Research Areas

List of ongoing projects
Consultancy Projects:
Sr. No. | Start Date | Principal Investigator | CO Principal Investigator | Project Title |
1. | 22-07-2014 | Abhishek . | C S UPADHYAY ABHIJIT KUSHARI |
Development Of Autonomous Rotary Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Ruav) In 10 Kg Weight Class |
2. | 01-04-2015 | A K Ghosh | G. M. Kamath | Flight Lab Training Program For Pvt. Engg College |
3. | 23-05-2016 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Model Study Of Bridge No.44,53 & 65 In Tupul- Jiribam Section Of N.F. Railway In Manipur. | |
4. | 15-11-2016 | A K Ghosh | Aerodynamic Design Of Uav | |
5. | 01-04-2018 | Kamal Poddar | Flexible Heads With Salary, Consumable, Contigency, Equipment And Ta | |
6. | 01-02-2019 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study For 150m High Rcc Chimney Of Fgd Project Of Darlipali Super Critical Thermal Power | |
7. | 01-02-2019 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study For 150m High Rcc Ghimney Of Fgd Project Of Vindhyachal Super Thermal Power Project | |
8. | 22-04-2019 | Kamal Poddar | DEBOPAM DAS ALAKESH CHANDRA MANDAL |
Wind Tunnel Model Study Of Siarang Section Of Nf Railway In Mizoram |
9. | 01-11-2019 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study For 150m High Rcc Chimney Of Fgd Project For 2x500 Mw Durgapur Steel Tps Fgd Project | |
10. | 01-11-2019 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study For 150m High Rcc Chimney Of Fgd Project For 2x600 Mw Raghunathpur Tps Fgd Gujarat | |
11. | 01-11-2019 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study For 150m High Rcc Chimney Of Fgd Project For 2x500 Mw Mejia Tps Fgd Project | |
12. | 23-12-2019 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study For 150m & 240m High Rcc Chimney For Stage-I & Stage-Ii (6x210mw+2x500mw)Of Vindhyanchal Super Thermal Power Project | |
13. | 23-01-2020 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study For 275m High Chimney 2x660mw Sjvn Thermal (P) Limited At Buxar, Bihar | |
14. | 01-06-2020 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Testing Of Two Chimneys (180m & 225m High) For 5x210mw Unchahar Wfgd | |
15. | 15-06-2020 | Abhishek . | KETAN RAJAWAT Mangal Kothari |
Vtol Uav Design And Development For 7kg Payload |
16. | 01-07-2020 | Kamal Poddar | DEBOPAM DAS | Wind Tunnel Testing For 2x700mw Rajpura Stpr Rajpura Punjab |
17. | 17-08-2020 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Testing For 150mtr Rcc Chimney For Fgd Package At Vallur Tps (3x500mw) Tamil Nadu | |
18. | 17-08-2020 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Testing For 150mtr Rcc Chimney For Fgd Package At Talcher Tps Stage I & Ii (2x250mw+4x500mw) Odisha | |
19. | 21-10-2020 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Study Of 150m High Rc Chimney For Dvc Bokaro Fgd Project | |
20. | 01-01-2021 | Kamal Poddar | Wind Tunnel Testing For 125m High Fgd Chimneys For 5x830mw Cgpl Mundra Tps |
Sponsored Projects

List of ongoing projects
Sponsored projects:
Sr. No. | Start Date | Principal Investigator | CO Principal Investigator | Project Title |
1. | 03-06-2013 | C S Upadhyay | ISHAN SHARMA | Knowledge Incubation For Teqip- Ii |
2. | 22-12-2017 | Mangal Kothari | Design & Development Of Aquatic Autonomous Observatory (Niracara Svayamsasita Vedhshala-Nsvs) For In Situ Monitoring, Real Time Data Transmission & Web Based Visualization (Sub Project- D) Dett. Of Ae | |
3. | 17-01-2018 | Dipak Kumar Giri | A K GHOSH | Fixed & Finitc Time Attitude Control Of Earth Pointing Satellites Using Mrp |
4. | 23-03-2018 | Abhijit Kushari | Fist Programme Of Ae | |
5. | 16-04-2018 | Rakesh Kumar | Numerical Study Of Flow- Thermal Response Of A High Speed Vehicle With Ablative/Non-Ablative Thermal Protection System | |
6. | 01-08-2018 | Sanjay Mittal | J C Bose Fellowship | |
7. | 07-03-2019 | G. M. Kamath | Development And Demonstration Of Fibre-Optic Sensor-Based System For Aircraft Loads And Usage Monitoring | |
8. | 28-03-2019 | Pritam Chakraborty | Concurrent Multiscale Method For Micro-Crack Propagation In Polycrystalline Alloys | |
9. | 30-03-2019 | Abhijit Kushari | Passive Stall Control Of Turbo Machinery Blades Using Leading Edge Tubercles | |
10. | 27-05-2019 | Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno | An Experimental Investigation On Shock Wave Focusing And Associated High Tehmperature Radiating Flowfield | |
11. | 31-05-2019 | Rakesh Kumar | Sparc: Development Of Computational Model For Multi- Physics Simulation Of Flows During Planetary Landing Of Spacecrafts | |
12. | 09-07-2019 | Pritam Chakraborty | Modeling Thermo-Mechanical Fatigue Behavior Of A Near Alpha Titanium Alloy For Compressor Disc/Bling Applications | |
13. | 11-07-2019 | Ashoke De | Sparc: Modeling Of Diluted Turbulent Spray Flames In Hot Coflow Using Les-Fgm | |
14. | 11-09-2019 | Rakesh Kumar | A New Capacitance Based Model For Sdbd Plasma Actuation | |
15. | 07-11-2019 | P. M. Mohite | Unidirectional Tape Pre-Preg Based Carbon/Epoxy Short Fiber Composites:Development Mechanical Characterization, Stiffness And Strength Predictions | |
16. | 05-12-2019 | Abhijit Kushari | ASHOKE DE | Development Of Integrated Dampers For Combustion Dynamics Abatement For Low Emission/Advanced, Biojet Fuel Gt Combustors |
17. | 21-12-2019 | Ashoke De | Aditya Hemchandra Kelkar | Development Of Impurity Transport Code For Aditya-U Tokamak At Ipr Gandhinagar |
18. | 24-12-2019 | Ajay Vikram Singh | Turbulent Boundary Layer Combustion For Propulsion And Fire Science Applications: Theoretical, Experimental And Computational Studies | |
19. | 22-01-2020 | Ashoke De | Investigation Of Near And Far Field Acoustics Due To The Jet Impingement On The Flame Deflector During Rocket Lift-Off | |
20. | 22-01-2020 | Rakesh Kumar | Experimental And Numerical Investigation Of Aerospike Nozzles For Effective Propulsion Systems | |
21. | 03-02-2020 | Arun Kumar Perumal | Turbulent Jet Manipulation Using Unsteady Injection | |
22. | 21-02-2020 | Rakesh Kumar | Development Of A Computational Model For Reentry Trajectory Analysis Of Space Debris | |
23. | 17-03-2020 | Rakesh Kumar | Coupling Of Particle-Based Dem And Dsmc Techniques For Undrstanding Dusty Gas Flow Dynamics | |
24. | 19-03-2020 | Sathesh Mariappan | Experimental Investigation Of Azimuthal Combustion Instability (Screech) In Annular Combustors/Afterburners Of Gas Turbine Engines | |
25. | 19-03-2020 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Real Time Flight Vehicles Distress Management Using Inline System Identification | |
Guidance And Control Of A Precision Guidance Kit (Pgk) For Existing 155mm Artillery Shell |
Design And Development Of A Ramjet Based Propulsion System And A Precision Guidance Kit(Pgk) For Existing 155 Mm Artillery Shell To Achieve Minimum 60 Km Range |
28. | 01-06-2020 | Pritam Chakraborty | Microscale Modeling Of Steels | |
29. | 20-06-2020 | Mangal Kothari | ABHISHEK . | Autopilot And Trajectory Generation For Swarm |
30. | 03-07-2020 | C S Upadhyay | Fabrication And Characterization Of A Low Cost Hybrid Composite Blast And Ballistic Applications | |
