first service

Prof. R.N. Biswas Chair in Teaching Excellence

Prof. R. N. Biswas was born in 1939 and obtained his BSc degree with Physics Honours in 1957 from Presidency College, University of Calcutta. He pursued MSc. (Tech) from Institute of Radio Physics and Electronics, University of Calcutta in 1960. He completed his PhD in 1966 from University of California at Berkeley in Electronic Circuits. He joined llT Kanpur in 1967 as an Assistant Professor and he is one of the most respected, honoured, and idolized professors of the Institute.

second service

Prof. Baquer Mazhari

Prof. Baquer Mazhari, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kanpur has been awarded the chair with effect from 16th February 2022 for a period of 3 years.

About Prof. Baquer Mazhari

Baquer Mazhari is a professor in the department of electrical engineering at IIT Kanpur. He joined the department in the year 1993 shortly after receiving PhD degree from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. He received his masters from university of Maryland at college park and B.Tech in electronics from IIT Kharagpur in 1987.

His research and teaching interests span different aspects of microelectronics including semiconductor devices and analog/digital circuits. Since last two decade, his research has centered on organic and flexible electronics and helped in establishment of Samtel Centre for Display Technologies in the year 2000 and the National Centre for Flexible Electronics at IIT Kanpur in the year 2014. His research group has proposed several new organic Semiconductor devices and characterization tools and developed a new flexible thermometer and an anticounterfeiting technology. For his contributions to the field of teaching, he has received distinguished teacher award, Gopal Das Bhandari Memorial award, and excellence in teaching award by IIT Kanpur.

Dear Prof. Biswas

Hope this finds you in the best of health and active as ever. IIT Kanpur recently chose me as the first recipient of Prof. R.N. Biswas Faculty Chair in teaching excellence position created by your students as an appreciation for your many contributions including to the field of teaching and to encourage and recognize faculty for their effort in this direction. It is a great honor and privilege for me to accept this Chair position. IIT kanpur is well recognized for its commitment to excellence in teaching of which you are a great exemplar. I hope to interact with you and my colleagues at IITK to contribute to this legacy.

Warm regards

Baquer Mazhari
Professor, Dept. of EE
IIT Kanpur

A message of gratitude to former students and well wishers of Prof. R.N. Biswas

IIT Kanpur recently chose me as the first recipient of R.N. Biswas chair position created through your contributions in honor of Prof. Biswas for his many contributions including to the field of teaching and to encourage and recognize faculty for their effort in this direction. IIT Kanpur is well recognized for its commitment to excellence in teaching and institution of this chair position will further help in this direction. I was hired by Prof. R.N Biswas while he was head of department of electrical engineering about 29 years back. Although he left shortly to join CEERI Pilani as a director, I had a chance to interact with him on several occasions and we also recorded a video course together on introduction to electronics. Although I never attended his classes, I could see first hand a master at work during those recording sessions. Even though I was the only audience in the studio, his enthusiasm while explain the concepts was remarkable.

Warm regards

Baquer mazhari
Professor, dept. of EE
IIT Kanpur