Alakesh Chandra Mandal, Professor
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+91-512-259-7062 (O)
Research Interests: Experimental aerodynamics, Flow instability and transition, Turbulent shear flows
Arnab Samanta, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-2182 (O)
Research Interests: Fluid mechanics, aeroacoustics, hydrodynamic stability, wave mechanics, flow control
Arun Kumar Perumal, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-2155 (O)
Research Interests: Experimental aerodynamics, High speed flows, Subsonic and supersonic jets, Jets in cross flow, Impinging jets, Drag reduction on automotive vehicles.
Debopam Das, Professor
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+91-512-259-7227 (O)/ 8578 (R)
Research Interests: Theoretical and Experimental Fluid Dynamics, Aeroacoustics, Instability & transition, Vortex Dynamics. Unsteady Aerodynamics, Bird's and Insect's Flight
Kamal Poddar, Professor
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+91-512-2597293, 7843 (O)/ 8723 (R)
Research Interests: Aerodynamics, Turbulence, Low and High Speed Flows
Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno, Associate Professor
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+91 512-2596345 (O)
Research Interests: Experimental Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, High Enthalpy Test Facilities, Shock Waves
Navrose, Assistant Professor
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0512 259 2022 (Office – 1st Floor, Helicopter Building)
Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics, Aerodynamics, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Optimization, Computational Fluid Dynamics.
Pradeep Moise, Assistant Professor
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0512-259-2347 (O)
Research Interests: Computational fluid dynamics, swirling flows, transonic flows, hydrodynamic stability, modal decomposition
Rakesh Kumar, Professor
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+91-512-259-6301 (O)/ 5524 (R)
Research Interests: Hypersonics, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Microfluidics, Molecular Dynamics, Heat Transfer & Thermal Design
Sanjay Mittal, Professor
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+91-512-2597906, 6603 (O)/ 8702, 1132 (R)
Research Interests: Aerodynamics, CFD, FEM
Sanjay Kumar, Professor
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Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics - bluff body wakes, shock-accelerated flows, shock waves, shock tubes
Tufan Kumar Guha, Assistant Professor
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Research Interests: Experimental Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Active and Passive Flow Control
Ashish Tewari, Professor
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+91-512-2597868 (O) / 8499 (R)
Research Interests: Flight Mechanics, Control, Aeroservoelasticity, Unsteady Aerodynamics, Space Dynamics
Dipak Kumar Giri, Assistant Professor
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+91-512-259 7107
Research Interests: Linear and nonlinear controls for aerospace systems (flight vehicle), Satellite Attitude Dynamics and Control.
Raghavendra P. Kukillaya, Assistant Professor
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6706 (Office, HSAL-02)
Research Interests: Aircraft and Airship dynamics and control, Systems modeling, simulation and design, Optimal control, Biomechanics
Subrahmanyam Saderla, Associate Professor
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0512-259-2009 (Office, HSAL-05)
Research Interests: Real Time Aircraft Parameter Estimation, Aerodynamic Characteristics of UAVs using flight testing methods, Aircraft Instrumentation and Control, Aircraft/UAV Simulations and Simulator development, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Design, Experimental Flight Dynamics, Drone Design and Development, AI based controller design for UAVs, Controller reconfiguration of UAVs using online system identification
Abhishek, Professor
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+91-512-259-7515 (O), 6259 (L)
Research Interests: Rotary Wing Aeromechanics, Hover Capable Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAV), System Identification, Multibody Dynamics, Inverse Flight Dynamics Simulation for Helicopters, VTOL, Helicopter Design
C. S. Upadhyay, Professor
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91-512-2597936 (O) / 8745 (R)
Research Interests: Solid Mechanics, Adaptive Finite Element Methods, Structural Optimization
G.M.Kamath, Professor & Head
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+91-512-259-6614 (w)
Research Interests: Structural Health Monitoring, Composite Materials and Structures, Structural Dynamics, Condition Monitoring, Machine Learning, Aeroelasticity
P. M. Mohite, Professor
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+91-512-259-6024 (O) / 6024
Research Interests: Damage Mechanics of Laminated Composites, Composites, Finite Element Analysis
Pritam Chakraborty, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-7951 (O)
Research Interests: Mesoscale mechanics for plasticity, fatigue, creep and fracture; FEM; Multi-scale methods
Rajesh Kitey, Professor
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+91-512-259-7060 (O) / 7853 (L) / 8898 (R)
Research Interests: Solid Mechanics, Fracture Mechanics, Experimental Stress Analysis, Optical Metrology, Mechanics of Thin Films, Composite Materials, Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods
Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay, Assistant Professor
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+91-512-679-2092 (O)
Research Interests: Mechanical metamaterials, Advanced composites, Deployable materials and structures, 2D materials and heterostructures, Multi-scale mechanics (nano to macro), Stochastic analysis, Uncertainty quantification and reliability analysis, Surrogate modelling, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Additive manufacturing
Tanmay Dutt Mathur, Assistant Professor
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Research Interests: Rotorcraft and aeroengine gearboxes, rotordynamics of turbomachinery, design of rotating mechanical systems, tribology and lubrication.
