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Graduate students will present their research work. We have a total of 42 technical presentations spread out in five sessions. The program schedule can be downloaded using the link below.
Venue & Date:
Outreach Auditorium 8th - 9th April 2016
Program Synopsis:
Registration – 15:30-16:00 (8th April 2016, Friday)
Number of technical sessions – 6
Number of presentations - 42
Department of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Kanpur is organizing "Aerospace Engineering Doctoral Students’ Symposium" on 12th and 13th May 2014 at IIT Kanpur.
The symposium provides a platform for the doctoral students to present their research work and interact with research students from other institutions. Further, it provides an exposure for the research scholars about the various state of the art research activities going on in the field of aerospace engineering at other premier institutions in India by creating an avenue for interaction. The students are requested to send the abstract in the prescribed format as given in the website www.iitk.ac.in/aero/aedss14Dr. Mangal Kothari, who is currently working as a Post Doctoral Researcher in the Northumbria University, UK, would be giving a talk as per the following schedule. All interested are welcome to attend. Tea will be served at 3:15 pm.
Dr. Kothari is a candidate for the faculty position in the Aerospace Engineering Department. Abstract of his talk and a brief biographical sketch are also appended below.
Speaker: Dr. Mangal Kothari
Title: Motion Planning and Target-Capturing Algorithms
Date : Thursday, Feb 27, 2014
Time : 03:30 PM
Venue : AE seminar room
In this talk, motion planning and target-capturing algorithms for aerospace applications will be presented. In the first part, a probabilistically robust motion planner for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will be discussed that combines philosophies of probabilistic approaches that include rapidly-exploring random trees (RRTs), chance constraint, and overlapping coefficient. The motion planner takes various forms of uncertainties present in the real world into account while planning the paths. To manage the level of uncertainty, the most likely future measurements are considered and then a priori closed-loop distribution is predicted.The predicted distributions are used to determine feasibility of while growing the tree to find in uncertain environments. In the second part, I will briefly outline my research contributions in the area of coordination of multi-UAV systems. Finally, I will outline my future research plans and teaching interests.
About the Speaker
Mangal Kothari did his B.E from University of Rajasthan, Masters from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, and Ph.D from University of Leicester. His research interests include guidance, control, and navigation of aerospace vehicles. He has worked on optimal control, motion planning of UAVs, and coordination of multiple UAVs. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Northumbria University and working on cooperative algorithms. He earlier worked as a scientist at National Aerospace Laboratories, Bangalore, and was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Porto for a short period of time. He also visited MIT for six months to do some part of his doctoral research in collaboration with Prof. Jonathan P How at Aerospace Control Laboratory.

With depleting Hydrocarbon fuel reserves, it is important to develop new technologies to reduce energy cost and to improve efficiency of the existing systems. Keeping these goals in mind, an International workshop is to be held at IIT Kanpur, India, between 2nd and 4th January 2014 to bring experts in Combustion Science and Technology from around the world on a single platform. The experts will present their ongoing research on “Novel Combustion Concepts for Sustainable Energy Development” followed by a panel discussion to identify few promising technologies and to develop a strategy to promote collaborative research on those technologies in order to offer few viable novel technologies for improved, efficient and sustainable utilization of Combustion based energy production using fossil/ bio fuels. As part of this activity special emphasis will be placed on micro-scale combustion systems that offer new challenges and opportunities.
Apart from the inaugural session and the panel discussion, the workshop will be divided into eight technical sessions in which the 3-4 leading experts on the topic will present their work. These include dedicated sessions on Micro-combustion, Low temperature combustion in IC engines, Ultra lean combustion, Partially premixed combustion, Combustion of renewable fuels, Distributed combustion, Supersonic combustion, Combustion instability and control, and Noise. These topics are of significant importance for sustainable use of fossil fuels due to their lower fuel consumption rates and enhanced performance including efficiency, pollutants emission levels, lower thermal signatures, and enhanced life of the engine.
