Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Computer-aided Engineering Design
3L-0T-0P-1A (10 Credits)
Objective of the course:

This course will introduce the students to the techniques of geometric modelling needed to model objects for application in CAD, CAM, Computer Graphics and other applications. Considering the highly computational nature of the subject, the course will involve significant amount of computational assignments and a term project in topics of geometric modelling. To account for the extra effort required in these activities, an extra self-assessment credit has been assigned.

Course Content:

Analysis, design and transformation of curves and surfaces; Properties of curves and surfaces; Relationships and intersections among curves and surfaces; Solid Modelling.

Lecturewise Breakup (each lecture is of 50 minutes/75 minutes duration):

1. Fundamentals of solid geometry and spatial transformations: (8/5 Lectures)

2. Curves: (8/6 Lectures)

3. Surfaces: (6/4 Lectures)

4. Properties of curves and surfaces: (3/2 Lectures)

5. Relationships and Intersections: (5/4 Lectures)

6. Solid Modelling: (10/7 Lectures)

Total number of lectures: (40/28 Lectures)

Suggested text and reference materials:
  1. Geometric Modelling, Mortenson
  2. Geometric Elements of Computer Graphics, Rogers and Adams
  3. Other texts and research paperes.