Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Theory of Mechanisms and Machines

2L-0T-1P-0A (7 Credits)


ESO 209.

Course Content:

Kinematic pairs, diagrams and inversion. Mobility and range of movement.
Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of planar linkages. Dimensional synthesis for motion, path and function generation. Dynamic force analysis, flywheels. Inertia forces and balancing for rotating and reciprocating machines. Cam mechanisms, Cam profile synthesis. Gears and gear trains.

Lecture-wise break-up:

I. Kinematic pairs, diagrams, Mobility and range of movement: (5 Lectures)

II. Kinematic analysis of planar linkages: (5 Lectures)

III. Dimensional synthesis: (4 Lectures)

IV. Dynamic force analysis, flywheels: (2 Lectures)

V. Inertia forces and balancing: (4 Lectures)

VI. Cam mechanism: (4 Lectures)

VII. Gears and gear trains: (3 Lectures)

Laboratory sessions:

I. Assembly of mechanisms from links and joints, study of mobility.

II. Linkage design and experimental verification.

III. Development of turning moment diagram for an engine.

IV. Balancing of thin discs and/or rotors.

V. Balancing of IC engines.

VI. Analysis of cams.

VII. Study of gears. Design, assembly and operation of gear trains.

Suggested text and reference material:
  1. Theory of Mechanisms and Machines by Ghosh and Mallik (EWP).