Compulsory Courses
Syllabus:Mathematical Preliminaries: Vector and tensors calculus, Indicial notation. Strain: Definition of small strain, Strain-Displacement relations in 3D, Physical interpretation of strain components, Principal Strains. Stress and equilibrium: Stress components in 3D, Principal Stresses, Cauchy’s principle, stress equilibrium. Constitutive law, Navier’s equations, compatibility equations. Formulation of boundary value problems and solution methods: Plane Problems – plane stress, plane strain, anti-plane shear. Fourier transform methods. Superposition principle. Additional topics from: Examples - Torsion of prismatic shaft, Contact problems, Wedge problems, Dislocations and inclusions, Cracks, Think-film problems; Advanced transform methods - Complex variable techniques, Potential methods; Advanced ideas - Energy method, Numerical approaches, Finite elements, Eigenstrains, Micromechanics.
Syllabus:Mathematical preliminaries: Vectors; Tensors; Coordinate transformations. Newton-Euler Mechanics: Rotation; Three-dimensional Rigid-body kinematics and dynamics; Specialisation to two-dimensions; Gyroscopes. Analytical Mechanics: Virtual work; Lagrange multipliers; Lagrange’s equations; Holonomic and non-holonomic systems; Hamiltonian mechanics. Vibrations: Free, damped and forced single-degree of freedom system; Two degree of freedom system; Normal modes; Multi-degree of freedom systems; Lab demos/sessions.
Syllabus:Introduction: stress-deformation relation, vector and tensor, vorticity and circulation, derivation of Navier-Stokes equations; Exact solutions: Couette flow, Hagen-Poiseuille flow, Stokes problems; Complex variable and Potential flow, Two-dimensional boundary layer: Blassius solution, Kármán-Pohlhausen method, effect of pressure gradient, separation and control, Waltz’s-Quadrature formula; Flow instability: concept of small-perturbations, linearized stability of parallel viscous flows, Orr-Sommerfeld equation; Turbulent boundary layers: Reynolds stress tensor, energy cascade, mixing length hypothesis, universal law of wall, fully developed turbulent flow through a pipe and channel, power law and effect of wall roughness; Compressible flow: condition of compressibility, subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows, shock and Mach waves, shock-boundary layer interactions; Special topics: Transition and turbulence, fluid-solid interaction, free-surface flow, bio-fluids, non-Newtonian flows, CFD and Measurements (optional and limited to any one).
Syllabus:Conduction: Derivation of heat conduction equation. Summary of basic 1D conduction. Fins with variable cross-section. Multi-dimensional steady and unsteady problems in Cartesian and Cylindrical coordinates. Semi-infinite solids. Duhamel’s Superposition Integral. Solidification and Melting. Inverse heat conduction. Microscale heat transfer. Radiation: Physical mechanism. Laws of thermal radiation. Radiation properties of surfaces. View factors for diffuse radiation. Radiation exchange in black and diffusegray enclosures. Radiation effects in temperature measurement. Enclosure theory for surfaces with wall temperatures that are continuous functions of space. Spectrally diffuse enclosure surfaces. Specularly reflecting surfaces. The equation of radiative properties in participating media. Radiative properties of molecular gases. Approximate solution methods for one-dimensional media: The optically thin and optically thick approximations. Radiation in participating media: Gas radiation. Combined Conduction and Radiation: Example of a spacecraft radiator. Solar radiation. Greenhouse effect.
Syllabus:Conservation equations, boundary layers, free convection, forced convection. Heat transfer in laminar and turbulent, internal as well as external flows, mixed convection. Combined convection and radiation. Boiling and Condensation. Molecular diffusion in fluids, mass transfer coefficient. Simultaneous heat and mass transfer; Applications.
Syllabus:Mechanics of chip formation, chip curl. Bluntness and cutting forces. Thermal aspects of machining. Tool wear, tool life and economics of machining. Mechanics of grinding, forces and specific energy, temperature. wheel wear and surface finish.
Syllabus:General classification of unconventional machining, chemical machining, electric discharge machining, Abrasive Jet and Ultrasonic Machining, electron beam machining, laser beam machining, ion beam machining, plasma arc machining; Comparative evaluation of different processes; Conventional machining with modifications.
Syllabus:Fundamentals of plasticity, yield and flow, anisotropy, instability, limit analysis, slipline field theory. Applications to forging, wire and tube drawing, deep drawing, extrusion and rolling. High velocity forming.
Syllabus: Linear Algebra: Vector space and its basis; Matrices as coordinate-dependent linear transformation; null and range spaces; Solution of linear algebraic equations: Gauss elimination and Gauss-Jordon methods, LU Decomposition and Cholesky method, Gauss-Seidel/ Jacobi iterative methods; Condition number; Minimum norm and least square error solutions; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices and their properties; Similarity transformation; Jordon canonical form and orthogonal diagonalization; Mises power method for finding eigenvalues/eigenvectors of symmetric matrices. Tensor Algebra and Index Notation. Vector and Tensor Calculus: Curves and surfaces; Gradient, divergence and curl, Line, surface and volume integrals; Gauss (divergence), Stokes and Green’s theorems. Topics in Numerical Methods: Solution of a non-linear algebraic equation and system of equations; Interpolation methods, Regression; Numerical Integration. Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs): Techniques of the separation of variable and the integrating factor for 1st order ODEs; Solutions of linear, 2nd order ODEs with constant coefficients and Euler-Cauchy ODEs; System of 1st order ODEs; Numerical methods for solving ODEs, Homogeneous, linear, 2nd order ODEs with variable coefficients: power series and Frobenius methods; Sturm-Louville problem; Laplace transform method for non-homogeneous, linear, 2nd order ODEs: discontinuous right-hand sides.
Elective Courses
Syllabus:Introduction: Refrigeration and air-conditioning, definitions, Psychrometry, sensible/ latent coolingloads, apparatus, dew point, complete psychrometric analysis, building heat load calculation,infiltration and moisture transport, winter air conditioning, part load operations and control;Refrigeration cycles, multi-staging and cascading, aircraft refrigeration and air conditioning, design ofcooling coil, heat pump, solar refrigeration system; Supporting material: Boiling heat transfer, forced convection boiling, film condensation, condensation on radial systems, Overall heat transfer coefficient, LMTD and NTU methods, cooling tower; Special topics/case studies: such as Solar thermal dynamics, energy efficient buildings, automobile air-conditioning, space thermal management, mini-microscale refrigeration systems, CO2 based systems, VRF and VFD systems, etc...
Syllabus:The equations of motion in rotating coordinate system, effect of Coriolis and Centrifugal forces, energy equation; classification of turbomachines; two-dimensional cascade theory; fundamentals, two-dimensional analysis, angular momentum & energy transfer, h-s diagram, degree of reaction, effect of Mach number, performance and efficiency; three-dimensional flow in axial turbomachines, radial equilibrium, secondary flow, tip clearance and loss estimation; radial and mixed flow machines; multistage axial compressors and turbines; prediction of stage performance and effect of stacking; rotating stall and surge; turbine blade heat load and blade cooling; application of CFD in analysis and design of turbomachinery;...
Syllabus:The purpose of the course is to expose the students to the basic elements of continuum mechanics in a sufficiently rigorous manner. After attending this course, the students should be able to appreciate a wide variety of advanced courses in solid and fluid mechanics....
Syllabus:History of calculus of variations: Discussion of certain classical and modern problems in mechanics that led the emergence and development of calculus of variations. Contributions of Bernoulli(s), Euler, Lagrange, Jacobi, Weierstrass, Hamilton, Legendre and some others will be discussed briefly; Definition of a function, function space (with examples of function spaces that are important in engineering and sciences) and so called ‘functional’; Definition of the first variation of a functional and a variational derivative. Necessary condition for an extremum. Euler equation. Discussion on Null Lagrangian and natural boundary condition. Constraints and Lagrange multipliers (with examples from classical mechanics);...
Syllabus:This course aims to setting-up initial-boundary value problems for some important and fundamental structural members viz. bars, strings, membrane and plates. Analytical and approximate solutions to these problems for various loading and boundary conditions are discussed and analyzed...
Syllabus:This course will introduce the students to the basics of nonlinear dynamics with a specific emphasis on second order systems representing vibration problems. Computer based assignments and tests will be used to complement the in-class evaluations. Use of symbolic algebra packages and computations using MATLAB will be encouraged...
