The Distinguished Alumnus Award (DAA), started in 1989, is the highest award given by IIT Kanpur to its alumni in recognition of their outstanding achievements. Every year, the institute works with its alumni to honour individuals who have made a mark in their respective fields of expertise. They are selected for the award based on specific meritorious services on behalf of the quality and advancement of IITK, distinguished accomplishments in business and professional life and/or distinguished human service in community affairs.
Nominations can be made for outstanding achievements in various pursuits under the following categories:
The evaluation committee for the award, as approved by the board of governors of IIT Kanpur, comprises of:
(IPS Officer, DIG, Eastern Range Bhagalpur Bihar)
Satyendra K. Dubey Memorial Award (SDA), started in the year 2006, has been instituted by IIT Kanpur in the memory of its alumnus Mr. Satyendra K. Dubey (BT/CE/1994) who sacrificed his life while upholding the integrity and dignity of his profession. The SDA award is conferred every year along with the Distinguished Alumnus Awards.
Any alumnus of any IIT who has distinguished himself by displaying the highest professional integrity in upholding human values.
The evaluation committee for the award, as approved by the board of governors of IIT Kanpur, comprises of: