Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The Master of Technology in Mechanical Engineering is comprised of rigorous coursework followed by a full year of research. Courses often include advanced level group projects and/or individual research project.

In addition to management, communication, team work and research skills, each student will attain at least the following learning outcomes from this degree course:

  • Demonstrate a depth of knowledge of Mechanical Engineering
  • Complete an independent research project, resulting in at least a thesis publication, and research outputs in terms of publications in high impact factor journals, conference proceedings, and patents
  • Demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues in their chosen field of research
  • Demonstrate an ability to present and defend their research work to a panel of experts
Programs Structure

In the M.Tech. Program, the emphasis is on the development of a broad background in a particular stream followed by a deeper study of a problem in the stream. Every student is required to take a minimum of 8 courses of which 3 or 4 (depending on the stream) are compulsory to be taken mostly in the first semester. In the second semester, the student takes mostly the elective courses and the remaining compulsory courses, if any. The elective courses are chosen in consultation with the thesis supervisor to match the student's interest as well as his thesis requirements. The third and fourth semesters are dedicated for the thesis work.

The residence requirements for M.Tech program is four semesters. However, it is possible to get permission to spend one semester elsewhere. If someone wants to carry out the thesis work in a company, or at some other educational institution, it is allowed by the Institute. The maximum time one can spend in the M.Tech program is four years. We also have a part-time M.Tech program for working professionals. These students will register for six semesters. It is possible to convert one's status from full-time to part-time and vice-versa.