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Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Guide: Dr. Praveen Kulshreshtha
Research Topic
Over the past two decades, declining agricultural growth and rising cultivation costs have diminished farmers' incomes across India. Moreover, large scale adoption of commercial farming has amplified farmers' credit needs, leading to widespread credit defaults. Consequently, small and marginal Indian farmers have been compelled to borrow largely from informal sources (e.g. moneylenders) at exorbitant interest rates, thus plunging themselves into a relentless debt trap. The acute agrarian distress due to indebtedness and other socio-economic factors has led to an alarming spate of farmers' suicides in several states (e.g. Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala, and Karnataka) since the mid-1990s, including the prosperous state of Punjab. Although some empirical studies have explored the link between agrarian distress, indebtedness and farmers' suicides for various states, such studies are rare for Punjab. This rigorous empirical study examines the major determinants of growing agrarian distress and indebtedness in Punjab, and analyzes the relationship between farmers' suicides and indebtedness, by using field survey data from Punjab.
MSc. (Hons. School Economics) from Punjab School of Economics, Guru Nanak Dev University Campus, Amritsar (2007-2009).
Bachelor in Arts with Economics, Elective English and Psychology from GNDU College, Jalandhar (2004-2007).
Presented a paper in 48th annual conference of The Indian Econ (TIES) held at pondicherry university 1-3 march Entitled Does Trade Cause Inequality : An Empirical Analysis of developing Countries ( An IV Estimation).
Presented a paper Entitled "Agrarian distress in Punjab : Issues and Evidences" in "National conference on dimensions of public policy and rural development" March 8-9, 2014, organised by Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology (MNNIT)Allahabad.