In the chain of motivational lectures at IIT Kanpur for the First Year Students, our guest speaker was, Lt Gen Shailesh Sadashiv Tinaikar Sena Medal ,Vishisht Seva Medal, Force Commander, UNMISS. He has rich experience of working in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations, as a Military Observer in UN Angola Verification Mission III (UNAVEM-III) and Chief Operations Officer (COO) in UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS). Col Ashok Mor, the Officer In charge NCC at IIT Kanpur welcomed the guest speaker. Our student Siddartha Govil, introduced the guest speaker Lt Gen Shailesh Sadashiv Tinaikar SM, VSM, Force Commander, UNMISS. Lt Gen Tinaikar in his address to the students focused on the UN Mission in South Sudan. Gen Tinaikar said that “I speak to you from Juba, capital of South Sudan. South Sudan has been an independent state since last ten years. Though it is 3hs 30 min behind Indian Standard time (IST) but in development terms it is centuries behind the current time. Think of a situation where you are born in an environment of perpetual hunger, strife, of no assured livelihood. Fully aid dependent of constant displacement due to violence or floods. Where govt and its forces exist not to provide you with governance and services but to exploited and at some instance thrive on your misery. The Republic of South Sudan is the newest nation after a 30 yrs struggle and at a loss of 1.5 million lives. UN had to intervene to protect peace and security just after two yrs of independence of the country as the state was unable to protect its own citizens. South Soudan has lost 4.5 million lives in last 9 yrs. Sudan has about 250 km of paved road. Country is a source of wealth, violence and misery. Seven million out of 11.5 million are food insecure. The constitution is in making and ruled by the General. People don’t get salary for months. Most of the citizens are with AK-47 slung around. Economy is pastoral and cow being considered as wealth, collected as source of status and power. They are traded for marriage and goods. Gen shared the reasons for UN Missions and UNMISS being the biggest UN Peace keeping mission. He also made aware as to how the UN Mission is working for the betterment of the country and the mandate of the mission. He gave a view how UN Forces are there to assist the govt and not bean occupation force. He shared the challenges of the UN forces from time to time. He said, Hope I have been able to derive your attention to the societies living in the feudal system era, far behind what we live in 2021. The African continent has vast resources and is the continent of the future. Hoping someday, you all will see the rise of Africa. The speech by Lt Gen Shailesh Sadashiv Tinaikar was an eye opener to the students and the IIT community. He showed the other side of the development and digital world. DOSA, Dr. Siddhartha Panda proposed vote of thanks to the speaker. |