31. | 12-08-2020 | Sanjay Mittal | SHARAD SAXENA ABHIJIT KUSHARI |
Low Speed Wind Tunnel Test On Amca, "Air Intake Model" |
32. | 07-10-2020 | Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay | Development Of A Coupled Machine Learning Based Approach For Origami Inspired Deployable Multi-Functional Metamaterials | |
33. | 07-10-2020 | Vaibhav Kumar Arghode | Ajay Vikram Singh | Investigation Of Combustion Characteristics Of Carbon Coated Aluminium Nanoparticles |
34. | 09-10-2020 | Sathesh Mariappan | DEBOPAM DAS Anand Singh |
Experimental Identification Of Laminar To Turbulent Transition And Separation Locations Using In-House Made Temperature Sensitive Paint In Wings And Launch Vehicles |
35. | 15-11-2020 | Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno | Experimental Investigation Of Leading-Edge Bluntness On Heat Transfer Rate And Flow Unsteadiness In Shock-Induced Boundary Layer Separation In A Scramjet Intake | |
36. | 15-12-2020 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Miniature Pneumatic Recoil Management Mechanism For Micro Uav | |
37. | 18-12-2020 | C S Upadhyay | RAJESH KITEY | Mechanical Characterisation And Structural Intigrity Of Radar Absorbing Paints (Rap) |
38. | 19-12-2020 | Tanmoy Mukhopadhyay | Uncertainty Resilient Multi- Harvester Metamaterials For Optimal Non-Linear Energy Harvesting | |
39. | 28-12-2020 | Sanjay Kumar | RAKESH KUMAR | Study Of Shocks Amd Wakes In Granular Flows |
40. | 31-12-2020 | A K Ghosh | Design And Develop Indigenous Tactical Uav Wioth Maximum Local Content Through Collaboration Between The Parties | |
41. | 10-01-2021 | Mohammed Ibrahim Sugarno | ASHOKE DE | Establishment Of Hypervelocity Expansion Tunnel Test Facility And Heat Flux Measurements Over Payload Configurations |
42 | 01-05-2021 | A K GHOSH | Drones For Vaccine Delivery-A Feasibility Study | |
43 | 22-06-2021 | Arun Kumar Perumal | Fluidic Thrust Vectoring Of A Supersonic Jet | |
44 | 06-10-2021 | Ajay Vikram Singh | Sensitizing Fuel Oxidizer Diluents Mixtures For Detonation Cycle Engines | |
45 | 28-12-2021 | ASHOKE DE | Investigation Of Spray Characteristics At Elevated Temperature And Pressure Under Swirling Cross Flow | |
46 | 31-12-2021 | Dipak Kumar Giri | Air-Bearing Based Table-Top Attitude Determination And Control System Simulator For Small Satellites: Designm Fabrication And Analysis | |
47 | 31-12-2021 | Rajesh Ranjan | Computational Investigation Of Flow Over Low-Drag Turobrop Wings In Tractor Configuration | |
48 | 31-12-2021 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Design Optimization, Prototype Development And Wind Tunnel Testing Of A Foldable Tandem Wing Uav | |
49 | 11-02-2022 | Vaibhav Kumar Arghode | Meaurement Of Species Concentration And Temperature Using Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy (Cars) In Combustors | |
50 | 25-02-2022 | DEBOPAM DAS | Investigation Of Insect Flight In Turbulent And Gusty Conditions | |
51 | 10-03-2022 | G. M. Kamath | Study On Ttc/Ttl Beyond 40 Years Of An-32 Aircraft | |
52 | 01-04-2021 | ALAKESH CHANDRA MANDAL | Wind Tunnel Study For Existing Chimneys Of Rourkela Steel Plant Hot Strip Mill Project | |
53 | 01-04-2021 | KAMAL PODDAR | Wind Tunnel Study Of 15m High Rc Wet Chimney With Steel Flue For Wet Fgd System Package For 1x500mw Btps-A Bokaro Jharkhand (Reissuance For New Conf Of Chimney Shell) | |
54 | 17-06-2021 | Sanjay Kumar | Wind Tunnel Study For 250m High Rcc Chimney Of Fgd Project For 4x210mw & 2x250mw Mejia Tps Fgd Project | |
55 | 19-06-2021 | Pritam Chakraborty | Physics Based Process Modeling Of Hot Isostatic Pressing (Hip): Influence Of Hydrostatic Pressure And Temperature On Consolidation/Density Distribution | |
56 | 25-07-2021 | ABHISHEK . | Analysis Of Shock And Vibration Experienced During Crash Landing Of P-68 Observer-Ii Aircraft | |
57 | 01-08-2021 | A K GHOSH | Flight Lab Training Program For Private Engineering Colleges | |
58 | 02-08-2021 | ABHISHEK . | Uav Testing At IIT Kanpur | |
59 | 10-11-2021 | KAMAL PODDAR | Wind Tunnel Testing Of 20-Sided High Mast Standard | |
60 | 13-01-2022 | SANJAY MITTAL | Cfd Simulation Of Ram Air Parachute With Reflex Airfoil & Elliptical Planform | |
61 | 09-02-2022 | SANJAY MITTAL | Wind Tunnel Aero Dynamic Model Study For Proposed Wet Stacks For Wlpgd Projects At Budge Budge Generating Station (Bbgs) | |
62 | 24-03-2022 | SANJAY MITTAL | Services Of Parametric Aerodynamic Simulation Studies By Wind Tunnel Test And Computational Fluid Dyanamics For P15b Ships | |
63 | 31-03-2022 | ALAKESH CHANDRA MANDAL | Wind Tunnel Model Design, Fabrication & Testing Of Unmanned Figher Aircraft | |
64 | 01-12-2021 | Subrahmanyam Saderla | Reconfigurable Control Of Fixed Wing High Speed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (2020446) (Special Grant) | |
65 | 20-09-2021 | Arun Kumar Perumal | Acoustic Studio On Jet (Special Grant) | |
66 | 18-06-2021 | Vaibhav Kumar Arghode | Serb-OVDF |
List of Patents
Sr. No. | Inventors | Title | IPA No. | Filing Date | Grant No. |
1 | Dr. Kunal Ghosh (AE) | A Device for Extracting Power from to-and-fro Wind | 2673/DEL/1996 | 02.12.1996 | 212643 |
2 | Dr. Abhijit Kushari (AE) Mr. Mahindra Singh Rawat (AE) | A Twin- Fluid Internally Mixed Swirl Atomizer | 180/DEL/2004 | 09.02.2004 | 262457 |
3 | Dr. D. P. Mishra, AE | An Improved Tandoor | 1292/DEL/2004 | 14.07.2004 | 251576 |
4 | Dr. Kunal Ghosh (AE) | A Wind Turbine Device | 570/DEL/2005 | 16.03.2005 | 265417 |
5 | Dr. Kamal K Kar (ME), Dr. Prashant Kumar (ME), Dr. N. G. R. Iyengar (AE), Mr. Prahbat Kumar (MME) | Carbon Nanotube and Nanoparticle Coated Carbon Fiber Reinforced-polymer Hybrid Nanocomposite with Improved Thermomechanical Properties and a Process for Preparation Thereof | 1813/DEL/2005 | 14.07.2005 | 258293 |
6 | Dr. D. P. Mishra, AE & Mr. S. C Nayak | Recuperative Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Vortex Burner System | 3197/DEL/2005 | 29.11.2005 | 269392 |
7 | Dr. Abhijit Kushari, AE, Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Sr. Pro. Asso (AE), Dr. C. Venkatesan, AE & Dr. C. S. Upadhyay, AE | Drile Measurement Machine | 1656/DEL/2007 | 03.08.2007 | |
8 | Dr. C. Venkatesan, AE, Dr. A. Kushari AE and Dr. C. S. Upadhyay, AE , Mr. Sanjeev Kr. Gupta, Sr. Pro. Asso, AE |
Piston Based Resistor | 1886/DEL/2007 | 06.09.2007 | 306832 |
9 | Dr. C. Venkatesan, AE, Dr. A. Kushari, AE, Dr. C. S. Upadhyay, AE & Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta, Sr. Pro. Asso. , AE | Estimation of Inertia Tensor and Centre of Gravity of a Vehicle on the Three Axes Platform | 2365/DEL/2007 | 13.11.2007 | |
10 | Dr. D. P. Mishra, AE, Mr. S. Y. Jejurkar, Doctoral student, AE | A Heat Recurperating Microcombustor | 2257/DEL/2009 | 03.11.2009 | |
11 | Dr. D P Mishra, AE | Low Emission and Energy Efficient CNG Burner | 2347/DEL/2009 | 13.11.2009 | |
12 | Dr. Kunal Ghosh, AE | Device for Power Control and Storm Security for Savonius Wind Turbine | 1217/DEL/2010 | 26.05.2010 | |
13 | Dr. Kunal Ghosh, AE | A Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine for Augmenting Torque | 212/DEL/2011 | 31.01.2011 | 330293 |
