Recent Publications
Some of the papers published in past five years (year wise) with details of co-authors and journals / conferences
- Journal Publications (2020) : IITK_Aero_2020.pdf
- Journal Publications (2019) : IITK_Aero_2019.pdf
- Mariappan, S. and Sujith, R. I. Modeling nonlinear thermoacoustic instabilityin an electrically heated Rijke tube. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,680:511–533, 2011, doi:10.1017/jfm.2011.176
- Mariappan, S. and Sujith, R. I. Thermoacoustic instability in a solid rocketmotor: non-normality and nonlinear instabilities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,653:1–33, 2010, doi:10.1017/S0022112010000133
- Subramanian, P., Mariappan, S., Sujith, R. I. and Wahi, P. Bifurcation analysis of thermoacoustic instability in a horizontal Rijke tube. Int’lJournal of Spray and Combustion dynamics, 2:325–356, 2010
- Mariappan, S., Gardner, A., Richter, K. and Raffel, M. Analysis of dynamicstall using dynamic mode decomposition technique, under revisionwith AIAA Journal, 2013
- Lang, W., Gardner, A. D., Schuelein, E., Mariappan, S. and Raffel, M.Rotor blade boundary transition measured by temperature sensitive paint,thermal imaging and image derotation, submitted to Experiments in Fluids,2013
- P. Kumar, A. C. Mandal, and J. Dey. Reversal of roughness-induced transition by a mesh in the outer boundary layer. 14th Asian Congress of Fluid mechanics, Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct, 15-19, 2013.
- Mandal, A. C., and Dey, J. An experimental study of boundary layer transition induced by cylinder wake. J. Fluid Mech. Vol-684, pp 60-84, 2011.
- Mandal, A. C., Venkatakrishnan, L. & Dey, J. A study on boundary-layer transition induced by freestream turbulence.J. Fluid Mech.Vol-660, pp 114-146, 2010.
- Mandal, A. C., and Dey, J. A relationship between Laminar and turbulent skin-friction in a constant pressure boundary layer,” Journal of Aerospace Sciences and Technologies,Vol-61, pp 519-521, 2009.
- Shyam, G., Mandal, A. C., & Dey, J. Transient Growth in a Boundary Layer in a Freestream with Uniform Shear. International Conference and Exhibition on Aerospace Engineering, IISc Bangalore, India, 2009.
- Kumar, R., Li, Z., Levin, D., “Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Condensation in the High Pressure Flows using the Statistical BGK Approach,” Physics of Fluids, 23, 052001 (2011).
- Kumar, R., Li, Z., vanDuin A., and Levin, D., “Molecular Dynamics Studies to Understand the Mechanism of Heat Accommodation in Homogeneous Condensing Flow of Carbon Dioxide,” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 135, 064503 (2011).
- Kumar, R., Saurav, S., Titov, E., Levin, D., Long, R., Neely, W., and Setlow, P., “Thermo-structural Studies of Spores Subjected to High Temperature Gas Environments,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 755 (2011).
- Kumar, R., and Levin, D., “Simulation of Homogeneous Condensation of Small Polyatomic Systems in High Pressure Supersonic Nozzle Flows using BGK Model” The Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 124519 (2011).
- Kumar, R., Titov, E., and Levin, D., “Development of a Particle-Particle Hybrid Scheme to Simulate Multi-scale Transitional Flows,” AIAA Journal, 51, 200 (2010).
- Abhishek, Ananthan, S., Baeder, J., and Chopra, I., “Prediction and Fundamental Understanding of Stall Loads in UH-60A Pull-up Maneuver,” Journal of the American Helicopter Society, Vol. 56, No. 4, October 2011.
- Abhishek, Datta, A., Ananthan, S., and Chopra, I., “Prediction and Analysis of Main Rotor Blade Loads in a Prescribed Pull-Up Maneuver,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 47, No. 4, July–August 2010, pp. 1197-1215.
- Abhishek, Datta, A., and Chopra, I., “Prediction of UH-60A Structural Loads and Servo Loads using Multibody Analysis and Swashplate Dynamics,” Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 46, No. 2, March 2009, pp. 474-490.
- "Large Eddy Simulation of a Premixed Bunsen flame using a modified Thickened-Flame model at two Reynolds number”, Combustion Science and Technology, 2009, 181(10), 1231-1272.
- “An experimental and computational study of a swirled stabilized premixed flame”, ASME J. of Engg. for Gas Turbines and Power, 2010, 132 (7), 071503.
- “Numerical Simulation of Delft-Jet-in-Hot-Coflow (DJHC) Flames Using the Eddy Dissipation Concept Model for Turbulence-Chemistry Interaction”, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2011, 87(4), 537-567.
- “Parametric study of upstream flame propagation in hydrogen-enriched premixed combustion: Effects of swirl, geometry and premixedness”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 14649-14668.
- “Dynamics of upstream flame propagation in a hydrogen enriched premixed flame”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37, 17294-17309
- Dynamic mechanical behavior of epoxy variant sandwich structures, N. Rajesh and R. Kitey, 3rd Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures (ACMFMS), Dec 2012, IIT Delhi, India.
- A hybrid experimental/numerical approach to characterize interfacial adhesion in multilayer low-k thin film specimens, R. Kitey, N. R. Sottos and P. H. Geubelle, Thin Solid Films, 2010, V. 519, P. 337-344.
- Mixed-mode interfacial adhesive strength of a thin film on an anisotropic substrate, R. Kitey, P. H. Geubelle and N. R. Sottos, Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2009, V. 57, I. 9, P. 51-66.
- Mixed-mode Dynamic Crack growth past a stiff inclusion: Optical investigation of inclusion eccentricity and inclusion-matrix adhesion strength, R. Kitey and H. V. Tippur, Experimental Mechanics, 2008, V. 48, I. 1, P. 37-53.
- Role of particle size and filler-matrix adhesion on dynamic fracture of glass-filled epoxy: II. Linkage between macro- and micromeasurements, R. Kitey and H. V. Tippur, ActaMaterialia, 2005,V. 53, P. 1167-1178.
- Mohite PM and Upadhyay CS. Region-by-region modeling of laminated composite plates, Computers and Structures, Vol. 85, 23-24, December 2007; 1808-1827.
- Mohite PM and Upadhyay CS. A generalized adaptive analysis of laminated plates, Vol. 112-113, December 2012, 217-234.
- Prasanna Kumar I, Mohite PM and Kamle S. Axial compressive strength testing of single carbon fibres, Archives of Mechanics, Vol. 65, 2013, 27-43.
- T. Murugan & Debopam Das, Characteristics of counter-rotating vortex rings formed ahead of a compressible vortex ring , Expts. In Fluids Vol. 49 Issue: 6 Page: 1247-1261, 2010
- T. Murugan & Debopam Das, Characteristics of noise produced during impingement of a compressible vortex ring on a wall, International Journal of Aeroacoustics Vol 9 Issue 6 PP849-846, 2010
- Murugan T, S. De, C. L. Dora and Debopam Das, Numerical simulation and PIV study of compressible vortex ring evolution, Shock Waves Vol.22, Number 1, 69-83, 2012 online 2011
- Joydeep Bhowmik, Debopam Das, Saurav Kumar Ghosh, Aerodynamic modeling of flapping flight using lifting line theory, International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems(Invited Article) Vol. 1 Iss: 1, pp.36 – 61, 2013
- Murugan, T., De, S., Dora, C., Das, D. and Kumar, P.P., A study of the counter rotating vortex rings interacting with the primary vortex ring in shock tube generated flows, Fluid Dynamics Research Vol. 45(2), pp. 025506 ,2013 (Most read article May 2013)
- R Neelamegam, V Shankar, and Debopam Das, Suppression of purely-elastic instabilities in the torsional flow of viscoelastic fluid past a soft solid, Physics of Fluids Vol.25, Issue 12, 2013
- Combustion Science and Technology, Recent Advances, Eds. A. K. Agarwal, A. Kushari, S. K. Aggarwal and A. K. Runchal, 2009, Narosa Publications, New Delhi.