Syllabus:Introduction: Governing equations for fluid flow and heat transfer, classifications of PDE, finite difference formulation, various aspects of finite difference equation, error and stability analysis, dissipation and dispersion errors, modified equations; Solutions of simultaneous equations: iterative and direct methods, TDMA, ADI; Elliptic PDE: One- and Twodimensional steady heat conduction and their solutions, extension to three-dimensional; Parabolic PDE:...
Syllabus:Equations of motion in rotating coordinate frames, Cartesian approximations, Density stratified flows and internal gravity waves, Taylor-Proudman theorem, Ekman layer, single and multiple layered shallow-water systems, Geostrophic adjustment and Thermal-wind balance, Potential vorticity, Poincare, Kelvin and Rossby waves, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, Baroclinic instability, Wave-mean theory, 2D turbulence, chaotic advection in Stratosphere, Laplace tidal equations, Internaltides in deep oceans, tsunami waves .
Syllabus:The primary objective of the course is to teach fundamentals of computational method for solving non-linear partial differential equations (PDE) primarily in complex geometry. The emphasis of the course is to teach CFD techniques for solving incompressible and compressible N-S equation in primitive variables, grid generation in complex geometry, transformation of N-S equation in curvilinear coordinate system and introduction to turbulence modelling.
Syllabus:Phase-change Thermo-physics, Equations of state, Phase diagrams, Phasestability and spinoidals, Interfacial tension, Free energy, Wetting and hysteresis.
Syllabus:Introduction, review of thermodynamics, adiabatic flame temperature, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, steady-state approximation, partial equilibrium, mass transfer, conservation equations and transport properties, laminar premixed flame, flame speed, ignition, quenching, flammability limits and stability, laminar non-premixed flame, conserved scalar concept, estimation of flame height, burning rate for a single droplet, turbulent premixed flames, Borghi diagram, flame height for turbulent nonpremixedflames, liftoff and blowout phenomena, flame stabilizationin turbulent flows,...
Syllabus:Basic concepts, radiation spectrum, extraterrestrial radiation, sun earth relationship, Concept of time, terrestrial radiation, Diffuse and direct radiation, relationship between important angles, Angle of incidence on a tilted plane, shading, measurement of radiation, Radiation estimation on tilted plane, radiation augmentation, Flat plate collector, thermal analysis, Air heater, testing procedure, Single and double axes tracking, Parabolic trough collector, Compound parabolic concentrators, Basics of photovoltaic effect, Band bending, PN junction diode, bias, Light generated current, effect of temperature and intensity
Syllabus:The primary objective of the course is to teach fundamentals of turbulent flows, an important topic in fluid dynamics. The course coverage includes: Statistical representation of turbulent flows, energy cascade, Kolmogorov hypothesis, free shear and wall-bounded flows apart from introduction to turbulence modelling and experiments...
Syllabus:Introduction. Basic Considerations in Design. Modelling of Thermal Systems. Numerical Modelling and Simulation. Acceptable Design of a Thermal System: A Synthesis of Different Design Steps. Optmization. Special Topics...
Syllabus:Introduction, Details of an experimental setup, Static versus dynamic calibration, Design of experiments. Uncertainty analysis, Central limit theorem, Normal and Student’s-t distribution, Data outlier detection, Error propagation. Temporal response of probes and transducers, Measurement system model, zeroth, first, and second order systems, Probes and transducers, pressure transducers, pitot static tube, 5-hole probe, Hotwire anemometer, Laser Doppler velocimetry, Particle image velocimetry, Thermocouples, RTD, Thermister, Infrared thermography, Heat flux measurement, Interferometry, Schlieren and shadowgraph techniques, Holography, Measurements based on light scattering, Absorption spectroscopy,...
Syllabus: Introduction and study of different instabilities observed in the field of fluid mechanics. The tools used for analysing the stability of different fluid flows shall be covered along with pertinent research topics. Numerical methods relevant in the field of stability of fluid flows are discussed wherever it may be necessary.
Syllabus:Fundamentals of machining, Mechanics of metal cutting, Thermomechanical analysis, Chip formation, Basic tribo-interaction in machining, Governing factors at machining interfaces, Methods for predicting friction, Frictional regimes, Friction models, Special tribometry, Cutting tool wear, Wear modes and characterization, Wear models, Wear monitoring and control, Modern lubri-coolant methods, Sustainability aspects in machining, Influence of lubri-coolant method of machined surface integrity, Surface engineering, Development of modern cutting tools, Laser processing and coatings, Coating degradation mechanisms, Experimental techniques in machining, Wear map generation, Split tool, Quick stop method, Ballistic machining, Chip geometry control, Surface and sub-surface characterization, Formation and detection of adiabatic shear banding
Syllabus:Introduction to analytical tools for modeling, analysis and design of railway vehicles...
Syllabus:Solidification: Introduction, Evolution of solid/liquid interface, Solidification transport phenomena and its mathematical modelling. Casting: Introduction, Solidification rates and microstructure in casting, Transport Phenomena in casting, Fluidity, Casting defects, Casting design, Case studies of selected casting processes, Advanced means to control casting structure, properties and defects. Joining: Introduction, Physics of welding. Advanced applications of solidification principles...
Syllabus:Vorticity, vorticity equation, Kelvin’s theorem, Helmholtz laws, kinematic decomposition of velocity fields, uniqueness of solenoidal and irrotational velocity fields, superposition of irrotational flows, complex analysis, conformal transformations, finite wings, three-dimensional potential flows, unsteady potential flows, virtual mass, cavitation, bubble dynamics, interfacial and free-surface waves, bores and hydraulic jumps..
Syllabus:Course covers modeling the mechanics and dynamics of machining operations, and their interactions with the machine tool system...
Syllabus: Review of fundamentals of thermal transport in manufacturing: Introduction to the course, Steady and transient heat conduction, Convection and Radiation, Natural convection. Finite Volume based modelling of heat transfer in manufacturing and numerical implementation, Phase change - Enthalpy based algorithm for Melting/solidification, Two-phase mushy zone flows, Liquid- vapour phase change involved in manufacturing, Illustration using code. Case studies on modelling of thermal transport in manufacturing processes: Solidification processing – Casting, Marangoni convection driven flow, Arc, Laser/Electron beam welding. Heat assisted manufacturing process –...
Syllabus: Additive Manufacturing ( AM) is a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usual y layer up on layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies, such as traditional machining. The basic principle of AM is that a model, initially generated using a three-dimensional Computer Aided Design (3D CAD) system, can be fabricated directly. AM technologies have significantly evolved over the last decade. Because of their potential to extensively transform the nature of manufacturing processes, e.g ., by enabling "Freedom of Design" several industries have been attracted by these technologies. Using AM, manufacturing of highly complex parts can be an economically viable alternative to convention al manufacturing technologies.
Syllabus:Introduction to stress and strain and need for experimental stress analysis. Localized measurement of deformation: Electrical resistance strain gages including bridge configurations and strain amplifiers used, optical displacement and strain sensors, LVDT and capacitance based sensors...
Syllabus:Numbers within parentheses give number of lectures for...
Syllabus:REV, Mass, momentum and energy transport, Darcy and Non-Darcy equations, equilibrium and nonequilibrium conditions, species transport, radioactive decay, equivalent thermal conductivity, viscosity, dispersion, Flow over a flat plate, flow past a cylinder, boundary-layers, reservoir problems,...
Syllabus:Flapping foils in nature, airfoil theory, vortex dynamics, governing equations and parameters, kinematics, vortex wakes, drag to thrust transition, thrust by forward moving foils, unsteady actuator disk theory, efficiency estimates, scaling laws, thrust generation in quiescent ambient, deflected wakes, unsteady mechanisms, flexible flapping foils, fluid-flexible-structure interaction, 3D foils, foils in tandem, biomimetic applications...
Syllabus: Review of FE techniques for linear elasticity; Review of continuum mechanics—kinematics, balance laws, stress measures, Clausius Duhem inequality, frame indifference, stress rates and constitutive equations; Introduction to directional derivatives, formulation of variational principles for nonlinear problems and linearisation;
Syllabus:Fibre reinforced polymeric composites are gradually replacing traditional metal alloys in making primary load carrying structures due to their superior structural and functional properties. However, failure behaviour of composites under mechanical loading are far more complex than metals. This course would start by highlighting the importance of carrying out failure analysis in composite structures. It would then discuss the different failure mechanisms experimentally observed, and subsequently introduce several physically based advanced failure theories developed for composites. It would also cover computational implementation of the failure models as user defined subroutines in a commercial finite element programme....