14 | Dr. Abhijit Kushari, (AE), Mr. Mukul Atri, Student , Mr. Sriram Ganesan, Student | An Arrangement for Jet Engine to Reduce Noise | 3603/DEL/2011 | 12.12.2011 | |
15 | Dr. D P Mishra (AE), Ms. Manisha B Padwal | Two- Fluid Atomizer | 1551/DEL/2013 | 23.05.2013 | |
16 | Dr. D P Mishra (AE) | Hydrogen Gas Burner and Method of Combustion in Hydrogen Gas Burner | 2545/DEL/2013 | 28.08.2013 | |
17 | Dr. Debopam Das (AE) and Mr. Joydeep Bhowmik (PhD Student) | Ornithopter | 59/DEL/2015 | 07.01.2015 | |
18 | Mr. Tigmanshu Goyal , Mr. David Kumar, Mr. Shyam Kumar Vemuri, Dr. P M Mohite, Dr. Sudhir Kamle (AE) | Independently Controlled Gull Inspired Bionic Flapping Wing Mechnanism for UAVs | 509/DEL/2015 | 23.02.2015 | |
19 | Dr. Abhishek (AE), Mr. Palash Jain (Student) and Kirti Bhatnagar (Student) | High Efficiency Variable-pitch Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) | 904/DEL/2015 | 31.03.2015 | |
20 | Mr. Chandrala Lakshmana Dora, Mr. Kuchimanchi K Bharadwaj and Dr. Debopam Das (AE) | A System for Particle Generator in PIV Applications | 4130/DEL/2015 | 16.12.2015 | |
21 | Dr. Abhishek (Asst Dr. ), AE Dr. Mangal Kothari (Asst Dr. ), AE, Mr. Ramdas (PhD Student, AE) Ms. Nidhi sh Raj (PhD Student, AE) | High Endurance Quadrotor Helicopter | 4184/DEL/2015 | 19.12.2015 | |
22 | Dr. Sathesh Mariappan (AP, AE) Dr. Anand Singh (AP, Chm), Sai sandeep Dammati (AE, Student), Kuchimanchi K Bharadwaj (PhD Student, AE), Santosh D. Jadhav (Student, Chm) | Temperature Sensitive Paint for the Usage in Green Spectrum of Light | 201611001597 | 15.01.2016 | 324934 |
23 | Dr. Abhishek (AE), Dr. Abhijit Kushari (AE), Mr. Yonas Gebre (AE), Mr. Palash Jain (AE) | A Device for Power Control and Storm Protection for Wind Turbine | 201611003599 | 02.02.2016 | |
24 | Mr. Rishi Kant (ME), Dr. Shantanu Bhattacharya (ME), Mr. Abhijit Verma (AE), Mr. Naman Kumar Rawal (AE) | Micropump for Fluidic Applications | 201611005750 | 18.02.2016 | |
25 | Dr. Abhishek, AE, Dr. Mangal Kothari, AE, Ms. Namrata Gupta (Student, AE), Mr. Vishnu Chipade (Student, AE), Mr. Naveen Gupta (Student, AE), Mr. Rushikesh Chaudharu (Student, AE), Mr. Ranvijay Singh (Student, AE) |
A VTOL Unmanned Aerial Vehicle | 201611015384 | 03.05.2016 | |
26 | Mr. K Sri harsha, Civil Student ,Dr. Shivam tripathi (Asst Dr. , CE), Abhijeet Verma, Student AE, Sunil Nishad, Junior Technician, CE | Automated Interactive Multi-parameter Recorder and Water Sampler | 201611019268 | 03.06.2016 | |
27 | Dr. Debopam Das (AE), Mr. Gaurav Seth (Student, AE), Mr. Joydeep Bhowmik (PhD Student, AE) | A Foldable Wing Design of an Improved Flapping Wing Aerial Vehicle | 201611038098 | 08.11.2016 | |
28 | Dr. Abhishek (AE), Mr. Rahul R (PhD Student, AE) | Coaxial Rotor System with Asymmetric Rotor Arrangement and Method Thereof | 201711013049 | 11.04.2017 | |
29 | Mr. Vishvendra Rustagi (Student, AE), Dr. Anindya Chatterjee (ME), Dr. Mangal Kothari (AE) | Angular Momentum Device for Stabilization and Control for Tailless Aircraft | 201711017649 | 19.05.2017 | |
30 | Dr. Abhishek (AE), Mr. R. Rama Krishna (B. tec Student), Mr. Sourav Sinha (B. Tech Student), Mr. Joydeep Bhowmick (PhD Student, AE), Dr.Debopam Das (AE), Dr. Mangal Kothari (AE) | Quadrotor Convertiplane Air Vehicle | 201711020832 | 14.06.2017 | |
31 | Dr. Abhishek (AE), Mr. Rajat Tripathi (Student, AE), Mr. M. Rama Krishna (Student, AE), Mr. Sourav Sinha (Student, AE) | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System having Vertical Takeoff, Vertical Landing, and Hovering Flight Capabilities | 201711021886 | 22.06.2017 | |
