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Welcome to the Department of Earth Sciences at IIT Kanpur. We are one of the youngest department in the country, established in 2014, with a vision to carry out interdisciplinary Earth Science teaching and research of contemporary relevance....
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-Prof. Debajyoti Paul
Head, Department of Earth Sciences
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Welcome to the Department of Earth Sciences at IIT Kanpur. We are one of the youngest department in the country, established in 2014, with a vision to carry out interdisciplinary Earth Science teaching and research of contemporary relevance. In this endeavour, we are currently offering a diversity of Earth science courses at all academic levels.
Our integrated BS-MS program in Earth Sciences is focused on basic sciences, computational and engineering sciences, along with learning of modern analytical tools in the field of remote Sensing & GIS, geochemistry, seismo-tectonics, geophysics and natural Hazards.
Our M. Tech. program in Geological Technology focuses on applied earth sciences, geophysics, isotope geochemistry, crust-mantle evolution, earth surface processes, climate change, river science, natural hazards, structural geology and tectonics, isotope geochemistry and planetary sciences.
Our Ph.D. program in Earth Sciences offers specialization in numerous areas of frontier research including mantle dynamics, crustal evolution, fracture mechanics, climate science, river science, natural hazards (earthquakes & tsunamis), geophysical exploration, environmental science, and planetary science. The research carried out by our faculty members and their research teams in the last 6 years has made substantial impact at the National and International level. Our departmental has several state-of-the-art laboratories equipped to obtain high-quality analytical data. Major instruments available are: ICP-MS, XRD, SEM, TOC, Sedigraph, CL, UAVs, IRMS, OSL Reader, Gamma Spectrometer, Gas/Liquid Permeameter, T-VLF, Gravimeter, Microscopes, Portable Seismograph, GPR, Terrestial Laser Scanner, High-end TS, GPS – permanent stations in Himalaya.
The Earth Science department currently has 10 full-time faculty members with diverse expertise. We are rapidly expanding and have faculty openings at both junior and senior levels. We would also welcome applications for visiting faculty positions. In particular, we are looking for outstanding researchers in the field of Mineralogy/Petrology, Hydrology/Water Resources, Stratigraphy & Paleontology, Sedimentology, Structure and Tectonics, Computational seismology, Geophysics, Basin-Analysis and Petroleum Geology etc. We also encourage fresh Ph. D candidates to apply for Post-Doctoral fellowship, DST INPIRE Faculty or National Post-Doctoral Fellowship and be a part of our ES family. Please feel free to contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.
With warm wishes
Prof. Debajyoti Paul
Head, Department of Earth Sciences
IIT Kanpur
The Department of Earth Sciences at IIT Kanpur focuses on the study of the Earth, encompassing its evolution and internal dynamics, its surface processes, emphasizing natural and human-induced transformations of the terrestrial environment vis-a-vis sustainable development, given the biggest problem we face in terms of rapidly increasing population.
Apart from a modern teaching programme, students will be trained for high quality research that will allow thorough examination of issues related to the Earth Sciences, such as those concerned with natural resources (identification and exploration techniques) and their use to society, solid Earth geology, Quaternary geology and the understanding and mitigation of natural hazards. It would thus provide a sound, topical background in various aspects of Earth Sciences, which will form the foundation for further study and for a wide range of employment opportunities in the mineral, energy, water, environmental and space sectors.
The Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur created a new Department of Earth Sciences on February 5, 2014.
Earth Science is a strongly interdisciplinary subject with several links to important resources such as minerals, energy, and water as well as to hazards and environmental management. Over the years, this discipline has developed into a major knowledge domain of science and technology due to the advent of modern space observation systems, new exploration technologies for probing earth's surface and sub-surface for resources and the development of sophisticated geochemical analytical methods. In addition, several important issues such as climate change, natural hazards, cryosphere, environmental degradation and resource depletion have made this science highly relevant to the society.
Objectives of the Department are as follows:
- To provide high quality manpower in Earth Sciences, where intellectual foundations and traditions are anchored in the (a) integration of quantitative data across various Earth systems, and (b) application of geological, geophysical and other related analytical methods.
- To develop academic programmes in Earth Sciences that will focus on the conjunctive use of field, experimental, analytical and numerical approaches.
- To develop high quality research programmes in areas of water, climate change, energy, natural hazards and at their interfaces.