Syllabus: Introduction to the Course and Some Applications of Difference Equations in Engineering, Preliminaries in linear algebra and analysis, Analogies between differential and difference equations, Elementary Difference Operations: the Difference and the Shift operators, The Difference and Summation Calculus, Linear difference equations, First order equations
Syllabus:To introduce the methods to detect inhomogeneities (cracks, delaminations, corrosion) in macrostructures using non-invasive methods such as thermography, ultrasonics, and computer vision. Experiments will be demonstrated for all three techniques....
Syllabus: This course deals with how functions, derivatives, integrals, matrices and differential equations are evaluated as strings of numbers in the computer. It studies the speed of convergence of Taylor, Fourier, and other series expansions and their utility. Applications of these techniques in solving model engineering problems are included. Finally
Credits: 9
Syllabus:Load duration curve, power plant economics, Indian context, Fundamentals of electrochemistry, Nerst equation, Butler-Volmer kinetics, Characterization and transport in electrochemical systems, primary and secondary batteries, Fuel cell basics, The fundamental principles of thermal energy storage, sensible and latent storage systems, energy and exergy analysis principles, aquifer storage, thermally stratified storage, Cold TES systems, thermochemical energy storage, case studies, Necessity and advantage of hydrogen storage, Physical and chemical storage, Basic principles, safety issues, Ammonia storage Pumped Hydro, compressed air, gravity storage – fundamental principles, performance metrics and applications.
Syllabus: Introduction and dimensional analysis and review of numerical method: Review on vector calculus, scalar/vector fields, linear algebra, notation system, Taylor series, numerical methods for simultaneous linear equations, first/second order ODE and PDE, dimensional analysis; Review and modelling of simple systems: Conservation laws of mass, momentum and energy, thermal transport (Fourier’s Law and Diffusion Equation), mass transport (Fick’s Law, diffusive and convective mass balance), definitions of displacement gradient, strain (Euler/Lagrange), stress (nominal, PK-1/2), momentum conservation, Generalized Hooke’s Law and Navier’s equation, plane stress/strain, continuity and Navier Stokes equations, steady and transient flow models, electrodynamics, Maxwell’s equations, electrochemical transport and kinetics, Butler Volmer and Tafel models, applied numerical problems for each physics; Modelling of coupled multiphysics systems: Thermal-elastic systems, gas-driven and thermal strain-driven actuating devices, Electrostatic-elastic systems, capacitive mass-spring and plate systems, stability analysis and bifurcation diagrams, Fluid-thermal systems, natural convection, Fluid-structural systems, Electrochemical-thermal-mechanical systems; Computational application of multiphysics problems: Numerical modelling of coupled systems in Matlab and COMSOL, one-way and two-ways coupling, dimensional analysis and problem simplification; Multiscale modelling: Introduction to molecular dynamics.
Introduction; Channel Flow; Dissipation effect, Compliance of channel wall. Transport Laws; Boundary slip, Momentum accommodation coefficient, Thermal accommodation coefficient, Diffusion, Dispersion and Mixing; Surface Tension Dominated Flows; Thermo-capillary flows, Diffuso-capillary flows, Electrowetting, Charged Species Flow;
Syllabus: Combustion and Fuels: Combustion process in SI and CI engines, Petroleum based liquid fuels and refining; Liquid alternative fuels such as vegetable oils, biodiesel, and emulsified fuels, lubricating oils composition and effect of alternate fuels; Gaseous alternative fuels such as hydrogen, compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, dimethyl ether, and hythane
Syllabus: Diesel Engine management: cylinder charge control systems, principles of diesel fuel injection, mixture distribution, diesel fuel injection systems, governors and control systems, discrete cylinder systems, single plunger fuel injection pumps, unit injector systems, and unit pump systems, common rail systems, injection nozzles, minimizing emissions inside the engine, electronic diesel control (EDC), electronic control unit (ECU);
Syllabus:Types of welding: Fusion welding process, Resistance welding, Chemical fusion welding, Beam welding process, Friction welding, Pressure welding. Thermal analysis of weldment: Modes of heat transfer during welding, Temperature profile in welding process. Fluid flow analysis of weldment: Forces contribution during welding, Convection. Microstructure evolution in welding: Thermodynamics of solidification, Driving force for solidification, Phase diagram of alloys, Constitutional undercooling, Microstructures in weld. Zones in a weldment: Peak temperature, Cooling rates, Zones in fusion welding, Effect of weld pool shape on microstructure. Stresses in welding: Residual stresses in welding, Distortion. Weld joint design: Type of weld joints, Weld design guidelines, Size of weld, and amount of welding. Other joining processes: Adhesive bonding and their mechanism, Welding of dissimilar materials, Welding polymers, and other non-metallic materials. Defects in welding and weld testing: Welding defects, Weldability testing.