- M. Madanmohan, A. Kushari and K. Ramamurthi, “Thermo-Fluidic Instabilities in Cone Stabilized Non-premixed Combustor”, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol. 31, 2011, pp. 3206-3213.
- Jejurkar S J and D. P. Mishra, “Flame Stability Studies in a Hydrogen-Air Premixed Flame Annular Microcombustor”, International Journal of Hydrogen, vol 36, issue 12, Pages 7326-7338, 2011.
- Jejurkar S J and D. P. Mishra, “Effects of Combustor Geometry on Hydrogen-Air Premixed Flame Combustion in an Annular Microcombustor, Proc. IMechE, Part Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 225:1310–1321, 2011.
- P. K. Ezhil Kumar and D. P. Mishra, “Numerical Simulation of Cavity Flow Structure in an Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor”, Aerospace Science and Technology, 21, pp. 16–23, 2012.
- Jejurkar S. Y. and D. P. Mishra, “Characterization of Confined Hydrogen–Air Jet Flame in a Crossflow Configuration Using Design of Experiments”, International Journal of Hydrogen, Volume 38, Issue 12, Pages 5165-5175 2013.
- Manisha B. P. and D. P. Mishra, Effect of Air Injection Configuration on the atomization of gelled JetA1 fuel in an air-assist internally mixed atomizer, Atomization and Spray, 23(4), pp.327-341, 2013.
- V Murari, CS Upadhyay. Micromechanics based ply level material degradation model for unidirectional composites, Composite Structures, Vol. 94, 2012, 671-680.
- V Murari, CS Upadhyay. Micromechanics Based Diffuse Damage Model for Unidirectional Composites, Composite Structures, Vol. 96, 2013, 419-432.
- Mohite PM and Upadhyay CS. A generalized adaptive analysis of laminated plates, Vol. 112-113, December 2012, 217-234.
- Adaptive Vectored Thrust Deorbiting of Space Debris, J. Spacecraft & Rockets (AIAA), Vol.50, No.2., 2013.
- Entry Trajectory Model with Thermomechanical Break-Up, J. Spacecraft & Rockets (AIAA), Vol.46, No.2, 2009.
- Ghosh, A. K., Misra, A., and Rakesh Kumar, "Parameter Estimation from Flight Data of Hansa-3 Aircraft using Quasi-steady Stall Modeling”, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, USA, Vol. 26, No. 3,July, 2013.
- Ghosh, A. K., and Rakesh Kumar, "Nonlinear Modeling of Cascade Fin Aerodynamic using Kirchhoff’s Steady-stall Model”, Journal of Aircraft, AIAA, USA, Vol. 49, No. 1, Jan.-Feb. 2012, pp. 315-319.
- Ghosh, A. K., and Peyada, N. K., "Aircraft Parameter Estimation using New Filtering Technique based on Neural Network and Gauss-Newton Method”, Aeronautical Journal, UK, Vol. 113, No. 1142, April 2009, pp. 243-252.
- Ghosh, A. K., and S. Singh, "Estimation of lateral-directional parameters from real flight data using neural networks based modified delta method”, The Aeronautical Journal, UK, October 2007, Vol. 111, Paper No. 1124.
- Ghosh, A. K., and Raisinghani S.C., "Parameter Estimation from Flight Data of an Unstable Aircraft using Neural Networks”, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 39,No. 5, Sept. Oct. 2002, pp. 892-894.
- Amit Kr. Onkar, C. S. Upadhyay, D. Yadav*, “Stochastic finite element buckling analysis of laminated composite plates with circular cutout under uniaxial compression” ASME, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2007, 74, 798-809.
- Amit Kr. Onkar, C. S. Upadhyay, D. Yadav, “Stochastic buckling analysis of laminated plates with random material properties under shear and compression” AIAA Journal, 2007, 45, 8, 2005-2014.
- K. Jayakumar, D. Yadav* and B. NageswaraRao, “Nonlinear free vibration analysis of generic coupled induced strain actuated Piezo-laminated beams”, ForschungimIngenieurwesen, 72, 2008, 153-162.
