Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

The Institute provides extensive research support via centralized research in addition to the departmental laboratories. Students have access to the following central facilities:

  • Central Workshop
  • Computer Center: The computer center supports computational activities via hundreds of terminals and the PARAM 10000 supercomputer.
  • Central Library: The P. K. Kelkar Library is one of the best academic libraries in the nation with a collection of more than 3,00,000 volumes and has a subscription of several thousand periodicals.

Apart from that, IITK is extensively networked with institute-wide LAN and Ethernet access. Several specialized central facilities are maintained, and these include the National Wind Tunnel Facility, the Advanced Centre for Material Science, a Nano-science centre, the Advanced Centre for Electronic Systems, the SAMTEL Centre for Display Technology, Prabhu Goel Research Centre for Computer and Internet Security.

Besides the central library, we also operate a ME department library.

To book some of the central facilities, please visit the IITK facility management systems portal