Syllabus: The success of a product in the market depends on many factors. These include cost, reliability and time to market. With globalization, companies need to devise techniques in order to remain competitive in the current scenario. To this end, design and manufacturing operations no longer function in isolation but have to interact closely.
Prerequisites: TA 202 or equivalent
Syllabus:Introduction: Examples of turbulent flow, modeling and their applications, Review of fluid mechanics: Mass, momentum and energy equations, boundary layer theory; Theory of turbulent flow: Introduction and statistical description of turbulence, scales of turbulence, energy cascade, Reynolds Equations (SRANS and Unsteady RANS), Reynolds Stress (RS) Equations and closure problems, Turbulent kinetic energy equations, wall bounded, and free-shear turbulent flows, Dynamics of turbulence, coherent and incoherent structures; Review of computational method: Aspects of Finite Difference Equation (FDE) (stability, convergence, order of accuracy, truncation error etc. using modified equations), FDM Solution of Incompressible Viscous Flows (SIMPLE and MAC)
Syllabus: Introduction to the Course and Some Applications of Difference Equations in Engineering, Preliminaries in linear algebra and analysis, Analogies between differential and difference equations, Elementary Difference Operations: the Difference and the Shift operators, The Difference and Summation Calculus, Linear difference equations
Syllabus: Mathematical preliminaries; stress and strain; constitutive responses; physics of plasticity; application of plasticity theory for different materials; Formulation of rate-independent plasticity; maximum dissipation postulate; yield criteria; flow rules and hardening rules; uniqueness theorems; extremum principles in plasticity; limit analysis; shakedown theorems; plane problems in plasticity;
Syllabus: Overview and history, Discussion on inertial effects. Mathematical preliminaries. Basic linear elastodynamics, Waves in Periodic Structures, Causality Principle. One-dimensional Models. Static Cracks in a Linearly Elastic Body, Stress Intensity Factors and Crack Tip Singularity, Energy Release, General Crack System, Cohesive Zone Model.
Syllabus: Information such as energy and momentum is communicated through space and time via waves. Their study in elastic solids constitutes the subject of elastodynamics. This course presents the formulation and solution of elastodynamic problems in one, two and three dimensions. The notion of waveguides — structures that guide waves
Syllabus: Organization of animal cells; Structure and function of cell membrane; Role of fluid lipid bilayers in cell functionality; Experimental methods to study membranes; Self assembly of lipid bilayer, Brief review of differential geometry concepts; Development of elasticity models of membranes; Stable equilibrium shapes of red blood cells;
Syllabus: Inclusions and inhomogeneities in isotropic elastic solid; Volterra and Somigliana dislocations; disclinations; point defects; Force on a singularity; interaction between defects; the concept of eigenstrain; cracks; homogenisation and macroscopic properties; composite materials.
Syllabus: Some relevant definitions and results in the theory of differentiable manifolds, smooth vector fields, differential forms, (exterior) calculus (differentiation and integration using differential forms), differential equations and their associated flow maps, Symplectic manifolds; Brief review of Hamiltonian mechanics (Lagrange’s vs Hamilton’s Equations), Canonical Transformation
Syllabus: Introduction to types of composites: metal matrix, ceramic matrix, polymer matrix and carbon-carbon composites; Characteristics of polymer matrices, Method of preparation of fibres (glass and carbon), characteristics of different types of fibers; Processing of fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites.