Abhijit Kushari, Professor
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+91-512-2597126 (O) / 8536 (R)
Research Interests: Rocket and Gas Turbine Propulsion, Instrumentation in Combustion and Fluid Mechanics, Liquid Atomization and Liquid Combustion, Active Flow Control, Combustion Instability, Experimental Fluid Mechanics, High Speed Flows
Ajay Vikram Singh, Associate Professor
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+91-512-2592006 (O)
Research Interests: Combustion and Reacting Flows, Combustion Generated Functional Nanoparticles, Soot Formation and Oxidation, Detonations, Boundary Layer Combustion, Gas Turbine Combustion, Fire Dynamics, Flame Spread, Material Flammability, Renewable Energy Conversion
Ashoke De, Professor
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+91-512-259-7863 (O) / 8301 (R)
Research Interests: CFD, High Speed Flows, Flow-Acoustics Coupling, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Turbulence Modeling, Multiphase flows and Combustion, Energy Harvesting
D. Chaitanya Kumar Rao, Assistant Professor
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+91-512-259-2338 (O)
Research Interests: Evaporation and combustion of fuel droplets, Laser-induced evaporation and atomization of droplets, Pulse laser-induced atomization of droplets, Femtosecond laser-induced bubble dynamics
D. P. Mishra, Professor
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+91-512-2597125 (O) / 8695 (R)
Research Interests: Combustion, CFD of Chemically Reacting Flows, Propulsion, Heat Transfer
Rajesh Ranjan, Assistant Professor
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+91-512-259-2203 (O)
Research Interests: Turbomachinery Flows, Applied Aerodynamics, Stability & Flow Control, Transition and Relaminarization, High Performance Computing
Sathesh Mariappan, Professor
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+91-512-259-6331 (O)
Research Interests: Fundamentals of thermoacoustic interactions, Application of dynamical systems' theory to thermo fluid systems, Optical flow diagnostics, Acoustic measurements
Vaibhav Arghode, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-6294 (O)
Research Interests: Combustion, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Experimental Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics
Arnab Samanta, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-2182 (O)
Research Interests: Fluid mechanics, aeroacoustics, hydrodynamic stability, wave mechanics, flow control
Ashoke De, Professor
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+91-512-259-7863 (O) / 8301 (R)
Research Interests: CFD, High Speed Flows, Flow-Acoustics Coupling, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Turbulence Modeling, Multiphase flows and Combustion, Energy Harvesting
C. S. Upadhyay, Professor
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91-512-2597936 (O) / 8745 (R)
Research Interests: Solid Mechanics, Adaptive Finite Element Methods, Structural Optimization
Pradeep Moise, Assistant Professor
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0512-259-2347 (O)
Research Interests: Computational fluid dynamics, swirling flows, transonic flows, hydrodynamic stability, modal decomposition
P. M. Mohite, Professor
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+91-512-259-6024 (O) / 6024
Research Interests: Damage Mechanics of Laminated Composites, Composites, Finite Element Analysis
Pritam Chakraborty, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-7951 (O)
Research Interests: Mesoscale mechanics for plasticity, fatigue, creep and fracture; FEM; Multi-scale methods
Sanjay Mittal, Professor
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+91-512-2597906, 6603 (O)/ 8702, 1132 (R)
Research Interests: Aerodynamics, CFD, FEM
Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay, Assistant Professor
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+91-512-679-2092 (O)
Research Interests: Mechanical metamaterials, Advanced composites, Deployable materials and structures, 2D materials and heterostructures, Multi-scale mechanics (nano to macro), Stochastic analysis, Uncertainty quantification and reliability analysis, Surrogate modelling, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Additive manufacturing
Abhijit Kushari, Professor
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+91-512-2597126 (O) / 8536 (R)
Research Interests: Rocket and Gas Turbine Propulsion, Instrumentation in Combustion and Fluid Mechanics, Liquid Atomization and Liquid Combustion, Active Flow Control, Combustion Instability, Experimental Fluid Mechanics, High Speed Flows
Ajay Vikram Singh, Associate Professor
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+91-512-2592006 (O)
Research Interests: Combustion and Reacting Flows, Combustion Generated Functional Nanoparticles, Soot Formation and Oxidation, Detonations, Boundary Layer Combustion, Gas Turbine Combustion, Fire Dynamics, Flame Spread, Material Flammability, Renewable Energy Conversion
Arun Kumar Perumal, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-2155 (O)
Research Interests: Experimental aerodynamics, High speed flows, Subsonic and supersonic jets, Jets in cross flow, Impinging jets, Drag reduction on automotive vehicles.
D. Chaitanya Kumar Rao, Assistant Professor
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+91-512-259-2338 (O)
Research Interests: Evaporation and combustion of fuel droplets, Laser-induced evaporation and atomization of droplets, Pulse laser-induced atomization of droplets, Femtosecond laser-induced bubble dynamics
Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno, Associate Professor
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+91 512-2596345 (O)
Research Interests: Experimental Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics, High Enthalpy Test Facilities, Shock Waves
Rajesh Ranjan, Assistant Professor
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+91-512-259-2203 (O)
Research Interests: Turbomachinery Flows, Applied Aerodynamics, Stability & Flow Control, Transition and Relaminarization, High Performance Computing
Rakesh Kumar, Professor
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+91-512-259-6301 (O)/ 5524 (R)
Research Interests: Hypersonics, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Microfluidics, Molecular Dynamics, Heat Transfer & Thermal Design
Sanjay Kumar, Professor
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Research Interests: Fluid Mechanics - bluff body wakes, shock-accelerated flows, shock waves, shock tubes
Sathesh Mariappan, Professor
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+91-512-259-6331 (O)
Research Interests: Fundamentals of thermoacoustic interactions, Application of dynamical systems' theory to thermo fluid systems, Optical flow diagnostics, Acoustic measurements
Tufan Kumar Guha, Assistant Professor
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Research Interests: Experimental Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics, Active and Passive Flow Control
Vaibhav Arghode, Associate Professor
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+91-512-259-6294 (O)
Research Interests: Combustion, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Experimental Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics