Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Fluid Mechanics

2L-1T-0P-0A (8 Credits)

Course Content:

Introduction; Reynolds Transport Theorem; Integral form of continuity, momentum and energy equations; Eulerian and Lagrangian view-points; Constitutive relations; Navier Stokes equations; Exact solutions; Potential flow; Boundary layer theory; Separation and drag; Turbulent flow: Reynolds averaged equations; Turbulent flows in pipes and channels; compressible flows.

Lecturewise Breakup

I. Introduction: (1 Lecture)

  • History and importance of fluid mechanics, Fluid as a continuum, Mechanical response of a fluid region, Thermodynamic properties , Viscosity and other related properties.

II. Fluid Statics: (6 Lectures + 2 Tutorials )

  • Pressure and pressure gradient, Pressure force on a fluid element, Equilibrium of a fluid element, Hydrostatic forces on plane and curved surfaces, Buoyancy and stability, Pressure distribution in rigid body motion and in uniform rotation, Manometry; velocity and pressure measurement.

III. Kinematics of local fluid motion: (2 Lectures + 1 Tutorial)

  • Lagrangianand Eulerian description of fluid flow , Acceleration and substantial derivative, Streamlines, Streaklines, Pathlines.

IV. Integral relations for fluid control volume: (4 Lectures + 2 Tutorials)

  • Control volume, Physical laws of fluid motion, Reynolds transport theorem, Conservation of mass, Linear momentum equation; Examples related to force calculations, Angular momentum equation; Examples related to rotary devices, Energy equation; Friction losses; Bernoulli equation

V. Differential relations for a fluid element: (2 Lectures + 1 Tutorial)

  • Acceleration of a fluid particle, Differential relation of mass conservation, Incompressible and compressible flow, Fully developed flow.

VI. Viscous flow: (5 Lectures + 2 Tutorials)

  • Flow in circular pipes, Reynolds number regimes, Laminar and turbulent flow, Effect of rough walls; Moody’s chart , Major and minor losses in pipe systems, Evaluation of losses using correlations and charts, Hydraulic diameter, Flow through pipes and pipe networks with built-in pumps and turbines, Flow between reservoirs, Orifice and venturi flow meters.

VII. Dimensional analysis and similarity: (3 Lectures + 1 Tutorial)

  • Model versus prototype, Scaling parameters; Scaling laws; Nondimensional form, Buckingham-pi theorem, Problem-solving using non-dimensionalization.

VIII. Flow past immersed bodies: (2 Lectures + 1 Tutorial)

  • Qualitative description of boundary-layers, Flow separation, Streamlined and bluff bodies, Lift, drag, and pitching moment, Flow control.

IX. Compressible flow : (5Lectures + 2 Tutorials)

  • High speed gas flow, speed of sound,, One-dimensional form of the governing equations , Isentropic gas relations , Velocity measurement using a pitot tube at all Mach numbers , Flow through nozzles, Area-velocity relations, Converging-diverging nozzle, Non-ideal flow, Formation of shocks; Shock tables , Mach cone, Oblique shock, Prandtl-Meyer expansion.

Pre-requisites, if any: None

Short summary for including in the Courses of Study Booklet

Introduction, Fluid Statics, Kinematics of local fluid motion, Integral relations for fluid control volume, Differential relations for a fluid element, Viscous flow, Dimensional Analysis and similarity, Flow Past immersed bodies, Compressible flow.

Recommended books

Textbooks: Cengel, Y. and Cimbala, J., Fluid Mechanics: Theory and Applications, McGraw-Hill Education, 4th ed.

Reference Books: Frank M. White, H Xue, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, 9th ed.Fox, R.W., McDonald, A.T., and Pritchard, P.J., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Wiley, 8th ed.

Fox, R.W., McDonald, A.T., and Pritchard, P.J., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Wiley, 8th ed

Any other remarks:

Two-three tutorials may be reserved for fluid mechanics videos related to viscosity, boundary-layers, streamlining, laminar versus turbulent flow, and compressible flow in nozzles.