization of Exoplanets: direct imaging, transmission spectroscopy. *Adaptive optics and wavefront control techniques. *Ground and space-based optical and infrared instrumentation.

Rohit Sharma
Ph.D., National Center for Radio Astrophysics, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Pune, India
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Research Interests: Solar Physics, Space Weather, Radio Astronomy, Plasma Physics, Radio Wave Propagation, Data Science, Imaging Algorithms

Sharvari Nadkarni Ghosh
Ph.D., Cornell University
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Research Interests: Cosmology, non-linear large scale structure, non-linear dynamics.

Soumyabrata Chakrabarty, Professor of Practice
Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
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  ESB-II, Room No. 726 |   Homepage

Research Interests: Space Weather interaction of Spacecrafts, Computational Electromagnetics, Design and development of Antennas for Radio Telescopes and Microwave Sensors

Visiting Faculty

Ajit Kembhavi, Distiniguished visiting professor
Retd. IUCAA India

Research Interests: gravitation theory, extragalactic astronomy and astronomical database management

Arun Misra, Distinguished visiting professor
McGill University, Canada

Research Interests: Satellite dynamics and control, space robotics, and dynamics of aerospace structures

Avinash Deshpande, Distinguished visiting professor
Retd. Raman Research Institute (RRI), India
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Research Interests: Neutron stars, Pulsars, Radio Transients, The Galaxy & Interstellar Medium, Epoch of Reionization, Instrumentation, Radio Astronomy Techniques, Noise & Statistics.

Hiroaki Katsuragi, Distinguished visiting professor
Osaka University, Japan

Research Interests: Granular Matter, soft impact dynamics, planetary cratering

J. S. Yadav, Visiting professor
Retd. TIFR Bombay
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Research Interests: X-ray binaries, Accretion disk and jet connection, X-ray flares in microquasars, HFQPOs, Thermonuclear bursts and instrumentation.

Renu Malhotra, Distinguished visiting professor
University of Arizona, U.S.A

Research Interests: Planetary Science, Orbital Dynamics

Yamini Jangir, Visiting Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Southern California
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Research Interests: Astrobiology, Microbe-Mineral Interaction, Microbial Ecology

Inspire Faculty

Sandeep Kumar Kataria, DST Inspire Faculty
Ph.D., Indian Institute of Science and Indian Institute of Astrophysics (JAP)

Research Interests: Galactic and Extragalactic Astrophysics (Theory, Idealised/Cosmological Simulations & Observations)