Syllabus:Fracture: Energy release rate, Linear elastic fracture mechanics: crack tip stress and deformation fields, Stress intensity factor (SIF) for plane and penny shaped crack, First order estimate of plastic zone using Irwin’s and Dugdale approach; Elasto-plastic fracture: HRR fields, J-integral and CTOD, Mixed mode fracture; Evaluation of SIF from experimental measurements, numerical simulations...
Syllabus: Course will cover the theory and practical aspects of the processes involved in testing of structural components with the objective of obtaining a mathematical description of their dynamic behavior. Main ingredients of the course will be the study of the theoretical basis of vibrations, details and functioning of vibration measuring instruments, digital processing of measurements, and detailed analysis of measured data...
Syllabus:Fundamental Principles of Engine Design: Stages of Combustion, Combustion Equations, Heat of Combustion, Thermodynamic analysis of SI Engine combustion process: Thermo-Chemistry; Chemical Equilibrium, Equilibrium Combustion Products, Flame Propagation in Engines, Unburned and Burned Mixture States, In-cylinder Flow-Field Measurement: Fuel Injection, Measurement of In-cylinder Mixture Distribution, Fuel-Air-Mixing and Burning Rates in CI Engines, Engine Combustion and Flame Visualization....
Syllabus:Introduction: Applications of boiling and condensation. Difference between evaporation and boiling. Comparison of Nucleate and Convective (or Flow) boiling. Pool boiling: Nukiyama Experiment. Theory of vapour bubble formation: Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Nucleation. Bubble Growth Models. Mechanism of Critical Heat Flux (CHF). Various models and correlations. Pool Boiling of Binary Mixture. Flow Boiling: homogeneous and heterogeneous models. Flow Boiling in Microchannels. Flow Boiling of Binary Mixtures..
Syllabus: Review of classical thermodynamics; introductory electrochemistry; principles of chemical and electrochemical kinetics; transport phenomena in electrochemical system, Classical thermodynamic analyses of fuel cell systems; analyses of fuel cell kinetics; quantification of fuel cell performance, Conservation and rate equations;
Syllabus:Introduction to Turbulence, review of turbulence models: RANS, LES, DNS, simple closure of chemical source terms, mixture fraction based modeling of turbulent nonpremixed combustion: flamelet model and CMC method, PDF and Monte Carlo methods, scalar mixing models, turbulent premixed flames, droplet and spray combustion...
Syllabus:Analysis, design and transformation of curves and surfaces; Properties of curves and surfaces; Relationships and intersections among curves and surfaces; Solid Modelling.
Syllabus:This course will introduce the students to the basic fundamentals of optimization methods that can be used during a design process. Considering the computational aspect of the subject especially in higher dimensions, the course will involve significant amount of computational assignments and a term project in the general area of engineering optimization...
Syllabus:Overview of Vibration Control, Factors affecting level of vibration, Vibration reduction at the source, Vibration control by structural design, Selection of materials, Vibration control by additive damping, Dynamic Properties and Use of Viscoelastic Materials, Constrained Layer Damping, Dynamic vibration absorbers, vibration and shock isolators, Active vibration control, Use of Smart Materials for Vibration Control, Energy Harvesting Materials...
Syllabus:Rotor-bearing interaction. Flexural vibration, critical speeds of shafts, Effects of anisotropic bearings, unbalanced response of an assymetric shaft. Gyroscopic effects. Aerodynamic effects. Equivalent discrete system. Geared and branched systems. Fluid film bearings: Steady state characteristics of bearings. Rigid and flexible rotor balancing. Measurement techniques.
Syllabus:Introduction to Design, Generating Concepts, Concept Selection, Theory of Inventive Problem Solving, TRIZ, Analytical Methods of Engineering Design, Information, Entropy and it’s relation to Design, Axiomatic Design, One-FR Design, Multi-FR Design, Design of Systems, Product Design, Metric Design, Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Design for Environment, Design for Robustness, Optimal Design...
Syllabus:Brief Review of Basic State Space Control, Controllability, Observability, Dual System, Time- Varying System, Solution to Linear time varying Equation, Solution to linear state equation – with Inputs, Full State Feedback Control, Introduction to Optimal Control, Linear Quadratic Regulator, State-Variable Feedback, Output Feedback, Coupled Nonlinear Design Equations, Linear Quadratic Tracker...
Syllabus:Introduction to Recent Manufacturing systems, Computer aided design, geometric modelling,concurrent engineering, Computer aided process planning, computer control manufacturing systems, Automated Material Handling and storage system, Robotic systems, Quality engineering, statistical process control and automated inspection system, Manufacturing planning and control systems, Group technology and cellular manufacturing system.
Syllabus: Different types of joints, Types of Robots. Spatial transformation. Forward and inverse kinematics of serial manipulators. Singularity and manipulation ability. Actuators, sensors and robot programming in VAL II. Linear control of robotics systems . Applications, motion planning, grasping and industrial automation.
Syllabus: Review of robot manipulators. Manipulator kinematics (forward and inverse), Singular value decomposition and manipulation ability. Redundant manipulators, Euler-Lagrange/ Newton Euler dynamics of serial manipulators. Linear control , PD, PID control. Control of flexible joint robots. Singularity and workspace analysis. Introduction to manipulator design and optimization.
Syllabus: INTRODUCTION : Definition; Types of automation; Reasons for automating; Automation strategies.
Syllabus:Configuration spaces of mobile vehicles and manipulators, Geometric modelling and sensor based map building. Path planning and obstacle avoidance. Object manipulation and grasping.
Syllabus:A key concept throughout this course: How to select materials for a given application; Characteristics of metals, nonmetals, ceramics, polymers, smart materials, multifunctional materials, fibers, and their alloys and composites/nanocomposites specially polymer matrix composites, ceramic matrix composites, and metal matrix composites; Processing of materials, alloys, composites and nanocomposites; Applications of these materials in structural, energy, water, packaging, and bioimplants as case studies.
Syllabus: Overview of smart materials, Piezoelectric Ceramics, Piezo-polymers, Magnetostrictive Materials, Electroactive Polymers, Shape Memory Alloys, Electro and Magneto Rheological Fluids, Modelling of smart materials, introduction to composite smart materials, Mechanics of smart composite materials, Smart sensors based on high bandwidth low strain smart materials
Syllabus:Fundamentals of systems, subsystems and integration of mechanical and electrical systems using computer based control. Basic signal processing, different types of sensors, actuators, controllers, DSP.
Syllabus: Granular materials are the most industrially important materials after water. In nature, they are found as landslides and avalanches. Their constitutive response is not understood, and their description depends on the manner in which they move. This course develops continuum descriptions of rapidly flowing granular materials
Syllabus: The contents are relevant for engineering post-graduate students as well as interested undergraduate level students (with instructor permission). This course would cover (a) Micro- system technology to realize various biologically inspired systems and materials (b) Micro- fluidic systems (c)Various aspects of processes and methods derived from the microelectronic industry to realize micro-systems
Syllabus:Introduction to wave phenomenon, Acoustic variables, Sound speed, Concepts of wavefronts, Progressive and standing waves, Noise control strategies: Sound source modification, Control of transmission path, modification of receiver path, Airborne and Structure-borne noise, 1-D Acoustic wave equation, Helmholtz equation, Boundary conditions, Resonance frequencies of a closed/open tube, Sound Pressure Level, Sound Intensity Level and Sound Power Level, A-weighting, Simple (monopole), dipoles, lateral and longitudinal quadrupole sources, Directivity, Near- and far-field, Piston in a baffle, Reflection and transmission of normally incident wavefronts, Outdoor sound propagation: Analysis of barriers, Wave propagation in waveguides: Muffler analysis, General noise control methods, Noise estimates for typical engineering applications.
Syllabus:This course aims at providing a set of powerful analytical tools for the solution of engineering problems. These methods are often necessary to obtain solutions to problems that are inaccessible to numerical computation.
Syllabus: Elementary review of dynamic systems. Equations of motion. Numerical solution of ODEs. Linearization. Stability. Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms. Block diagrams. Transfer functions. Feedback loops. Poles and zeros. Transient responses. Stability. The Routh‐Hurwitz criterion. Nonminimum phase systems and their transient responses.