List of ongoing projects
Sponsored projects:
Sr. No. | Start Date | Principal Investigator | CO Principal Investigator | Project Title |
1. | 03-06-2013 | C S Upadhyay | ISHAN SHARMA | Knowledge Incubation For Teqip- Ii |
2. | 22-12-2017 | Mangal Kothari | Design & Development Of Aquatic Autonomous Observatory (Niracara Svayamsasita Vedhshala-Nsvs) For In Situ Monitoring, Real Time Data Transmission & Web Based Visualization (Sub Project- D) Dett. Of Ae | |
3. | 17-01-2018 | Dipak Kumar Giri | A K GHOSH | Fixed & Finitc Time Attitude Control Of Earth Pointing Satellites Using Mrp |
4. | 23-03-2018 | Abhijit Kushari | Fist Programme Of Ae | |
5. | 16-04-2018 | Rakesh Kumar | Numerical Study Of Flow- Thermal Response Of A High Speed Vehicle With Ablative/Non-Ablative Thermal Protection System | |
6. | 01-08-2018 | Sanjay Mittal | J C Bose Fellowship | |
7. | 07-03-2019 | G. M. Kamath | Development And Demonstration Of Fibre-Optic Sensor-Based System For Aircraft Loads And Usage Monitoring | |
8. | 28-03-2019 | Pritam Chakraborty | Concurrent Multiscale Method For Micro-Crack Propagation In Polycrystalline Alloys | |
9. | 30-03-2019 | Abhijit Kushari | Passive Stall Control Of Turbo Machinery Blades Using Leading Edge Tubercles | |
10. | 27-05-2019 | Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno | An Experimental Investigation On Shock Wave Focusing And Associated High Tehmperature Radiating Flowfield | |
11. | 31-05-2019 | Rakesh Kumar | Sparc: Development Of Computational Model For Multi- Physics Simulation Of Flows During Planetary Landing Of Spacecrafts | |
12. | 09-07-2019 | Pritam Chakraborty | Modeling Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behavior Of A Near Alpha Titanium Alloy For Compressor Disc/Bling Applications | |
13. | 11-07-2019 | Ashoke De | Sparc: Modeling Of Diluted Turbulent Spray Flames In Hot Coflow Using Les-Fgm | |
14. | 11-09-2019 | Rakesh Kumar | A New Capacitance Based Model For Sdbd Plasma Actuation | |
15. | 07-11-2019 | P. M. Mohite | Unidirectional Tape Pre-Preg Based Carbon/Epoxy Short Fiber Composites:Development Mechanical Characterization, Stiffness And Strength Predictions | |
16. | 05-12-2019 | Abhijit Kushari | ASHOKE DE | Development Of Integrated Dampers For Combustion Dynamics Abatement For Low Emission/Advanced, Biojet Fuel Gt Combustors |
17. | 21-12-2019 | Ashoke De | Aditya Hemchandra Kelkar | Development Of Impurity Transport Code For Aditya-U Tokamak At Ipr Gandhinagar |
18. | 24-12-2019 | Ajay Vikram Singh | Turbulent Boundary Layer Combustion For Propulsion And Fire Science Applications: Theoretical, Experimental And Computational Studies | |
19. | 22-01-2020 | Ashoke De | Investigation Of Near And Far Field Acoustics Due To The Jet Impingement On The Flame Deflector During Rocket Lift-Off | |
20. | 22-01-2020 | Rakesh Kumar | Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Aerospike Nozzles For Effective Propulsion Systems | |
21. | 03-02-2020 | Arun Kumar Perumal | Turbulent Jet Manipulation Using Unsteady Injection | |
22. | 21-02-2020 | Rakesh Kumar | Development Of A Computational Model For Reentry Trajectory Analysis Of Space Debris | |
23. | 17-03-2020 | Rakesh Kumar | Coupling Of Particle-Based Dem And Dsmc Techniques For Undrstanding Dusty Gas Flow Dynamics | |
24. | 19-03-2020 | Sathesh Mariappan | Experimental Investigation Of Azimuthal Combustion Instability (Screech) In Annular Combustors/Afterburners Of Gas Turbine Engines | |
25. | 19-03-2020 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Real Time Flight Vehicles Distress Management Using Inline System Identification | |
Guidance And Control Of A Precision Guidance Kit (Pgk) For Existing 155mm Artillery Shell |
Design And Development Of A Ramjet Based Propulsion System And A Precision Guidance Kit(Pgk) For Existing 155 Mm Artillery Shell To Achieve Minimum 60 Km Range |
28. | 01-06-2020 | Pritam Chakraborty | Microscale Modeling Of Steels | |
29. | 20-06-2020 | Mangal Kothari | ABHISHEK . | Autopilot And Trajectory Generation For Swarm |
30. | 03-07-2020 | C S Upadhyay | Fabrication And Characterization Of A Low Cost Hybrid Composite Blast And Ballistic Applications | |
31. | 12-08-2020 | Sanjay Mittal | SHARAD SAXENA ABHIJIT KUSHARI |
Low Speed Wind Tunnel Test On Amca, "Air Intake Model" |
32. | 07-10-2020 | Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay | Development Of A Coupled Machine Learning Based Approach For Origami Inspired Deployable Multi-Functional Metamaterials | |
33. | 07-10-2020 | Vaibhav Kumar Arghode | Ajay Vikram Singh | Investigation Of Combustion Characteristics Of Carbon Coated Aluminium Nanoparticles |
34. | 09-10-2020 | Sathesh Mariappan | DEBOPAM DAS Anand Singh |
Experimental Identification Of Laminar To Turbulent Transition And Separation Locations Using In-House Made Temperature Sensitive Paint In Wings And Launch Vehicles |
35. | 15-11-2020 | Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno | Experimental Investigation Of Leading-Edge Bluntness On Heat Transfer Rate And Flow Unsteadiness In Shock-Induced Boundary Layer Separation In A Scramjet Intake | |
36. | 15-12-2020 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Miniature Pneumatic Recoil Management Mechanism For Micro Uav | |
37. | 18-12-2020 | C S Upadhyay | RAJESH KITEY | Mechanical Characterisation And Structural Intigrity Of Radar Absorbing Paints (Rap) |
38. | 19-12-2020 | Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay | Uncertainty Resilient Multi- Harvester Metamaterials For Optimal Non-Linear Energy Harvesting | |
39. | 28-12-2020 | Sanjay Kumar | RAKESH KUMAR | Study Of Shocks Amd Wakes In Granular Flows |
40. | 31-12-2020 | A K Ghosh | Design And Develop Indigenous Tactical Uav Wioth Maximum Local Content Through Collaboration Between The Parties | |
41. | 10-01-2021 | Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno | ASHOKE DE | Establishment Of Hypervelocity Expansion Tunnel Test Facility And Heat Flux Measurements Over Payload Configurations |
42 | 01-05-2021 | A K GHOSH | Drones For Vaccine Delivery-A Feasibility Study | |
43 | 22-06-2021 | Arun Kumar Perumal | Fluidic Thrust Vectoring Of A Supersonic Jet | |
44 | 06-10-2021 | Ajay Vikram Singh | Sensitizing Fuel Oxidizer Diluents Mixtures For Detonation Cycle Engines | |
45 | 28-12-2021 | ASHOKE DE | Investigation Of Spray Characteristics At Elevated Temperature And Pressure Under Swirling Cross Flow | |
46 | 31-12-2021 | Dipak Kumar Giri | Air-Bearing Based Table-Top Attitude Determination And Control System Simulator For Small Satellites: Designm Fabrication And Analysis | |
47 | 31-12-2021 | Rajesh Ranjan | Computational Investigation Of Flow Over Low-Drag Turobrop Wings In Tractor Configuration | |
48 | 31-12-2021 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Design Optimization, Prototype Development And Wind Tunnel Testing Of A Foldable Tandem Wing Uav | |
49 | 11-02-2022 | Vaibhav Kumar Arghode | Meaurement Of Species Concentration And Temperature Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (Cars) In Combustors | |
50 | 25-02-2022 | DEBOPAM DAS | Investigation Of Insect Flight In Turbulent And Gusty Conditions | |
51 | 10-03-2022 | G. M. Kamath | Study On Ttc/Ttl Beyond 40 Years Of An-32 Aircraft | |
52 | 01-04-2021 | ALAKESH CHANDRA MANDAL | Wind Tunnel Study For Existing Chimneys Of Rourkela Steel Plant Hot Strip Mill Project | |
53 | 01-04-2021 | KAMAL PODDAR | Wind Tunnel Study Of 15m High Rc Wet Chimney With Steel Flue For Wet Fgd System Package For 1x500mw Btps-A Bokaro Jharkhand (Reissuance For New Conf Of Chimney Shell) | |
54 | 17-06-2021 | Sanjay Kumar | Wind Tunnel Study For 250m High Rcc Chimney Of Fgd Project For 4x210mw & 2x250mw Mejia Tps Fgd Project | |
55 | 19-06-2021 | Pritam Chakraborty | Physics Based Process Modeling Of Hot Isostatic Pressing (Hip): Influence Of Hydrostatic Pressure And Temperature On Consolidation/Density Distribution | |
56 | 25-07-2021 | ABHISHEK . | Analysis Of Shock And Vibration Experienced During Crash Landing Of P-68 Observer-Ii Aircraft | |
57 | 01-08-2021 | A K GHOSH | Flight Lab Training Program For Private Engineering Colleges | |
58 | 02-08-2021 | ABHISHEK . | Uav Testing At IIT Kanpur | |
59 | 10-11-2021 | KAMAL PODDAR | Wind Tunnel Testing Of 20-Sided High Mast Standard | |
60 | 13-01-2022 | SANJAY MITTAL | Cfd Simulation Of Ram Air Parachute With Reflex Airfoil & Elliptical Planform | |
61 | 09-02-2022 | SANJAY MITTAL | Wind Tunnel Aero Dynamic Model Study For Proposed Wet Stacks For Wlpgd Projects At Budge Budge Generating Station (Bbgs) | |
62 | 24-03-2022 | SANJAY MITTAL | Services Of Parametric Aerodynamic Simulation Studies By Wind Tunnel Test And Computational Fluid Dyanamics For P15b Ships | |
63 | 31-03-2022 | ALAKESH CHANDRA MANDAL | Wind Tunnel Model Design, Fabrication & Testing Of Unmanned Figher Aircraft | |
64 | 01-12-2021 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Reconfigurable Control Of Fixed Wing High Speed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (2020446) (Special Grant) | |
65 | 20-09-2021 | Arun Kumar Perumal | Acoustic Studio On Jet (Special Grant) | |
66 | 18-06-2021 | Vaibhav Kumar Arghode | Serb-OVDF |