- K. Jayakumar, D. Yadav* and B. NageswaraRao, “Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of Piezo-Laminated Plates with Random Actuation Electric Potential Difference and Material Properties", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations, 14, 2009, 1446-1663.
- K. Jayakumar, D. Yadav* and B. NageswaraRao, “Moderately large deflection analysis of simply supported piezo-laminated composite plates under uniformly distributed transverse load", International Journal of Non-linear Mechanics, 49, 2013, 137-144.
- Vortex - induced instability of incompressible wall - bounded shear layer - Sengupta T.K., De, S., and Sarkar, S.; J. Fluid Mech. vol. 493, pp 277-286 (2003)
- Spatiotemporal growing wave-fronts in spatially stable boundary layers - Sengupta, T.K., KameswaraRao, A. &Venkatasubbaiah K.; Physical Review Letters vol. 96, pp 224504-1 to 4 (2006)
- Error dynamics: Beyond von Neumann analysis, T.K. Sengupta, A. Dipankar, P. Sagaut, J. Comp. Physics vol. 226, pp 1211-1218 (2007)
- Onset of turbulence from the receptivity stage of fluid flows, T. K. Sengupta and S. Bhaumik Physical Review Letters, vol. 107, 154501 (2011)
- Direct Numerical Simulation of Transitional Mixed Convection Flows: Viscous and Inviscid Instability Mechanisms, Tapan K. Sengupta, SwagataBhaumik and Rikhi Bose. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 25, 094102 (2013)
- Navrose, Sanjay Mittal, 'Free vibrations of a cylinder: 3D computations at Re=1000', doi: 0.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2013.02.017, Journal of Fluids & Structures, (2013).
- Bhaskar Kumar, Sanjay Mittal, 'On the origin of secondary vortex street',doi: 10.1017/jfm.2012.421, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, (2012).
- AbhishekVerma and Sanjay Mittal, 'A new unstable mode in the wake of a circular cylinder', Physics of Fluids, 23, 121701, (2011).
- Prasanth T.K., Vijay Premchandran, and Sanjay Mittal, 'Hysteresis in vortex-induced vibrations: critical blockage and effect of m*', Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 671, 207--225, (2011).
- D.N. Srinath and Sanjay Mittal, `An adjoint method for shape optimization in unsteady viscous flows', Journal of Computational Physics, 229, 1994--2008, (2010).
- Venkatesan, C., and Friedmann, P.P.,"A new approach to finite state modelling of unsteady aerodynamics", AIAA Journal, Vol. 24, No. 12, Dec.1986, pp. 1889-1897.
- Sheikh, N.A., Upadhyay, C.S., and Venkatesan, C., "Linear and nonlinear analysis of a smart beam using general electrothermoelastic formulation", AIAA Journal, Vol. 42, No. 4, April 2004, pp. 840-849.
- Laxman, V., and Venkatesan, C., "Chaotic response of an airfoil due to aeroelastic coupling and dynamic stall", AIAA Journal, Vol. 45, No. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 271-280.
- Venkatesan, C., "Feeling: a measurable quantity? ",Current Science, Vol. 100, No. 9, May 2011.
- Puneet Singh, and Venkatesan, C., "Experimental performance evaluation of coaxial rotors for a micro aerial vehicle ", Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 50, No. 5, 2013, pp. 1465-1480.
Content Pending
Journal Publications (2021) : IITK_Aero_2021.pdf
Journal Publications (2020) : IITK_Aero_2020.pdf
Journal Publications (2019) : IITK_Aero_2019.pdf
Books & Monographs
List of Books
- Foundations of Space Dynamics, Wiley, Hoboken, N.J., U.S.A., 2021, by A. Tewari.
- Computational Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2020, by Tapan K. Sengupta and Yogesh G. Bhumkar.
- DNS of Wall-Bounded Turbulent Flows: A First Principal Approach, Springer Nature, Singapore, 2019, by Tapan K. Sengupta and Swagata Bhaumik.
