Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Energy Storage Systems
3L-0T-0L-00 (9 Credits)
Course Content

Load duration curve, power plant economics, Indian context, Fundamentals of electrochemistry, Nerst equation, Butler-Volmer kinetics, Characterization and transport in electrochemical systems, primary and secondary batteries, Fuel cell basics, The fundamental principles of thermal energy storage, sensible and latent storage systems, energy and exergy analysis principles, aquifer storage, thermally stratified storage, Cold TES systems, thermochemical energy storage, case studies, Necessity and advantage of hydrogen storage, Physical and chemical storage, Basic principles, safety issues, Ammonia storage Pumped Hydro, compressed air, gravity storage - fundamental principles, performance metrics and applications

Lecturewise Breakup

I. Necessity of storage (2 Lectures)

  • Load duration curve, power plant economics, Indian context, forms of energy storage, Self- discharge, state of charge, roundtrip efficiency

II. Thermal and Thermochemical Storage (10 Lectures)

  • The fundamental principles of thermal energy storage, sensible and latent storage systems, energy and exergy analysis principles, aquifer storage, thermally stratified storage, Cold TES systems, thermochemical energy storage, performance metrics and case studies

III. Electrochemical Storage (14 Lectures)

  • Fundamentals of electrochemistry, Nerst equation, Butler-Volmer kinetics, Characterization and transport in electrochemical systems, primary batteries, secondary batteries, Li-ion battery, vanadium redox flow battery, RC network model, performance metrics, types of Fuel cell and their basic operation, state of the art and future challenges, special topic on transportation application/ magnetic storage / electromagnetic storage

IV. Hydrogen and chemical storage (10 Lectures)

  • Necessity and advantage of hydrogen storage, Hydrogen from hydrocarbons, hydrogen from water, pressure storage, liquid hydrogen storage, storage through hydrides, safety issues, performance metrics, Ammonia storage, challenges in hydrogen utilization, possibility of transportation application, Special topic on biofuel

V. Mechanical Storage (4 Lectures)

  • Pumped Hydro, compressed air, gravity storage - fundamental principles, performance metrics and applications
Relevant books
  1. Energy Storage, Robert Huggins, Springer
  2. Energy Storage, Alfred Rufer, CRC Press
  3. Electrochemical Engineering, Fuller and Hard, Wiley
  4. Thermal Energy Storage, Dincer and Rosen, Wiley
  5. Hydrogen Storage Technologies, Godula-Jopek et al., Wiley-VCH