Beam parameter of He-Ne Laser Objective: To calculate beam parameters of He-Ne laser using: a) Knife edge method, and b) Intensity profile measurement
Diode Laser characteristics Objective: To measure a) V-I and L-I characteristics of the diode laser, b) Far-field pattern of the laser diode by recording the angular variance/dependence of the radiation; and its variation with distance and power level. This is to be done in two cases: a plane perpendicular and parallel to the junction plane, and c) Spectrum of the diode laser.
Electro-optic effect in a Lithium Niobate Crystal and Magneto-optic effect in a Terbium doped glass rod Objective: a) To study the electro-optic effect in a Lithium Niobate crystal, b) To measure the half wave voltage. (c) To calculate the Verdet constant of a Terbium doped glass rod, b) To observe change in Verdet constant of Terbium doped glass rod w.r.t wavelength
Studies on polarization: Experiment and Simulation using FRED software Objective: a) To check the polarisation of laser source, b) To verify Malus law, c) To characterize the functionality of HWP, d) Generate circular and elliptical polarized light using QWP
Mach-Zehnder Interferometry Objective: Interferogram of a heated plate using Mach-Zehnder interferometer
Acousto- Optic modulator Objective: a) To observe the diffraction pattern using acousto-optic modulator for two wavelengths, b) To measure the diffraction efficiencies corresponding to different RF powers, c) To calculate diffraction angle with respect to the acoustic frequencies.
Fresnel and Fraunhofer Diffraction Objectives: a) To measure intensity distribution along the axis of the circular aperture and compare it with the calculated distribution using the concept of Fresnel zones, b) To measure irradiance in the far field Fraunhofer zone in the transverse plane, for a slit and compare it with theoretical results, c) To measure irradiance in the far field Fraunhofer zone in the transverse plane, for a circular aperture and compare it with theoretical results.
Nd: YAG laser and 2nd harmonic generation Objective: a) To align the Nd: YAG laser, observe the lasing wavelength (1064 nm) and hence to find the threshold pump power, b) To produce second harmonics in the existing set up by using the given KTP Crystal, c) observe frequency doubled radiation (532 nm) and find the power conversion efficiency.
Diffraction grating characterization and Fabry-Pérot Interferometry Objective: a) To find the ruling density (grooves/mm) of the given grating, b) To find the deviation as a function of wavelength for 1st order diffraction at different incident angle, c) To find the Littrow condition and then the blazing angle, d) To find the relative efficiency as a function of wavelength, (d) Use Fabry-Perot interferometer to determine transmittance curve and finesse for different laser sources
Measurement of temporal coherence of different light source using Michelson interferometer Objective: To calculate temporal coherence using Michelson Interferometer of a) He-Ne laser of λ = 632.8 nm, b) Solid state Laser of λ = 655 nm, c) Diode Laser of λ = 635 nm
Alignment, acquisition, processing and reconstruction of holograms Objective: a) To create the transmission holograms of 3D object using He-Ne laser, b) To create the transmission holograms of diffraction grating using He-Ne laser and measure the grating efficiency.
Characterization of optical fibre and Demonstration of Optical Fiber kit “Light Runner Basic” Objective: a) Optical Fiber Coupling Loss for single mode, b) Bending loss in Single mode optical fiber, c) To determine NA of single mode optical fiber at two different positions, d) To determine Misalignment loss for single mode optical fiber, I. Longitudinal misalignment, II. Transverse misalignment, III. Angular misalignment, e) Using Optical Fiber kit “Light Runner Basic”, measure the Attenuation, Dispersion & Eye Pattern in an optical fiber and determine the position of the fault in a fiber optic link using OTDR Method.