- Optimal Space Flight Navigation - An Analytical Approach, Birkhauser, Boston, U.S.A., 2019, by A. Tewari.
- Uncertainty quantification in laminated composites: A meta-model-based approach, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2018, by S. Dey, T. Mukhopadhyay, S. Adhikari.
- Instrumentation, Measurements and Experiments in Fluids, 2nd ed., Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 2017, by E. Radhakrsihnan.
- Fundamentals of Rocket Propulsion, CRC Press, USA, 2017, by D. P. Mishra.
- Gas Dynamics 6th ed., PHI Learning, Delhi, India, 2016, by Radhakrishnan.
- Basic Flight Mechanics, Springer, Basel, Switzerland, 2016, by A. Tewari.
- Adaptive Aeroservoelastic Control, Wiley, Chichester, U.K, 2016, by A. Tewari.
- Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics, John Wiley, UK, 2015, by Tapan K. Sengupta.
- High Enthalpy Gas Dynamics, John Wiley, NJ, 2015, by E. Radhakrishnan.
- Aeroservoelasticity - Modeling and Control, Birkhauser, Boston, S.A., 2015, by A. Tewari.
- Gas Turbine Propulsion, MV Learning, London/New Delhi, 2015, by D. P. Mishra.
- Fundamentals of Helicopter Dynamics, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014, by C. Venkatesan.
- Experimental Combustion: An Introduction, CRC Press, USA, 2014, by D. P. Mishra.
- An Introduction to Mechanics and Materials, Alpha Science, 2013, by Vijay Gupta.
- Theoretical Aerodynamics, John Wiley, NJ, 2013, by E. Radhakrishnan.
- High Accuracy Computing Methods: Fluid Flows and Wave Phenomena, Cambridge Univ. Press, USA, 2013, by Tapan K. Sengupta.
- Fluid Mechanics, An Introduction (Third Edition), PHI Learning, Delhi, India, 2012, by E. Radhakrishnan.
- Instabilities of Flows and Transition to Turbulence, CRC Press, USA, 2012, by Tapan K. Sengupta.
- Elements of Heat Transfer, Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 2012, by E. Radhakrishnan.
- Automatic Control of Atmospheric and Space Flight Vehicles, Birkhauser, Boston, U.S.A., 2011, by A. Tewari.
- Advanced Control of Aircraft, Spacecraft, and Rockets, Wiley, Chichester, U.K., 2011, by A. Tewari.
- Fluid Mechanics and Its Applications, New Age International Publishers, 2011, by Vijay Gupta.
- Engineering Thermodynamics, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd, 2011, by D. P. Mishra.
- Introduction to Integral Calculus: Systematic Studies with Engineering Applications for Beginners, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2011, by Ulrich L. Rohde, G. C. Jain, Ajay K. Poddar, A. K. Ghosh.
- Introduction to Differential Calculus: Systematic Studies with Engineering Applications for Beginners, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 2011, by Ulrich L. Rohde, G. C. Jain, Ajay K. Poddar, A. K. Ghosh.
- Fundamentals of Combustion, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, revised edition, 2010, by D. P. Mishra.
- Applied Gas Dynamics, John Wiley, NJ, 2010, by E. Radhakrishnan.
- Compressible Flows, Maruzen Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan, 2008, by E. Radhakrishnan.
- Atmospheric and Space Flight Dynamics-Modeling and Simulation, Birkhauser, Boston, 2006, by A. Tewari.
- Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics (Second Edition), Prentice-Hall of India, 2005, by E. Radhakrishnan.
- Fundamentals of Design and Manufacturing, Alpha Science, 2005, by K. Lal, Vijay Gupta, N. Venkata Reddy.
- Fundamentals of CFD, Universities Press, Hyderabad, India, 2004, by Tapan K. Sengupta.
- Modern Control Design with MATLAB and Simulink, Wiley, Chichester, U.K., 2002, by A. Tewari.
- Mechanical Sciences, Narosa, 1998, by K. Lal, Vijay Gupta, N.G.R Iyengar, B.N. Banerjee, K. Ramesh.