32 | Mr. Jay Patrikar (Student, AE), Mr. M. Rama Krishna (Student, AE), Mr. Chirag Jha (Student, AE), Mr. Rachit Agarwal (Student, AE), Dr. A. K . Ghosh (AE) | A Portable Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Method Thereof | 201711029820 | 23.08.2017 | |
33 | Mr. Santosh Pramanik (JTS, 4i Lab), Mr. Afraz Khan (Alumni, AE), Mr. Ravi Pandey (REO, IPR Cell) | A Flow Cell and Method Thereof for Optical Measurement of Micro/nano Structure | 201811029094 | 02.08.2018 | |
34 | Dr. Joydeep Bhowmik (AE), Dr. Debopam Das (AE) | Novel Spring Induced Ornithopter Wing Design with a Bent Bar | 314953-001 | 19.02.2019 | Design |
35 | Dr. Abhijit Kushari (AE), Mr. M. C. Keerthi (PhD Student, AE) | A Traverse System and Method Thereof | 201911009661 | 13.03.2019 | |
36 | Dr. Joydeep Bhowmik (AE), Dr. Debopam Das (AE) | A Spring Induced Ornithopter Wing Design | 201911016240 | 24.04.2019 | |
37 | Dr. Abhijit Kushari (AE), Dr. C. S. Upadhyay (AE), Mr. Rajat Arora (PhD Student, AE), Mr. Chandra Sekar T. (PhD Student, AE), Mr. Keerthi M. C. (PhD Student, AE), Mr. Ramraj H. Sundararaj (PhD Student, AE) |
Force Measurement Arrangement | 201911022443 | 06.06.2019 | |
38 | Mr. Avisor Bhattacharya (PEO, IITK), Mr. Prabhat Kumar Rai (PhD Student, MSE), Ms. Neetu (PhD Student, MSE), Dr. Kallol Mondal (MSE), Dr. Sandeep Sanghal (MSE), Dr. Shashank Shekhar (MSE), Dr. Chandra Shekhar Upadhyay (AE), Mr. Shubhendu Garg (Student, MSE), Dr. Sankaran S. (IIT Madras), Dr. Bhattacharya Somnath (IIT Madras), Dr. Chandan Srivastava (IISc Bangalore), Dr. Satyam Suwas (IISc Bangalore) |
High Strength Steel Composition and Method Thereof | 201911030090 | 25.07.2019 | |
39 | Mr. Tushar Goswamy (Student, AE), Mr. Priyanshu Gupta (Student, CSE), Mr. Himanshu Kumar (PhD Student, EE), Dr. K. S. Venkatesh (EE) | A System and Method for Detection of Keystroke using Defocus | 201911044242 | 31.10.2019 | |
40 | Mr. Naveen Balaji N (B. Tech Student, AE), Dr. Mangal Kothari (AE), Dr. Abhishek (AE) | System and Method for Estimation of Yaw Angle for Mobile Objects | 201911048789 | 28.11.2019 | |
41 | Dr. Debi Prasad Mishra (AE), Mr. Vishnu Hariharan (Research Scholar, AE) | Low Nox Fuel Port Array Burner for Emission Control | 201911052615 | 18.12.2019 | |
42 | Mr. Vijay Shankar Dwivedi (Student, AE), Dr. A. K. Ghosh (AE), Dr. G. M. Kamath (AE) | A Novel Control Surface “Auxiron” to Optimize Solar Power Collection of Solar Aircraft | 201911054467 | 30.12.2019 | |
43 | Dr. Vaibhav Arghode (AE) | A Peripheral Vortex Reverse Flow Combustor with Coaxial Fuel Injection (PVRF-COAX) And Method Thereof | 202011004332 | 31.01.2020 | |
44 | Ms. Kiranjit Das Dalal (Student, EE), Dr. Abhishek (AE), Dr. K. S. Venkatesh (EE) | Real-time Spherical Omnidirectional Visual Gyroscope | 202011057504 | 31.12.2020 |
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Welcome Message
The Aerospace Engineering Department is more than 40 years old. Till 1991, it was known as Aeronautical Engineering Department. The name change was accompanied by addition of topics relating to spacecraft in the UG curriculum; some members of the faculty had been conducting research and guiding PG students in this area even before the formal alteration of the name in 1991. In matters of teaching, research & development, the department has always tried to strike a balance between hardware development and experiments on one hand...
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Prof. G. M. Kamath
Head, Department of Aerospace Engineering