The topics included in this volume are:
- Micro-combustion
- Low Temperature/Ultra Lean Combustion
- Gas Turbine Combustion
- Partially Premixed Combustion
- Gasification and Coal combustion/ Combustion of renewable fuels
- HCCI of Gasoline and Diesel like Fuels
- Distributed combustion and other Novel combustion and Ignition Concepts
- Combustion Modeling and Simulation
- Novel Combustion Concepts for Sustainable Growth
- Fuel Reforming to Cleaner Fuels
- Energy DevelopmentFor details see: http://www.iitk.ac.in/comb/
The Mechanics & Applied Mathematics Group at IIT Kanpur is organizing Pravartana 2013: A TEQIP Workshop on Applied Mechanics from 05 to 07 Oct 2013 in Outreach Auditorium. The workshop is supported by TKIC (TEQIP Knowledge Incubation Center) at IIT Kanpur.
The workshop will be inaugurated at 8:30 am on 05 Oct 2013.
The detailed program is available here.
Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Associate Professor at Department of Engineering, University of Texas at Brownville, USA would be presenting a seminar in the department as per the following schedule.
Speaker: Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Title: Flow control past bluff bodies
Date : Friday, August 2, 2013
Time : 04:00 PM
Venue : AE seminar room
Tea would be served at 3:45PM.
Study and control of wake structure behind bluff bodies has several engineering applications. Some areas where knowledge of vortex shedding behind bluff bodies becomes important are: flow induced vibrations, acoustic noise, fluid mixing, among several others. The present talk will focus on presenting some of our recent experimental results on two investigations involving control of wake structure past a very simple bluff body – a circular cylinder, by controlled surface motion. In the first problem we study the classical problem of flow past a rotating cylinder (J. Fluids Engg. (2011)). In this work we present changes in the wake structure at various speeds of cylinder rotation at Reynolds number, Re, of 200 and for the first time show a clear evidence of new vortex shedding mode which occurs at sufficiently high cylinder rotation rates after the regular vortex shedding has been suppressed. In the second problem, we investigate flow past a rotationally oscillating cylinder with focus on lock-on (to appear in J. Fluid Mech. (2013)) at Reynolds numbers of 185 and 400. It is found that the wake lock-on depends not only on the forcing amplitude/frequency but also on the downstream extent. The circulation measurements reveal a universal decay curve with forcing frequency, independent of forcing amplitude, beyond Strouhal forcing and a scaling behavior with forcing amplitude at lesser forcing frequencies. In addition, we find a very interesting result that the far wake (~ 35 to 40 diameters downstream) can be forced to become two dimensional by rotational oscillations in certain forcing parameter range at Re = 400 thereby providing significant control on fluid mixing.
About the Speaker
- B.Tech (Aersopace Engineering) 1994 - IIT/K
- M.Tech (Aerospace Engineering) 1996 - IIT/K
- P.hD (Aeronautics) 2003 - Cal Tech.
Professional Experience:
- 2003 - 2006: Post-doctoal fellow at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM (USA).
- 2006 - 2011: Assistant Professor Department of Engineering, University of Texas at Brownville, Texas
- 2011 - present: Associate Professor Department of Engineering, University of Texas at Brownville, Texas.
Research Interests: Shock accelerated flows, Wakes, Fluid Instabilities.
- Team EndureAir from Helicopter Lab qualify for final phase of payload and endurance challenge
- Team of PG Students Win Third Place in AHS Student Design Competition
- Students Talks on Research Scholar Day- Aerospace Engineering
- Research Scholar Day April 14-15, 2017
- Graduate Student's Symposium 2016
- Graduate Student's Symposium 2015
- Feb 10: Seminar on Aircraft System Identification and Control
- Jan 7: Seminar on State Estimation: Cubature Filters and Sliding Mode Observers
- Jan 1: Seminar on CFD and Hypersonic Flows
5 major international events held in the department in last 10 years
- IUTAM symposium on Advances in Computation, Modeling and Control of Transitional and Turbulent Flows, 15-18 December 2014
- International workshop on, Novel combustion concepts for sustainable energy", 2-4, January 2014.
- 9th International Conference on Intelligent Unmanned Systems (ICIUS 2013), 25-27 September 2013. Funded byDRDO, HAL, DST
- IUTAM Symposium on Bluff Body Flows, 12-16 December 2011.
- Indo-German discussion meeting on smart materials and structures, Dec 8-9, 2005 - Funded by DST, DFG