- Structural Design Optimization, Affiliated East-West Press Ltd., New Delhi, 1997, by G. R. Iyengar and S K Gupta.
- Elements of Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age International, 1 By Vijay Gupta.
- Solution Manual for Elements and Heat Transfer, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, 1994 (2nd Ed.), by Vijay Gupta.
- Applications of Random Vibration, Springer-Verlag/Narosa, 1994, by N.C.Nigam and S.Narayanan
- Structural Stability of Columns and Plates, Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1988, by N. G. R. Iyengar.
- Programming Methods in Structural Design, Hodder Arnold H& S, 1981, by G. R. Iyengar and S K Gupta.
- An Introduction to Engineering Design Method, New Delhi : Tata McGraw-Hill Pub., 1980, by Vijay Gupta; P N Murthy.
List of Monographs
- Immersed Boundary Methods – Development and Applications, Editors: S. Roy, A. De, E. Balaras, Springer (2020).
- Sustainable Development for Energy, Power, and Propulsion, Editors: A. De, A. K. Gupta, S. K. Aggarwal, A. Kushari, A. K. Runchal, Springer (2020).
- High-Performance Computing of Big Data for Turbulence and Combustion, Editors: Sergio Pirozzoli, Tapan K. Sengupta, Springer Nature Switzerland (2019).
- Innovations in Sustainable Energy and Cleaner Environment, Editors: Ashwani K. Gupta, Ashoke De, Suresh K. Aggarwal, Abhijit Kushari, Akshai Runchal, Springer (2019).
- Energy for Propulsion, A Sustainable Technologies Approach, Editors: A. K. Runchal, A. K. Gupta, A. Kushari, A. De and S. K. Aggarwal, Springer (2018).
- Energy, Combustion and Propulsion New Perspectives, Editors: A. K. Agarwal, S. K. Aggarwal, A. K. Gupta, A. Kushari and A. Pandey, Athena Academic (2016).
- Air Flow Management in Raised Floor Data Centers, Springer Briefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, Editors: Vaibhav K. Arghode, Yogendra Joshi, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland (2016).
- IUTAM Symposium Proceedings: "Advances in Computation, Modeling and Control of Transitional and Turbulent Flows”, Editors: T. K. Sengupta, S. K. Lele, K. R. Sreenivasan and P. A. Davidson, World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore (2015).
- Novel Combustion Concepts for Sustainable Energy Development, Editors: A. K. Agarwal, A. Pandey. A. K. Gupta, S. K. Aggarwal and A. Kushari, Springer (2014).
- Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power- Contemporary Research, Editors: Arun K. Saha, Debopam Das, R. Srivastava, P.K Panigrahi, K. Muralidhar, Springer (2014).
- of Symposium on Recent Advances in Rotor Dynamics, Editors: S. Narayanan, A. S. Sekhar and Abhijit Sarkar, McMillan Publishers India Ltd (2012).
- Instabilities of Flow: With and without Heat Transfer and Chemical Reaction, Editors: Tapan Sengupta, Thierry Poinsot, Springer Wien-New York (2012).
- Combustion Science and Technology Recent Trends, Editors: A. K. Agarwal, A. Kushari, S. K. Aggarwal and A. K. Runchal, Narosa Publications, New Delhi (2009).
- Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on “Nonlinearity and Stochastic Structural Dynamics”, Editors: S. Narayanan and R. N. Iyengar, Springer-Science + Business Media, B.V (1999).
- Ground Testing of Aerospace Vehicles including Engines, Proc. National Seminar, Editors: N. G. R. Iyengar, Krishna Kumar, Allied Publishers (1995).
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The Aerospace Engineering Department is more than 40 years old. Till 1991, it was known as Aeronautical Engineering Department. The name change was accompanied by addition of topics relating to spacecraft in the UG curriculum; some members of the faculty had been conducting research and guiding PG students in this area even before the formal alteration of the name in 1991. In matters of teaching, research & development, the department has always tried to strike a balance between hardware development and experiments on one hand...
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Prof. G. M. Kamath
Head, Department of Aerospace Engineering